From: "Network Operations" <> Subject: [Emerald] Radius 2.5 Connect-Info Question Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 16:24:34 -0500 Message-ID: <025201c285da$e74f3dd0$42056043@jtroheroffice>
I have never gotten Connect-Info to work properly and
cannot find anything that helps in the archives.
When in debuging view I see the response from my modem pool
(Total control HiperArc) listed as Connect-Info = 53333 for
example. Yet in the SQL insert statement the value 34 is
written to the serverports table.
Naturally in the Online view, the 33 is displayed.
So, how do I get the 53333 translation of 34 written to the
The Connect-Info Attribute exists:
type integer
name 3com/USR
Type 36899
and the attribute values exist, I believe I had to add these
to get as far as I am now.