Re: [Emerald] ExternalTrans.ProcDate = 1/1/1900

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 18:02:06 -0500

> Josh Hillman wrote:
> > Why would ExternalTrans.ProcDate = 1/1/1900 for all records in that table
> > (except for one NULL record)?
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
> Can you send me the first three transactions from the PC authorize
> file? Looks like something isn't processing the date correctly.

Emerald --> PC Authorize (batch-out.txt):
"273",4321432143214321,"1101","Someone Else","2007",32303,99.72,2115,25006,
"274",5123123412341234,"0401","John Doe","1592",32346,19.95,1696,25354,
"275",4123123412341234,"0400","Bob Smith","822",32303,19.95,1975,25594,

PC Authorize --> Emerald (batch-in.txt):
273,2115," DECLINE ",ND,25006,99.72,
274,1696,"EXACT MATCH ",AA,25354,19.95,
275,1975," DECLINE ",ND,25594,19.95,

ExternalTrans data (word-wrapped at 132 columns):
TransID InvoiceID TransType ReqDate ProcDate Amount PaymentID ApproveCode Response PS2000
------- --------- --------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------- ----------
273 25006 3 2000-02-07 17:28:00 1900-01-01 00:00:00 99.7200 NULL ND DECLINE ND 2000-02-07
274 25354 4 2000-02-07 17:28:00 1900-01-01 00:00:00 19.9500 22387 Authorized AA 2000-02-07
275 25594 3 2000-02-07 17:28:00 1900-01-01 00:00:00 19.9500 NULL ND DECLINE ND 2000-02-07

PC Authorize Import filter info (Emerald --> PC Authorize):
"Import Order":
Description Line1
Account Number
Expiration Date
Address Ver Address
Address Ver Zip
Amount, Total
Customer ID
Invoice Number

PC Authorize Export filter info (PC Authorize --> Emerald):
Description Line1
Customer ID
Response Text
Status, Transaction
Invoice Number
Amount, Total

For more information about this list (including removal) go to: