Re: [Emerald] BIG PROBLEM

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 03 Jan 2000 09:16:58 -0800

Brad Facer wrote:
> are you adding the extension to the masteraccount or the indiv. subaccounts?
> we've run across this before where the MA extension was 0, the SA extension
> was 5, and the MA took precendence, causing a 0 extension.

Actually, the MA extension extens the MasterAccounts ExpireDate, and
the SA extension extends the SubAccounts expireDate. If the SA
ExpireDate is NOT NULL, then it will take precedence over the MA
ExpireDate. In no situation is the MA extension used on the SA
ExpireDate or vice versa.

We have ran into situatoins where people put in an sa ExpireDate, which
will cause the above problem, since the MA expiredate/extension is
not used. In the latest Emerald, you can enable viewing of the
sa ExpireDate in the admin. I do *NOT* recommend this, as you should
not be using the sa ExpireDate fields at all.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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