Re: Computone Powerrack

Joe Bissot ( )
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 08:37:51 -0800

I'm using radius and the power rack without any problems. What firmware are
you running in the power rack? Can you post a sample of your users file?

At 11:26 PM 4/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
> wrote:
>> Anyone using Radius and Computone Power-Rack?? We just acquired one of
these and are having a few problems. It will talk to radius and get all
the information, but when I dial in, give my username and password it just
spits out the local and remote IP adress and sits there...
>> Josh Perry
>I also am having problems. When trying to log into the NAS, RadiusNT
>does nothing? everything seems to be in order on the NAS? Auth and
>accounting are pointing to the correct server, etc.. Text or ODBC seem
>to have no effect, When RadiusNT starts, it seems to be fine.
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