[Emerald] No Calls-on-line info

Randy Martin ( IEAEmerald@austintx.net )
Sat, 04 Mar 2000 23:10:24 -0600

I'm a recent Emerald user, and I have a test user setup that we are testing
our configuration with. I'm using an Ascend MAX 4000, RadiusNT 3.0, Emerald
2.5.329. I'm able to dial-in and authenticate with my test user, however no
information ever shows up in the "Online" display. When I disconnect and
display that particular user's "Time On", every call shows up with the
correct information.

I've looked at the RADIUS configuration in EmerAdmin and on the MAX 4000
until I'm blue in the face! Can anyone shed some light on this problem?



Randy Martin
Austin Internet

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