Re: SQL Error

Danny Calamaro ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 20:16:17 +0100

I checked the region setting and changed the setting on the PC running SQL
server. I've deleted the database and created a new one, but I still get
the same error. The actual Emerald error is..

INSERT MasterAccounts(ReferredBy, FirstName, LastName, Company, Address1,
Address2, City, State, Zip, PhoneHome, PhoneWork, PhoneFax, SalesPerson,
Region, CreateDate, StartDate, maExpireDate, Extension, Active, PayPeriod,
PayMethod, PayInfo, PaidThru, LastReceived, PONumber, PrePaid,
CreditCardNumber, CreditCardExpire, CreditCardAuth, CreditCardAutoBill,
Comments, LastModifyDate, LastModifyUser, Balance, OverDue, SendMethod,
GroupID) VALUES('','Danny', 'Calamaro','GibNet Ltd', 'What ever','The
Same', 'Gib','gi', 'Gib','12345', '','', '','MyTown',
'05/03/97','05/03/97', '19/03/97',0, 1,'Annually', ' Invoice','',
'05/03/97','05/03/97', '','', '','', '',0, '','05/03/97 20:08:44', 'sa',0,
0, 0, 1)

When I create the database I don't configure anything, is this ok. I want
to make sure it works before starting configuring anything.

> From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: SQL Error
> Date: 05 March 1997 19:38
> Danny Calamaro wrote:
> >
> > I've installed SQL server 6.5 and Emerald. But cannot seem to add a
user. I
> > get SQL server error, then an Emerald error something like INSERT
> > MasterAccouts................... It looks like all the fields in the
> > I have tried to check the DataBase with Emerald Admin but also gives
> > saying in eg. Table groups does not have the correct number of fields,
> > error for invoices, Radattributes, RadValues, ScriptMaps, Scripts, and
> > others.
> Check your date formats between SQL Server and the machine you
> are running Emerald on. The Regional Settings must be the same.
> --
> Dale E. Reed Jr. (
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