Re: [Emerald] Help with Unique login per Billing Groups

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:53:49 -0800

Barry Kiesz wrote:
> Got a problem..
> We currently have some our affinity groups setup under different Billing
> groups. Each Affinity group has their own unique e-mail domain. Each
> Billing group has to have unique logins for their billing group or else the
> e-mail won't work (Duh!!). But, other billing groups can "re-use" that
> login name (pointing to a another virtual e-mail server). What we are
> finding is that WITH the "unique logins" enabled under the
> EmerAdmin-->billing groups, we are able to enter 2 of the same usernames
> (IE: 2 users name "bob" in the same billing group).
> Someone please help us!

I've tried to duplicate this and can not. Whenever I define a group
with Unique logins, it will only let me add a username in that
group once? The only scenario I could think of was if you have two
groups, both with unique logins set, pointing to the same domain, then
you could get a duplicate email, but Emerald was not designed for
unique logins to work that way.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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