RE: [Emerald] slow transfers when using Serv-U FTP and EmerAuth

Peter Deacon ( )
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:19:25 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Bernard Andrys wrote:

> We have run into this just doing a 'ls' command when logged into the ftp
> account. The file list scrolls quickly, but then there is a very long pause
> before it shows the disk used/quota. I'm not sure if the delay is in the
> sql query of the quota on the sql server or just serve-u.

You can turn off quota checking by changing 'size limit' in the FTP
client configuration tab of Emerald Administrator to 0. The long pause is
servu calculating disk quotas by totaling up all files in the users
directory tree :( A later version will be better about having to do it
less often.


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