Re: [NTISP] Need a PING Utility

Barry Buchholz ( )
Fri, 07 Jan 2000 10:37:31 -0500

We use servers alive.....

At 08:28 PM 01/06/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Anybody have a suggestion for a ping utility, commercial or otherwise, that
>can ping multiple IP addresses to see if there's life?
>It would be nice to also be able to do a traceroute on multiple IPs too.
>ping 216.198.24.x
>ping 63.160.242.x
>ping 144.221.232.x
> and
>traceroute 216.198.24.x
>traceroute 63.160.242.x
>traceroute 144.221.232.x
>I really need such a utility right now, migrating from one ISP to another
>and it's really confusing trying to figure out where the breakpoint failures
>are occuring.
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