From: "Bill Kaylor, SQL Server Administrator" <> Subject: RE: [RadiusNT] Redirecting Inactive Customers Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 16:51:00 -0400 Message-ID: <018801c3465b$ce0750a0$>
That is exactly what I'm trying to do, could you give me a little more
specific info on how you did this....I'm in a bit over my head....
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: [RadiusNT] Redirecting Inactive Customers
I'm guessing that you are handing out IP's from the NAS
device since you asked how to do it from SQL. If that is
the case, in my opinion it's much easier to add another
pool of addresses that are something like 192.168.1.x and
provide a different DNS server for those addresses.
This is all easily accomplished in RadiusNT. I personally
made another RadATConfig and when a deadbeat user doesn't
pay, move their account type to that.
Then when they log in, they get a bogus IP, and the only
thing the DNS server resolves is the same IP for any query.
That IP, is a web server directing them to pay their bill.
15 ways to skin the cat, just depends on what works for you.
-- David A. Niblett | email: Network Administrator | Phone: (352) 334-3400 Gainesville Regional Utilities | Web: Message----- From: Dale E. Reed Jr. [] Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 3:01 PM To: Subject: RE: [RadiusNT] Redirecting Inactive Customers
> Can anyone offer any assistance on how to use radiusnt/sql7 to hand > off ip's. The radius docs are quite limited in the discussion of ip > pools.
There are three tables you have to add entries to:
ServerGroups - Create A ServerGroup and one or more Servers with that ServerGroupID
RadIPGroups - Create a RadIPGroup and one or more RadIPAddresses with that RadIPGroupID
RadIPAccountTypes - This table ties ServerGroups, RadIPGroups and AccountTypes together. You need any entry in for atleast each ServerGroup. You can least AccountTypeID and RadIPGroupID NULL to cover all AccountTypes/IPGroups or any combination.
If you are not familar with SQL Server, I'd recommend looking at Emerald Express. It has a full web front for managing all the User and RADIUS database information and we offer upgraded from RADIUS to Emerald Express. Please contact our sales group for more information on Emerald Express.
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