
David Harris ( )
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 01:11:41 -0600

At 08:16 PM 3/23/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I understand your pain WRT spam, but the problem is *not* a bug, it's
>adherence to the spec that defines how our product interoperates across the
>Internet. And *any* mailserver that conforms to the IETF spec is
>susceptible to being used as a spam relay.
>What we're working on is a workaround to the problem, one that doesn't
>corrupt the spec we must adhere to.
>Lee Levitt, Director, Business Development
> - The Internet Infrastructure Company (tm)
>Publishers of Post.Office and InterMail
>91 Hartwell Avenue
>Lexington, MA 02173
>Phone: 617-274-7000 x 229 Fax: 617-674-1080
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> NTISP Mailing List
We all understand the dificult position you and your company have been
placed in. But give it a rest, if you want to fight with your own
customers, start your own list... Your a BIG company... you can afford
it... give those of us with no desire to try a Buggy product a break, it
doesn't matter what the price is, you have lost any "Blue Sky" You had,
even here, where at one time they sang your praise's.

David Harris
Operations Manager
StarNet OnLine Systems