RE: Billing question

Erik Lundby ( (no email) )
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 10:04:09 -0600

I have a PPP, PPPx2, PPPx3, etc. all as different services. The charges =
are PPP - $20, PPPx2 - $40 ect. Then Allow users who purchase PPP x 2 =
to have two concurrent sessions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Hillman []
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 1997 9:39 AM
Subject: Billing question

Are there any ways for Emerald to tack on an extra charge per billing =
for the ability have concurrent logins?
For example, a customer (business) wants to have the ability to have
his/her employees dialup from work (up to 3 concurrent connections using
the same login/password). On the technical end, this works just fine, =
how does the billing get affected? Is there some formula built into the
Emerald billing process that takes into account the Login Limit number?=20
Normally, a PPP account is $19.95/month, but if the account is allowed =
login multiple times (say 3 times), then the amount should be $19.95 for
the 1, then each of the other 2 should be $19.95 (or some discounted =
per month.

Are there any solutions to this?? Am I going to have to create some =
ServiceType (with no login abilities) just to account for the extra

Thanks for any help,

Josh Hillman

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