Re: [Emerald] IMail 6.0

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 09:47:41 -0800

Danny Sinang wrote:
> 9. Open Emerald Admin
> 10. Click on the "General" button
> 11. Add a new External System
> 12. In Ext. name, enter "IMail"
> 13. Choose Standard/Export

Actually, choose "EmerAuth" as the type, since thats what it is. :)

> 22. Click on the "Services" folder tab
> 23. Click on the Email service
> 24. Select "IMail" from the External System pulldown menu
> 25. Click on Save

You actually need to associate ALL services that will be linked to
IMail this way. IE, PPP, ISDN, etc. If the service doesn't have
the IMail ES picked for it, users of that type will not get email.

> 31. Enter the "sa" as Username
> 32. Enter the sa password in Password
> 33. Enter the sa password again in the Verify field

I prefer to create a user named imail, and put them into the EmerApps
group. This limits what the imail user can do, and also allows you
to better track WHO is doing what on our SQL Server (rather than a
bunch of sa accounts, you have several users like RadiusNT, IMail, etc
and can track problems).


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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