Re: Reports in 2.1.8

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 23:09:52 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Sam Akhtar wrote:

> Just getting around to taking a look at some of the reports we
> downloaded... Taking a look at the call summary one we tried to view it
> and it came up with Unable to connect: incorrect logon paramters...
> Is this one of those reports where we have to go in and modify after
> the fact under something like CR...?

It could be one of the ones which pointed to the Emerald2 database,
rather than the Emerald or just no database at all. If you have
CR, just look at the Database, SQL and see if Emerald2 is in

I just looked at call_sum.rpt and it does look for a Database
called Emerald, not Emerald2.

Also, make sure you have the Emerald ODBC DSN confgiured which
points to your Emerald database, as well.
