Re: [Emerald] Permanent Connections and logging

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 22:15:20 -0700

> The Webtel Webmaster wrote:
> We have various permanent connections where we bill for data usage via
> the call logs. Unfortunately the logs are very sparatic as the user
> stays connected for days at a time, and almost always, the user will
> stay logged on during the end of their aniversary month and into their
> new aniversary month, so the accuracy of their megabyte billing is
> very poor.
> Aside from setting a timeout that logs them off say every 24 hours, is
> there any way we can get radius to write accounting entries into the
> calls table on a frequent basis such as every 4 hours without logging
> them off. This will then allow them to see their usage patterns in a
> more detailed pattern.

RadiusNT supports the Interim Accounting Update packet. If your NAS
also supports Interim accounting updates, then you should be able to
do this. RadiusNT itself has no way of initiating or getting data
from the NAS. It can only listen to what the NAS sends and respond
to it.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT/X__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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