***************************************************************** Emerald change history for versions 6.x (All Platforms) ***************************************************************** Modified: 1/10/2025 Copyright (c) 1996-2025 IEA Software, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. This file contains important, late-breaking information about changes made within Emerald. We recommend that you read this file and keep a copy with your Emerald documentation. ---------------------------------------------- CHANGES.TXT CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------- . KNOWN PROBLEMS . RELEASE CHANGES ---------------------------------------------- KNOWN PROBLEMS ---------------------------------------------- * None at this time ---------------------------------------------- RELEASE CHANGES ---------------------------------------------- Emerald 6.0.76 - 1/10/2025 -- * Added improved emerweb function parsing, variable binding and indexing * Added service, market tag and inventory RADIUS attributes can be assigned to parent service * Added request abort should lockout further changes to existing transactions and delay rollback until completion * Added reset scheduler maintenance timers when system clock moves back in time * Added reduce overhead and add additional monthly intervals to 'Expired MBR Auto Close' scheduled task * Added rows_include and norows_include parameters to 'if' emerweb function * Added unused include function should be removed from line parser * Fixed prevent passed session cookies from satisfying CSRF requirement to improve security of client certificate authenticated sessions * Fixed assigned role selection list when adding incidents should be filtered by access label and role access labels should not be enforced for actions * Fixed aging report should wait for operator input before initially displaying results * Fixed check database scheduled task should include summary of results in completed task history * Fixed newline characters should not be added between blocks of lines exceeding 8k in length from buffer sources processing emerweb templates * Fixed failure to allocate function parameter buffer does not correctly call abort emerweb function * Fixed resource exhaustion parsing query emerweb function should abort request * Fixed emernet service stops while processing flow records and all flow processors are busy * Fixed emernet filter blank hosts from listing of allowed flow exporters Emerald 6.0.75 - 12/10/2024 -- * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added reduce contention managing references to cached queries * Added log warning if password or cookie decryption fail while logging on or resuming an operator session * Added disambiguate memory allocation failure error from operator cookie collision warnings * Added emerweb log spooler reduced locking delays and include message severity when writing to local log file * Added move active query cache maintenance from log spooler to hrc and reduce processing interval from 6 hours to 15 minutes * Added web server log messages should include reason for enforcing request buffer limits and cause of new TLS session failures * Added partid and parts scheduler parameters to partition single large CC/EFT batchexport tasks into several smaller export tasks * Added logging system should recycle log file handle access based on time rather than call count and allow log file and syslog locations to be changed while active * Added switch web server to standard logging system * Added remove unused local license key check from scheduler * Added highlight and increase target area of file chooser when uploading attachments to make drag and drop operations easier * Added obtain new queries from connection pool to facilitate datasource failover during indefinite retry posting CC/EFT payment and writing notice actives * Added scheduler server registration on startup moved to registration stored procedure * Added limit scheduler execution time updating database with current task status and acquiring new task locks * Added enforce maximum runtime for all scheduler task types except ews, invoice, statement and qsync * Added attempt to filter and transliterate homoglyphs of destination mobile phone numbers from UTF-8 to Latin in SMS poller * Added inactivate completed one time tasks and index active state to reduce task management related database overhead * Added remove unused target runtime field from scheduler configuration UI * Fixed service monitor results message should not include ICMP related stats when no services are monitored via ICMP * Fixed prevent oscillations of server task locks for stale tasks between multiple active schedulers * Fixed function pointers should be stored with the lock object rather than globally when dynamically loading SRW on windows platform * Fixed default scheduler interval configuration should match defaults appearing in the scheduler configuration UI * Fixed web server aggregate request buffer limits should be enforced using requested rather than current length * Fixed use safer version of formatted output conversion for logging on Linux platform * Fixed improve synchronization of attempts to initialize worker pool when running Emerald under IIS Emerald 6.0.74 - 11/10/2024 -- * Added index creation date in master accounts and sub accounts tables to reduce overhead of new account notifications * Added PaymentType variable to failed batch transactions notice type to differentiate between CC and bank transactions * Added transaction variables to 'cash or check receipt' and 'approved batch transactions' notice types to support SMS notification * Added commission report parameter to select a commission group when running custom reports * Added invoice payment analysis to MBR level reports menu provides insight into invoicing, payment and balance history over time * Added session manager should load RADIUS values from database dictionary * Added remove unused reconfiguration feature from scheduler * Added scheduler should use standard function for joining pathnames when loading task libraries * Added billing engine debug levels can now be changed on each emerweb or scheduler call to the engine * Added broadband labels now visible for nonrecurring service within signup server and manage accounts area of customer center * Added discount types 'charge static amount' and 'charge percentage' to additional charges area of broadband labels * Added password datatype to configs and apply to SMTP Password field * Added replace scheduler task locking system * Added signal reconfig of any running scheduler instance when saving changes from the scheduler configuration server * Added notification system should check for task cancellation between each email notice sent * Added syslog server improve network related failure messages * Added layout improvements for RADIUS filter group UI * Fixed external hyperlinking via payment.ews documented in administrators guide returns file not found * Fixed query scheduled task should check all result sets for a description column and drain all remaining results * Fixed query parser should filter nulls from table variables to prevent truncating queries * Fixed session manager restarts when authorization change tracking enabled * Fixed syslog server should cancel logging attempt if there is insufficient resources to store message text in queue Emerald 6.0.73 - 9/10/2024 -- * Added operators are required to have read access to any incident type assigned access labels in order to view an incident * Added process notice query prior to sending notifications to reduce lock hold times and concurrent database connection usage * Added grouping of related regions and external reference field to regions * Added Tax ID and regional group to custom search fields and regional group to simple and MBR search * Added database row and log usage and on disk size information to database usage menu * Added IPAM should automatically remove unallocated inventory when address resources are no longer available due to exclusion or removal of corresponding address range from IP group * Added token to token CC detokenization method swaps an old set of tokens for a new set in addition to existing PAN backup cert and token to PAN methods * Added database usage menu should warn SQL express users when less than a gigabyte of row storage remains and recommend enabling compression * Added check for and remove external trans references to unprocessed invoices during log maintenance * Added accounting setting to automatically inactivate nonrecurring MBRs with services expired more than selected number of days * Added quick sync date and time format settings should also apply to execution of ews templates * Added completion percentages to status updates while notices are running and transport specific success stats * Added temporarily reduce max lockout lifetime while there are more than a million unique users in the lockout index * Added improve concurrency of operator session management by allowing concurrent session lookup * Added daily payments by group report to reports folder * Added while changing automatic payment settings from manage account area of customer center and both CC and EFT are available offer menu options to switch between CC and EFT * Added trans emerweb function failure should provide SQL state codes for local non-database failures * Fixed payment receipt report should display currency code when show currency code is enabled for reports * Fixed performance stats displays a query error when query store is supported but not enabled and no interval data available * Fixed previously sent new incident role assignment notice should be resent on change of role assignment * Fixed selection list options associated with blank option groups should be ungrouped * Fixed section emerweb function should abort current request on failure * Fixed theme folder length stored in operator session state should be limited to 50 rather than 32 bytes * Fixed responses related to service startup, proxy and global IP access failures should return corresponding http status codes * Fixed notice query upper range of non-numeric token checksums should be limited to 2^31-1 * Fixed missing error message when no notice configuration available Emerald 6.0.72 - 6/20/2024 -- * Added JSON output formats for quick reports and admin menu database query * Added including parameter format=json in Emerald API provides JSON formatted response * Added reduced overhead of session manager limit check procedure * Added allow setup fees to be applied when new services are created and opened in an inactive state * Added quick sync now accepts either JSON or XML formatted responses * Added httpget emerweb function raw response format should support binary data * Added row parameter to jsoninput emerweb function and httpget function using JSON response format * Added $. variable qualifier to output field length in bytes * Added import parser testing UI to advanced section of admin menu * Added flat parameter to jsoninput emerweb function to exclude immediate parent from object naming * Added jsonquery emerweb function to output query tables as an array of JSON objects * Added http client support for following redirect headers and increased size of response buffer * Added improved JSON parser error messages and add parent and key fields to tokenizer * Added literals should be aligned with database conventions while parsing JSON * Added cat emerweb function similar to npcat only with variable parsing enabled * Added replace JSON to query table formatter to output arrays as rows and improve hierarchical naming from parent objects * Fixed variable qualifier $; missing low range control character escapes * Fixed escaped JSON string values not unescaped prior to display * Fixed http client error buffer should be separate from response buffer Emerald 6.0.71 - 6/10/2024 -- * Added operators can now be prompted to change their passwords upon login * Added operator role level email field and suite of notices to message role when role assigned incidents are opened, updated or closed * Added applying changes from Emerald admin menu should also refresh any currently running backup servers * Added procedures CompressDB and DecompressDB to compress or decompress the Emerald database and display compression status within database usage menu * Added FCC broadband label management /w label and CSV download * Added view broadband label option to manage account area of customer center and account information section of signup server * Added label form fields throughout customer account center, signup server and login * Added send CustomerID when processing credit card transactions thru IP Pay * Added AssignedTo field to closed incident notification for customers * Added warn of Emerald version mismatches in daily error summary report and database current activity display * Added trim active files while loading trusted access * Added meta table validation rule for small integers * Added index incident last modify date * Added ERX VSA dictionary update * Added quick sync should pass login and password when calling ews templates * Added removed interface for discontinued FCC form 477 fixed broadband deployment * Added tag column to result set of $radlogin emerweb function and updated UI to show tag values in output of auth test from service level RADIUS menu * Added reduce query cache lock contention while reusing cached queries * Added automatically void transactions awaiting export for inactive MBRs after a few weeks * Added associative index support for 64-bit numeric keys and replace scan functions * Added work scheduler concurrency improvements preventing single reservation attempts from being blocked by other pending reservations * Fixed httpget should use JSON variable parsing rules by default when response type of JSON is used and missing support for $; and $~ qualifiers in request parameter * Fixed incident custom data fields of type configured display an error stating field name is required when incident custom data configuration saved * Fixed when removing an operator from the UI operator settings related dependencies should also be automatically cleared while attempting to delete the operator * Fixed performance stats should use weighted averaging to improve accuracy of data reported from query store * Fixed udpsend emerweb function failure messages should include failure cause * Fixed updating forms containing units of distance fails when the distance field is left blank regardless of field nullability * Fixed csv writer should allow field values containing delimiter only when quoted and prevent first character after delimiter from being a quote if field is not quoted * Fixed parameters with value 'null' passed to emerweb update function should be interpreted as null value rather than invalid data for nullable numeric columns Emerald 6.0.70 - 3/10/2024 -- * Added billing and service address first and last name fields can now be assigned as custom search result columns * Added reduce overhead of recording interim calls data for long lived sessions * Added reduced overhead monitoring SMS write queue, online list and service level calls reporting * Added query optimizations to reduce overhead and delays rendering most charting and incident related dashboard widgets * Added database server memory usage, status of RCSI and query store to database usage display * Added API action promo_add to assign promotional codes to MBRs * Added PII retention management to compliance menu of Emerald admin * Added switch to SRW for rw locking on Windows platform where available * Added increase infobar cache interval from two to three minutes * Added market tag match conditions 'service created before' and 'service created after' to activate tags based on initial service creation date * Added prorate exceptions for calculating daily cost as a 30th of monthly rate on contiguous daily periods of 28, 29 and 31 days which exactly span a billing month * Fixed API action incident_modify should not require incident type parameters to be sent * Fixed RADIUS authentication procedure treats child services as login as parent when service type configured to login as self * Fixed MBR count warning notice should use the same method as license manager to count active MBRs * Fixed file attachments not displayed within an incident while assigned to an event * Fixed log trimming setting for sensitive data should include address level tax, SSN and license numbers * Fixed input buffer lookup failures within database current activity display should be ignored rather than prevent display from rendering * Fixed use table level locking hints for adhoc queries globally to prevent possibility of statement failure altering isolation level within connection pool * Fixed ambiguity in handling of time calculations whose results fall in a time that does not occur due to transition to DST should be resolved globally by always moving ahead * Fixed replace precision formatter in query emerweb function to prevent some numeric values from appearing as 'n.' when 'n' expected * Fixed filenames should be trimmed before loading ews templates from filesystem Emerald 6.0.69 - 2/10/2024 -- * Added performance stats in database admin menu provides searchable metrics and historical charting of database operations via query store * Added service type option 'Schedule Cost Change' to apply new monthly service cost to billing periods on or after specified effective date * Added group rights setting 'Parent Service Closing' to manage whether it should be mandatory to close all child services when closing parent service * Added read only backup datasources can optionally offload read-only work such as searches, dashboards and reporting from primary databases * Added scheduled task configuration for automatic retry of failed tasks * Added ClosedBy variable to 'Customer closed incident' notice type * Added CoA session probe should evenly distribute a similar proportion of work with each minute * Added RADIUS authentication performance improvements to reduce database usage * Added avoid syslog source and type log trims already covered by global syslog trim days to improve trim performance * Added short term caching for dashboard widgets to improve display performance * Added MBR count warning notice should also report on count of remaining MBR licenses * Added start window of scheduled tasks with run interval based on start date changed from 60 seconds to scale automatically with interval * Added current license limit parameter licmbrs when running notice queries * Added license keys should also be refreshed when updating GBE configuration * Added improve informational MBR starting date calculation when MBR level timeline is empty * Added readquery and readcachequery emerweb functions to run queries which do not change any data * Added query emerweb function support for columns of type variant, datetimeoffset and native conversions for signed/unsigned 1 and 2 byte integer types * Fixed temporary extension does not default to setup expire grace when creating new MBRs via Emerald API * Fixed manual entry into datepicker fields fail when browser locale differs from operator date format and apply automatic century selection for two digit year * Fixed scheduled tasks with multiple concurrently running instances should keep local state to reliably log completion status * Fixed when adding new services initial active status should be retained after opening * Fixed error messages for queries which run successfully yet later fail while retrieving result set are not properly displayed Emerald 6.0.68 - 12/10/2023 -- * Added assigned inventory related custom operator search fields item state, product and serial number * Added notice type 'Incident action update for role assignees' notifying members of an incidents assigned role as actions are added to an incident * Added pay method and MBR market tag filters to new customer welcome notice * Added multiple file attachments can be selected for upload in a single operation * Added pay method and send method search fields to accounts simple search from. Not visible by default, field visibility location: Simple Search / Search Forms * Added scheduler reduced contention queuing task completion reports while no writable databases are accessible * Added binary fields referenced within update emerweb function support eval variable qualifiers * Added entropy of operator session cookies increased from 69 to 83 bits * Added scheduler should log warning rather than block if task cannot be executed due to concurrent task limit * Added filter ews file missing errors associated with unauthenticated sessions from database audit log * Added reduced overhead associated with IP and object access checking * Added minimize write lock hold times while refreshing object group permissions * Added static column binding support for varchar max datatypes and double maximum field length to 64k * Added scheduled tasks with intervals that are integer multiples of a day /w interval based on starting date now run on starting dates time of day regardless of relative dst status * Fixed resource exhaustion while processing multipart requests should result in request failure * Fixed scheduler enabling task debug logging should not call non-reentrant time functions * Fixed invalid status parameter when closing PAM session for Linux operator authentication * Fixed branch emerweb function should enforce nesting limits to prevent possible stack exhaustion * Fixed resource exhaustion while adding records to scheduler run list may cause memory leak * Fixed scheduler task configuration and status changes should be properly synchronized * Fixed Linux installer method of detecting systemd should be improved to better detect systems with systemd specific structures yet don't use systemd * Fixed secondary sorts for product category and sub category missing while listing inventory products Emerald 6.0.67 - 10/25/2023 -- * Added seven more colors to custom search field condition groups * Added custom operator search fields Card Number and Service Tag * Added availability of custom search fields may now be restricted via access labels from Emerald Admin / Advanced / Search Fields * Added $dynref.evalue and $dynref.pvalue available for reference by custom search fields allowing search of encrypted data * Added normalize billing group reference within MBR and service level forms throughout Emerald client * Added reduce access requirements for unassigning manual market tags from delete to modify as well as operator dashboards and calendars * Added audit log entry when unassigning manual MBR and service market tags * Added charges created as a result of discounts of type charge should themselves be evaluated by market engine * Added RADIUS update moved to standard maintenance set and ordered prior to custom_ms.sql * Fixed account statement report within MBR reports menu may display report header associated with global group defaults rather than MBR billing group * Fixed access labels should be enforced when running custom searches instead of only while custom search forms are configured * Fixed after removing fields from an operators custom search form any cached form configuration should be invalidated * Fixed change and default emerweb functions should fail when applied to cached queries referenced by floop instead of copy on write * Fixed discounts of type percentage charge and static charge should not be constrained to 100% of service amount * Fixed missing error handler removing inventory items from an operator cart * Fixed custom search security header should be loaded when updating fields within an operator custom search form instead of using the general security header * Fixed invalid group reference removed from access check within service level email alias and forwards configuration Emerald 6.0.66 - 9/25/2023 -- * Added replaced accounts menu custom data search with a custom search form builder operators can use to build search forms specific to their needs * Added PAM for operator authentication on the Linux platform * Added EFT batch processor support for the CIBC 80 byte file format * Added service restoration option to session manager disconnecting unauthorized sessions as service becomes available * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added notice type 'Customer closed incident (Customers)' alerting customers as incidents of a chosen type have been closed * Added notice type 'Incident contributing action update (Operators)' alerts operators previously involved with an incident yet not presently directly assigned of any new actions * Added MAC format filtering to calls trigger for sessions without Class attributes * Added systemd services supported on Linux platform in addition to init * Added organization name and organization level currency codes to vMasterAccounts view * Added failed notification attempts should be included with MBR history display * Added daily error summary warns about invoices and statements configured for email delivery not sent within two days * Added when 'customer payment on credit balance' setting is disabled within customer center payment options are also withheld while pending transactions are processing * Added pending balance field visibility setting to stock invoice report * Added transport usage selection added to FCC services allowing voice only lines to be disambiguated within fixed voice subscriptions reporting * Added informational channel width field to tower antenna configuration * Added role assignment information to the 'Addresses' listing within MBR menu * Added aging report billing group, phone and email fields can now be enabled via field visibility and corrected positioning of total columns in table footer when field visibility settings are changed * Added disconnect attribute netElastic reauthentication added to access server configuration * Added dbpool improve management of associative column binding * Added netElastic VSA dictionary update * Added redundant connection pooling features provided by the ODBC driver manager should be disabled * Added improved crypto and filesystem related error messages throughout the system * Added npcat emerweb function modified to automatically append new data to existing value if present * Added copy on write support for concat and npcat emerweb functions * Added remove next parameter and assign row parameter with variable processing to customize row delimiters of table emerweb function * Added while not recommended multiple comma separated email addresses may now be entered into a single email field * Added date datatype treated as timestamp rather than string in emerweb update function for purpose of change detection * Added reduced hold time of write locks while refreshing sections and security configuration * Added payment filter should be changed to also prevent creation of no cost payments * Added date datatype support when processing rating datasources from billing engine * Added web server thread startup can now be canceled much earlier if one or more workers have failed due to resource exhaustion * Added limit syslog entries and skip warning about failed authentications when the associated clients have active sessions to reduce volume of messages within the daily error summary report * Fixed manual operator EFT payments are not able to be applied from Emerald client * Fixed resource exhaustion while checking for authorization changes within session manager may cause a memory leak * Fixed use four places of precision when recording monthly service cost during invoicing to prevent rounding error when period cost display is enabled * Fixed scripts run from sql folder should consume any additional results before executing next statement batch * Fixed unused cobalt platform checks should be removed from license manager on Linux platform * Fixed update emerweb function's number normalizer improved to reduce chance of falsely detecting change * Fixed additional constraints on string to floating point conversions should be applied throughout the system to avoid improperly formatted data from being interpreted in unintended ways * Fixed redundant timestamp conversions should be removed from table emerweb function * Fixed operator incident action update notices may not be sent if the operator that created the action is not known * Fixed when paying for service during signup via prepaid card and transfer all available balance from prepaid card is enabled within signup server only invoiced amount is transferred from the card * Fixed geomatch emerweb function remove local query before calling local error handler to prevent a connection leak should the operation fail and the error handler starts a transaction * Fixed missing error message when CA public key can't be loaded while generating client certificate bundles * Fixed additional results if present should be consumed while executing queries from query emerweb function * Fixed crystal print program unable to read configuration with multiple read/write databases and improved error reporting of failures related to extracting ODBC settings and file I/O * Fixed windows installer does not automatically create tmp folder required for external report processing using crystal print program * Fixed default error handler for menu emerweb function was missing * Fixed report failure messages are displayed without normal styling when printing reports Emerald 6.0.65 - 4/10/2023 -- * Added field visibility setting to enable period cost column within service listing under Show MBR * Added file attachments and file management for incidents * Added improved localization of file upload form * Added fetch failure obtaining scoped identity should also attempt session fallback * Added cert management and RSA OAEP changes for compatibility with major revision of TLS support libraries * Added web server apply security level 2 when TLS below 1.2 is disabled * Added enforce access label restrictions when displaying listing of MBR assigned file attachments * Added reduce overhead of attachment listing and transaction result import procedures * Fixed unused incident apply type options should be removed from file category required uses configuration * Fixed default isolation level should be used when fetching quick sync actives Emerald 6.0.64 - 3/20/2023 -- * Added label based access controls for address, incident, MBR and service custom data fields * Added language translation import feature and increased string size from 255 to 4000 bytes * Added improved disambiguation of emerweb function and variable labels * Added actionid parameter support for check and filter emerweb functions * Added AccountTypeID column to vSubAccounts view * Added aging procedure used externally by custom reports modernized to align with current aging reporting * Added efficiency improvements generating batches of new statements and inactivating canceled accounts * Added metadata to enforce access label based row access permissions added to emerweb update function * Added licensed by rule to BDC technology codes * Added avoid redundant application DRI checking on dependencies that don't enforce billing group access restrictions * Added avoid unnecessary group lookups by including missing group hints in emerweb update function calls throughout the client * Added avoid unnecessary processing in change and default emerweb functions * Added maintenance tasks should avoid retaining execution plans * Added stock reports should support right to left presentation * Fixed RADIUS dynamic address assignment may not concurrently assign multiple addresses across supported address families * Fixed incorrect UI range validation and misleading custom ID range requirements when managing custom languages and translations * Fixed error messages related to ETI transaction management failures display an invalid query string * Fixed type failure error messages processing usage charges should report rate bill type rather than dbm type * Fixed filter emerweb function does not check for variable parser failure * Fixed emerweb load library failure message missing library name information * Fixed remove all connection dependent dbpool query functions to prevent failures associated with using queries having not yet reserved a connection * Fixed early failure within update emerweb function due to resource exhaustion may not call specified error handler * Fixed password complexity rules should not be enforced while generating prepaid card accounts from a chosen password sequence * Fixed adding fields to query tables with no rows should also include null fields for existing columns * Fixed failure to init read-write db connection group could be concealed by successful init of read only group * Fixed inactivating a tax exemption should also prevent the exemption from being considered in any taxes currently configured with the inactivated exemption Emerald 6.0.63 - 2/7/2023 -- * Added upgraded TDS and TLS support libraries used to provide Linux database access and HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added tag matching conditions can now be applied from manual tags and constrain solver to solutions where tags having no conditions are always matched regardless of tag type * Added standardize root folder for all unpackaged non-web template processing and allow subfolder access * Added restrict display of path information when reporting ews file access errors to operators who are global admins * Added when updating records associated with group defaults billing group use global group context instead of group defaults group * Added limit emerweb update function database record binding to parameter fields, metadata and nonbinary datatypes * Added quick sync state only option to catch up current state without transmitting sync requests * Added quick sync now able to call local ews templates by specifying local filename instead of external sync URLs * Added emerweb update function should include field descriptions in all metarule validation failure messages * Added improved logging of all emerweb database related failures * Added default error handlers to if and exec emerweb functions * Added service tag columns to SubAccounts view * Added tombstone explicitly terminated sessions shared across two or more Emerald server instances * Added start log spooler earlier to consolidate logging systems and limit messages to windows app event log to severity of error or higher during startup * Added query emerweb function option to bypass error handler and audit logging to support running queries normally expected to fail * Added check operator status while updating database stored session state to automatically close active sessions associated with inactivated operators * Added limit local session maintenance to at most once per minute on busy systems * Added general announcement notice type with flexible account filter and account status selections similar to bulk email as a notice * Added time restricted operators should not be automatically logged off when accessing Emerald outside of allowed hours, manual logoff option offered instead * Added default emerweb error handlers should provide textual response when processing templates in non-web context * Added viewing reports that cannot be displayed due to rendering failure should provide a failure cause to the operator * Added improved database backup device manager UI and prevent inaccessible devices from interfering with ability to manage devices * Fixed updating records using prefixed parameters from Variables query table should disallow GroupID field and prefer local parameters over imported values * Fixed emerweb update function parameter value 'null' for non-quoted datatypes fails to match null database values while filtering out unchanged columns * Fixed 'null' value in datetime parameter of emerweb update function causes conversion error instead of applying null value to database * Fixed emerweb update function fetch failures while retrieving database version of a record not explicitly handled * Fixed chart of first antenna displayed within tower path profile rendered incorrectly * Fixed handle leak initializing secure random source if integrated random cannot be generated during startup * Fixed non-web template processor assumes OID:1 when running custom ews requiring a valid operator reference * Fixed bulk email should consider service level cancellation and service level recurring status where applicable * Fixed operator session management should rely only on local clock instead of database time * Fixed event close date is not reset when reopening an existing event * Fixed query cache maintenance using wrong criteria to determine whether it's safe to remove cached data * Fixed services created in systems not licensed for billing features should default to non-expiring * Fixed integrated operator logoff warning should be displayed to operators using integrated authentication Emerald 6.0.62 - 1/10/2023 -- * Added rate variations within primary key of tax source rate file upload should be normalized to highest post versioned rate * Added reports can now be emailed from client, MBR and service reports menus * Added client operating system and ODBC driver versions to database information display * Added reduce query caching lock contention * Added info emerweb function to query hardware and software environment * Added tax rate import formats: SST, CSV /w column header, Avalara, US KS, WA, MN, VA and TX * Added legacy ODBC driver check added to daily error summary report * Added update emerweb function support for bigint datatypes * Added tax rate file upload support for matching CSV fields by header column label * Added win32 style atomic operations on Linux platform for operator session management * Added recover from rare signal loss by time limiting infinite condition waits on Linux platform * Added status server displays active sessions having pending async shutdown with a red background color * Added tax rate matching should grant 2nd address data field slightly higher priority than 1st address data field to ensure consistent outcomes * Fixed quick reports report should allow MBR and service level quick reports to run * Fixed clear stale geo synced address data prior to geo sync to ensure removal of any previous data fields inapplicable to new coordinates * Fixed default result limit not applied when no limit information available for accounts menu search forms and reports menu log search * Fixed missing default error handler for driftcheck emerweb function * Fixed tax rate upload statistics display number of queries run rather than actual number of taxes * Fixed resource exhaustion while duplicating a cached query for modification can cause AV * Fixed detection of empty string values fail when some non-Latin alphabets are used exclusively * Fixed csvinput emerweb function fails with column count mismatch error when last column position of a row is empty * Fixed theme matching by client IP uses peer address instead of requesting client address behind a forward proxy * Fixed nosniff header should also be sent for insecure requests * Fixed web server workers fail to enter nonblocking operation on Linux platform Emerald 6.0.61 - 11/20/2022 -- * Added field visibility setting to include service address in accounts simple search results * Added security group rights allowed pay methods selection should use labels of currently configured payment types * Added incident search results now sorted locally and action description preferred over incident description when displaying search results where action matches FTS index * Added MBR mobile address matching when searching SMS logs should exclude currently inactive MBRs * Fixed last day of month should be preserved when adding months for purpose of calculating period ending date * Fixed line item start date exceeds end date error message possible when invoicing using a period aligned cycle type * Fixed period aligned billing cycle inaccuracies including not accounting for prorate of leading service or suppressing 'prorate of less than adds following months' * Fixed requests should be aborted if 'user' query table cannot be generated * Fixed update emerweb function variable exist filter fails if static values are present after variable name or query table contains no rows * Fixed timefilter emerweb function missing default error message * Fixed re-edit and overwrite options of account change conflict resolution form fail with group id required message * Fixed denied_item variable should only be set from emerweb check function when the default error handler is called * Fixed emerweb query table changes should be rolled back if field values cannot be set or changed due to resource exhaustion * Fixed data add and change operations should fail if there is insufficient resources for change logging Emerald 6.0.60 - 10/20/2022 -- * Added starting month of calendar year now configurable by billing cycle or MBR for calendar billing cycles * Added labeling of manual CC/EFT export options improved to clarify that export step also creates new autopay transactions * Added automatically unassign tower assignments to deleted or inactive services when removing a tower * Added Merchant input parameter to updater_cc_export API action allowing batch processor default fields to be overridden * Added root TLS certificates from DigiCert * Fixed transactions awaiting import not able to be voided from awaiting import display * Fixed check number not displayed for all check payments in MBR history report * Fixed period aligned cycle types should not consider active services marked as nonrecurring for purpose of period alignment * Fixed dissimilar emerweb table variable names having matching prefix and checksums should not be matched Emerald 6.0.59 - 9/20/2022 -- * Added automatic standby for redundant session manager and SMS poller services * Added synchronized tax listing under tax sources now displays all source specific synchronized tax information * Added emerweb variable qualifier $= implemented in query context * Added session manager CoA probe minute batches should limit execution time to one minute * Added sessions from CoA probe having interim data occurring within the probe interval should be excluded * Added tower antenna service categories should be automatically removed when a tower antenna is removed and operator directed to tower edit form * Added tower antennas should be automatically removed when removing a tower * Added market tag related RADIUS attributes should be automatically removed when deleting a market tag * Added signup option ids should be displayed in signup server configuration * Added filter percentage symbols from geography data when creating tax sources from a geographic layer * Fixed US census geocoder integration updated to restore interoperability after service change * Fixed InvoiceItemDiscounts dependency missing from MBRDelete procedure * Fixed geo layer field descriptions of existing layers should be updated during geoimport to account for any format change * Fixed roam server descriptions not displayed when selecting a roam server from RADIUS access servers menu for server proxy * Fixed failed transactions listed under billing menu credit card and bank trans menus when global batch processor is selected should be limited to credit card or bank trans related transactions * Fixed manual CC/EFT global and batch processor pending export check should not queue batch processor specific exports while a global export is pending * Fixed admin document upload error handler should be selected for upload from admin interface * Fixed missing check for emerquery bind failures caused by resource exhaustion * Fixed admin service type filter does not show no results message when there are no matches * Fixed client certs not prompted on chromium based web browsers * Fixed self-signed certs created via TLS wizard should have matching SAN attribute * Fixed memory leak generating client certificates Emerald 6.0.58 - 6/10/2022 -- * Fixed emerweb variable qualifier $' should evaluate to null instead of empty when a non-numeric value is provided in query context * Fixed workaround error 'failed to obtain identity sequence' when adding new records using prepared statements * Fixed service category lookup when adding new services should not be cachable due to MBR level dependencies * Fixed audit commit failure messages within $update emerweb function should include failure reason * Fixed global access failsafe should be applied to quick sync related admin configuration * Fixed billing imports for tax rate multipliers should match examples and field descriptions of included import formats Emerald 6.0.57 - 5/20/2022 -- * Added quick sync feature within database menu simplifies exporting and synchronizing data from Emerald to an external system * Added FCC broadband data collection option to fixed broadband subscriptions download * Added field value filter to change history search report * Added address type field to vAddresses view * Fixed correct XML namespace of Worldpay account updater exports via Emerald API * Fixed card type not recorded when saving non-tokenized cards on file * Fixed company field not properly rendered in change history transaction detail Emerald 6.0.56 - 4/20/2022 -- * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added discounting offers percentage and static charge line items in addition to percentage and static discounts * Added validation expression support for notice type parameters and apply validation to existing notice types * Added notice types for new incidents and actions separate from status and operator assignment * Added customer appointment reminder notice type for scheduled appointments * Added charge type description should be included with invoice preview * Added local sorting option for quick reports * Added index action creation date * Added disallow duplicate http request header replacement * Fixed auto trans import should exclude fractional cent transaction amounts which round to zero * Fixed zero amount discounts should be excluded from processed invoices * Fixed one time payments from customer center missing AVS information and include optional city field * Fixed TLS and network messages related to canceled web sessions should not be logged Emerald 6.0.55 - 3/10/2022 -- * Added operator CustomerID if applicable is included in operator access ews file denied audit entries * Added file access errors now include failure cause and are recorded to audit table * Added npcat and npchange emerweb functions variants of concat and change with variable processing disabled to simplify dynamic evaluation * Added avoid replacing invalid object database errors with user friendly messages * Added audit entries should be recorded if possible for database errors * Added operator authentication debug logging improvements * Added retrieval of auto number sequence should use scoped identity where possible for interoperability with custom triggers * Added unique thread identifiers should be included in log file output * Added MBR level addresses with highest non-zero contact priority should be used as service level default contact address instead of MBR billing address when available * Added allow non autopay transactions to be automatically voided in response to a new change in CC/EFT account number on file * Added automatically void failed CC/EFT transactions when a subsequent transaction with matching account number is successfully applied * Added more specific constraints to gauge rollup procedure, gauge and calls trigger cursors * Added separate cached query plans when retrieving new recurring invoice data for a single account vs globally or by billing group * Added back negative cost recurring services with a credit adjustment during invoice creation to fully support negative cost services * Added field visibility option to display payment plan in the MBR invoices listing from field visibility location: MBR Invoices / Results List / Payment Plan * Added automatically delete unprocessed invoices with no line items, file attachments, PO or comments after 5 days * Added improve performance trimming RADIUS authentication failure logs with a high retention period * Added service address lat/long to vSubAccounts view * Added web server should be the passive closer where possible and minimize middlebox allocated port exhaustion * Added improve restrictions on service changes in calls trigger to reduce avoidable contention * Added service level market tag filter to service expiration and service expiration past grace notice types * Added Login and Password input parameters to updater_cc_export API action allowing batch processor default fields to be overridden * Added operators no longer have to refresh browser after changing date format in order to update format settings in client calendar and validation JavaScript libraries * Added display payment plan in the details of paid invoices as historical read only reference * Added invoice search field visibility option for filtering results by payment plan from field visibility location: Invoice Search / Search Forms / Payment Plan * Added server name rather than IP address of RADIUS server should be displayed when sending test RADIUS authentication requests from service RADIUS menu * Added improve group concurrency UI and add missing client field validation * Fixed limit logo size and adjust display to allow group statement report to display without horizontal scrolling * Fixed service and MBR custom data fields with no values should be filtered from custom search * Fixed incident actions should be saved prior to custom data fields when saving changes to an incident so custom processes that depend on actions have access to latest changes * Fixed failure causes unrelated to email failure are not displayed to the operator when emailing invoices, statements and payment receipts within MBR * Fixed session manager missing check for active sessions having not yet started * Fixed POS invoices on a payment plan should not contribute to normal late fee charges * Fixed geoimport utility on Linux platform displays a datasource access error if ODBC environment variables are not set * Fixed check for presence of payment number earlier while creating payments from etrans to prevent later assertion failure * Fixed services with multi-month pay periods using period and calendar aligned billing cycles can invoice for a month short of calendar period or leading service * Fixed variable processing should apply to action and logmsgid fields of emerweb audit function * Fixed AV when password complexity requirements are set to an unsupported value * Fixed send method charge should not be applied when an invoice added to the print queue is voided prior to the batch being marked sent * Fixed restrict audit logging attempts while in read only mode with no available read/write databases Emerald 6.0.54 - 1/10/2022 -- * Added file attachments can now be assigned to events * Added service bandwidth usage report charting bandwidth consumption from RADIUS accounting /w filtering by location and type of service * Added web server workers switched to nonblocking operation improving response to management signals * Added reduce delay associated with licensed MBR counting of large databases * Added access_override parameter to 'update' and 'delete' emerweb functions replacing default access type checking * Added default exception handler for cardtype emerweb function * Added delay MBR auto close if a new recurring invoice was created within the last month * Added 'once' emerweb function simplified to always use a single associative lookup * Added 'default' emerweb function should ignore empty values resulting from unmatched table variables for improved compatibility with update emerweb function * Added sort MBR account history display from Emerald instead of database * Added reinvoice scan delay reduced in MBRs with substantial invoicing data * Added reduced delay when running access server usage report * Added password complexity setting Alpha or Num or Sym to enable group rights bypass of client complexity requirements * Added web server should periodically enforce reasonable non backlog receive side limits * Added timeline data associated with deleted services is removed during daily trim task * Added service expiration past grace notice type and include filtering by pay method to service expiration notice type * Added file attachments may be reassigned to different services within an MBR * Added tokenized batch processor support for API actions cc_modify, payment_cc and account_add * Added account number and token field visibility options when viewing payment detail * Added disable browser type inference and restrict preview download to image types when viewing inline file attachments * Added Worldpay tokenized batch processor updated to require postal code during tokenization, override card expire + billing address when sending payments and modify token if different expire and address information is stored with the token * Added substring search by default for Emerald Admin filtering of sales person, region, discounts and charge types * Added emerweb function parameter parser lookup table changed to allow values to begin with any symbol except space and equal * Fixed while generating new prepaid batch settings from the first stored batch type are applied by default incorrectly. Initial batch type should be manually selected rather than defaulted when generating a new batch * Fixed text wrapping should be disabled within API step editor * Fixed reload configuration when running batch tokenization from the scheduler * Fixed access label filtering of available service categories, service types, pay periods, billing cycles and send methods prior to selection lists filter when editing a new account to prevent frontend only grandfathering of an unauthorized default option * Fixed service custom data field error message displayed when adding a service when no service categories are available for selection * Fixed removing banking information from MBR should require modify rather than delete access to MBR object group * Fixed client error handler should be used when applying changes to events * Fixed SMS poller debug settings configured within Emerald messaging menu are ignored * Fixed time emerweb function should fail rather than falling back to current time if 'today' parameter can't be parsed * Fixed change logging should not include empty fields when adding a new record and should include records added with non auto number primary keys * Fixed payment GBE function should check for empty secure fields post decryption and automatically decrypt token parameter * Fixed payment GBE function should use null card prefix for card type matching if account number parameter is masked * Fixed web server enforcement of backlogged connection limits does not properly account for wrapped timestamps * Fixed market engine service months min/max matching rule changes occurring at end of billing month should be suppressed until start of next billing month to prevent unexpected line item splitting * Fixed etrans mutex leak during GBE controlled shutdown Emerald 6.0.53 - 11/20/2021 -- * Added increase maximum allowed file upload size from 20MB to 130MB * Added preliminary support for databases with case sensitive collations * Added separate configuration for display of home phone and mobile phone fields of signup server configuration * Added operator accounts can now be configured to login via windows domain authentication on the windows platform without hosting Emerald under IIS * Added when log files are not specified or do not include pathname the default log folder and or default filename should be assumed * Added http client should avoid including port number in host header when default ports are used to improve interoperability * Added simplify web server request scaling and enforce global concurrent buffer pool limits on medium sized or larger requests * Added web server status improved to highlight VIP sessions and display count of idle workers * Added bypass query string processing when serving static content * Added web server backlog mode improved to consider authentication status, data rate and increase signaling performance * Added signup server confirmation display follows the signup operator groups CC/EFT visibility setting * Added churn reporting state parameter to optionally filter churn by state from service address * Fixed sort emerweb function returns failure message when sorting a table containing no rows * Fixed request parameter debug logging should avoid recording fields containing operator passwords and cookies * Fixed single byte overflow possible while coalescing related sessions * Fixed MBR hyperlinks displayed in batch tokenization failure messages are invalid * Fixed some query execution failure messages when creating new database or major upgrade are not properly displayed * Fixed audit log entry missing for failed operator authentications when credentials are passed outside of login form * Fixed web server GET requests containing message bodies may not be considered completed request * Fixed log location registry configurations should be removed from windows installer to prevent overwrite of customized operator log locations * Fixed PRNG should be seeded in stage 8 after configuration is loaded rather than stage 4 during staged startup and correct minor asymmetries in sequencing of startup and shutdown staging Emerald 6.0.52 - 10/20/2021 -- * Added advanced search option 'services closed /w assigned inventory' * Added API actions mbr_data_search and service_data_search to query MBR and service level custom data * Added API actions updater_cc_export and updater_cc_import to import and export account updater information for Worldpay tokenized CC batch processors * Added notice type to email assigned operators once an incident has closed * Added Worldpay ACH batch processor * Added product level setting to automatically unassigned inventory once MBR or service have been inactivated or permanently closed * Added string id 12622 to address 2 label of signup server to customize label associated with second address field * Added signup server option to select a future service starting date during signup process * Added cutoff blind UNIX time detection for $! formatting to Jan 1 1990 or later and remove Y2038 limit * Added non-delimited four digit MMYY format for date entry * Added automatic century selection for 2-digit year based on nearest century relative to present year * Added GBE log location can now be customized via Emerald configuration server * Added remove limit of 10000 transactions when displaying pending CC and ACH transactions * Added service selection in incidents and POS charges should order inactive services last * Added zero balance statement printing and emailing can now be based on an aging bucket or current balance * Added service selection when creating adjustments. Service field not shown by default and is managed from field visibility location: MBR adjustments / Edit Forms / For Account * Added disable automatic word wrap when editing notice types and API actions * Added remove transid echo requirement for Worldpay CC and Worldpay tokenized CC batch processors to improve transaction failure messages * Added include any payment comment data when displaying changed payments in the statement report * Fixed html variable context should be used when processing the request parameter of httpget emerweb function * Fixed use common lookup table to detect values when processing ews templates * Fixed memory leak if insufficient resources exist to decode non-ews http requests * Fixed web server logging to emerweb.log should use same variable substitution as emerweb module * Fixed externally opened queries may be closed locally when processing export results if validation of import configuration fails * Fixed export transaction auto void should be limited to query failure during a controlled shutdown * Fixed export query should be included in failure message if export query fails * Fixed emernet starting bandwidth slot times should be offset to slot boundaries in order to synchronize related gauges added by subsequent configuration change * Fixed previous reference transaction should also be sent when attempting to void ACH transactions from Emerald * Fixed importing external transactions block full charge amount of invoices not yet reaching 'EFT/CC auto trans days' to control difference between items selected for autopay and order of automatic payment * Fixed churn reporting should not assume line item amount represents daily cost when days field is nonzero to prevent incorrect revenue figures when monthly or none/full prorate options are used * Fixed service quantity not always considered when calculating point totals for commission reporting * Fixed filtering of global defaults group from billing group displays should always exclude global defaults group instead of negative integer range * Fixed service type selection when upgrading or downgrading service from Emerald client should enforce access label restrictions * Fixed amount should not be cached when editing an existing unapplied charge adjustment * Fixed aging report with aged credit enabled should not include credit adjustments assigned to voided invoices * Fixed incident operator assignment notice should only notify role when unassigned to a specific operator and add OperatorFirstName, OperatorLastName variables * Fixed incident action notice should only notify incident creator when incident is unassigned to a specific operator Emerald 6.0.51 - 8/2/2021 -- * Added gauge grouping for service level reporting enables gauges with compatible units to be organized into the same chart * Added customize line coloring when charting gauges and thresholds * Added service monitors display improved ordering of related monitors, protocol specific custom data fields and hide options not applicable to flow monitoring * Added emernet should link flow filters when compiling services rather than processing flows * Added Worldpay CC batch processors send dynamicInteractionType field with type attr of ECOMMERCE for manual transactions and RECURRING for autopay * Added include peer address in web server TLS read failure messages * Added colorcolumn parameter to graph emerweb function customizing flat mode line colors * Added price inclusive tax exemptions should reduce line item amount by exempted total * Fixed emernet memory leak occurs if multiple bandwidth slots are evicted in the same operation * Fixed unable to save changes to incident custom data * Fixed requirements assertion committing XML element attributes Emerald 6.0.50 - 7/21/2021 -- * Added service monitor support for NetFlow / IPFIX and associated flow filtering interface to customize data collection * Added token information now displayed within MBR CC on file entry form when using a tokenized batch processor * Added when emailing invoices and statements from within MBR level invoice/statement menu and reports are sent as file attachments the attachment filename includes invoice and statement numbers * Added group rights setting requiring operators to enter MBR PIN code in order to gain access to PIN protected MBRs * Added emernet redesigned with support for Emerald service monitor, new flow processing pipeline and removal of promiscuous mode collection * Added filename parameter to emerweb function exec.emailreport * Added notice batches that render reports should render only the first instance of a report when run in preview mode to avoid delay * Added include peer address in web server TLS handshake failure messages * Added normalize database connection group selection within scheduler, emerweb, GBE and emernet * Added themes upgraded to use ipsets for IP address range related scoring * Added IP access security upgraded to use ipsets to determine whether clients are allowed access * Added emerweb functions encrypt, decrypt and certgen for key management and asymmetric data encryption * Added reverse proxies can now be specified by IP address range * Added very recent active date transitions should not be suppressed while reinvoicing * Added certificate manager to security menu for importing, generating and validating asymmetric keys * Added secure storage of card numbers now supported while tokenizing credit cards enabling card numbers to be subsequently detokenized as necessary * Added further improvements to credit expired period billing cycle option to better manage applying timeline changes with existing transitions * Added procedure MBRDelete to permanently delete MBR including all related data * Added setting to determine whether new v6 databases and v5 upgrades are to be created within a single transaction * Added improve performance of deferred revenue detail and GL deferred revenue reports * Added recurring services display within show MBR menu places inactive accounts at the end of the list when possible * Added switch to columns emerweb function rather than ungroup for all dynamic form data passthru throughout Emerald * Added report ID number displayed in title area of edit form when editing a report * Fixed remove restrictive casts from call search report to prevent type overflow if bad consumption data is reported * Fixed MBRs containing only deleted services do not appear in simple search and can only be found via MBR search * Fixed refresh market configuration prior to batch processing actives at a billing group or global level * Fixed encryption fails for fields with no predefined length limit in Emerald metadata * Fixed ping emerweb function should not modify the request table when it contains no hosts to ping * Fixed decode emerweb function should fail if there is insufficient resources to complete field replacement Emerald 6.0.49 - 5/20/2021 -- * Added sales person field to aging report filtering results by MBR sales person. Sales person not shown by default. Field visibility location: Aging Report / Search Forms / Sales Person * Added canned messages can be stored via Emerald Admin / Messaging and later reused when sending similar bulk messages in the future * Added theme file 'custom_cust_ccauto.ews' to include custom information when entering CC details for recurring automatic payments within customer center * Added product attribute setting 'show in search results' enabling item level attributes to appear in inventory related search results * Added join emerweb function should join all available non matching source columns to output table when 'columns' parameter is omitted * Added columns emerweb function to loop thru all columns of current row of input table * Added remove 24xxx class errors from dbpool level reconnect whitelist to work around state tracking failures caused by driver managed reconnection * Added system default desk theme can be safely applied to non-default theme folders when main and custom stylesheets are not present in non-default folder * Added credit expired period feature support for integration all compatible scheduled timeline changes falling within the post expiration period * Added hour delay prior to filling in missing stop records once thresholds have been met while trimming calls in order to account for clock related error * Added procedure OperatorDelete to permanently delete operators * Added increase default size of HTML editor input box and allow area to be manually resized * Added remove underlines from action text when action editing is enabled within default theme to improve readability * Added GraceDaysLeft and GraceExpireDate variables to service expiration notice type * Fixed ODBC datasources managed from Emerald configuration server should not set default ANSI or Quoted identifier connection parameters on Windows platform allowing the native ODBC control panel to apply driver defaults * Fixed attribute values may not be displayed properly when showing RADIUS authentication test results for attributes within 3GPP vendor space * Fixed coalesce parameters should not contain subqueries to prevent unexpected results * Fixed intermittent failure of active RADIUS sessions by NAS dashboard widget due to incompatible changes while running * Fixed credit expired period billing cycle setting should not apply when payment date precedes invoice creation or when expired past grace and payment date are less than two days apart * Fixed chronological void enforcement should also consider ending period of each line item * Fixed remove restrictive casts from online list to prevent type overflow if bad consumption data is reported Emerald 6.0.48 - 3/29/2021 -- * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added increase maximum allowed outgoing SMS message to 1024 characters * Added multiple read/write datasources for Emerald managed primary database failover * Added aging of unapplied credits and payments to 'current' aging reporting. Aged credit not shown by default. Field visibility location: Aging Report / Results / Aged Credit * Added improve error displayed while attempting to modify an unapplied charge and MBR is inactive * Added integrate test results into query objects response message whenever a pool claim fails due to group wide unavailability * Added replace active datasource testing from emerweb spooler with consolidated active/passive datasource monitoring within dbpool * Added adjust allocation timeouts for access to connection pool minimizing worst case delay and prioritize global changes * Added post payments menu should avoid unintended attempt to repost payments if an operator navigates back instead of continuing with post payment form * Fixed incident template custom incident save actions are not executed when adding or updating an incident from operator interface * Fixed date picker control does not apply selection when used with a mobile browser * Fixed when invoice selection field is hidden via field visibility from search results of billing post payments menu the make payment button does not work * Fixed default country not selected, client address field validation not applied and address custom data fields not saved when creating a new service with a service level address * Fixed RadClearInterim procedure should add an hour buffer when detecting closed sessions without corresponding stop records based upon interim history * Fixed connection group bound check off by one when initializing pooled connections and query objects * Fixed datasource name and connection parameters should be trimmed and values containing semicolons filtered when initializing pooled connections * Fixed remove unnecessary pool scans and suppress retry on group wide unavailability when allocating pooled connections * Fixed handling of days starting at 01:00 due to Europe DST rule is triggered unnecessarily when retrieving date only fields via dbpool * Fixed connection pool should be sized to offer maximum connection limit to each datasource rather than sharing limit across all datasources Emerald 6.0.47 - 3/10/2021 -- * Added improved default theme styling and usability of operator interface for narrow displays * Added auto fill next available user defined ID when creating new report groups * Added external transaction id field added to payment search form. This parameter is not shown by default. Field visibility location: Payment search / Search Forms / Trans ID * Added send quick report notice type and report template quick.ews to render quick reports as ews reports enabling email notifications containing quick reports. Parameter ReportID must be passed specifying quick report to be run * Added present contents of custom MBR, service and address data fields with value of a URL as hyperlinks. CSRF countermeasures must be enabled before fields can be displayed as hyperlinks * Added parameter 'As Of' to aging report enabling reporting of current aging at any prior point in time. This parameter is not shown by default. Field visibility location: Aging Report / Search Forms / As Of * Added post payments interface support for directing payment to a specific unpaid invoice and search filtering by billing group, billing cycle and region * Added field visibility options for post payments and aging report * Added optional batch confirmation step for cash and check payments recorded from post payments billing menu * Added exclude MBR option to unique login checking allowing same login to be shared with multiple services within an MBR * Added report progress of stage 21 database version sync during Emerald startup * Added unaligned billing cycle type to disable billing day related proration for recurring service * Added billing cycle credit expired period setting to generate exceptions within service timeline for periods where service has been expired past grace * Added ExternalRef optional parameter support within exec.payment emerweb function * Added diagnostic information to market engine range failure messages triggered by invalid account data * Added SMPP support for encoding messages exceeding 254 bytes into message payload TLV * Added SMPP configuration options for system type, outgoing number type and outgoing number plan * Added 'organization level reporting' group access policy settings to group rights * Added front end organization parameter requirement status when running reports should also consider group access rights of the operator * Added include zero cost recurring line items in all churn reporting * Added billing group parameter support for tax payments report * Added root TLS certificates from DigiCert, Thawte and ISRG * Added id field should be displayed in payment type editor * Fixed list of unpaid invoices for MBR payment menu manual pay redistribution may vary with ansi null configuration of database driver * Fixed GL deferred revenue report cannot be run for future points in time * Fixed TinyMCE rewrites URLs relative to Emerald as relative URLs resulting in broken links in email notifications * Fixed wrong aggregate in churn by service GL report results in incorrect MBR count * Fixed new inventory CSV /w column header file upload format containing more than one item level attributes does not properly assign values to item attributes * Fixed ETI should not attempt to create automatic transactions to settle autopay balance and POS payment plans concurrently * Fixed SMTP failure messages when sending emails caused by missing SMTP server information refer operators to the wrong configuration menu * Fixed emerweb assignincident function should participate in the sessions global transaction if one has been started * Fixed emerweb group function should use exception free initialization and not fail if there is no row data in source table * Fixed emerquery API does not decrement rowcount when deleting rows from a query table * Fixed manual port clearing from online report is assigned the wrong error handler * Fixed SMS poller unnecessarily rebinds to SMSC when configuration change is made prior to startup * Fixed default emerweb select function error handler should close selection list prior to displaying error message * Fixed single element overflow possible in billing engine after reaching maximum allowed concurrent discounts for a given line item Emerald 6.0.46 - 11/30/2020 -- * Added support menu improved incident search performance and new configuration option to manage FTS result set limit separate from incident search limit * Added desk now used as systems default theme while maintaining full compatibility with all custom themes * Added unique login checking configuration improved to better define subset of accounts over which unique logins are enforced * Added improve billing and market engine related error messages commonly caused by configuration mismatch with instructions to click apply changes * Added limit billing menu credit card and bank trans pending CC/EFT transaction displays to 10000 records * Added improve performance of client billing menu post payments, create bills, send bills, credit cards and bank trans displays * Added automatic and manual CC Rebatch now generates new transactions for each retry attempt instead of retrying existing transactions * Added billing cycle EFT/CC auto trans days support for invoices having no recurring line items * Added incidents can be deleted from MBR level incident listing. Delete menu option not shown by default. Field visibility location: MBR and service incidents / Results / List / Delete * Added accounting setting 'Email 0 Balance or credit' invoice/statement to provide equivalent of Print 0 Balance setting for Email * Added support for dishonoring CC payment transactions, improved warning messages and group rights settings to manage operator access to dishonor ACH and CC transactions * Added improve performance of reporting menu options call search, RADIUS logs, audit logs, system logs, mail logs and SMS logs * Added button 'add new action' to incident edit form allowing operators to add actions to an existing incident without leaving incident edit form. This button is not shown by default. Field visibility location: Incident actions / Edit Forms / Add New Action * Added procedure OGCopy to copy all object security assignments from an existing object group to a custom object group * Added visual separators should be filtered from phone input parameter of callerid lookup URL * Added improved churn reporting including new churn by service category and service GL reports, reduced runtime, invoice/payment basis change, ARPU, styling and comparative summary chart * Added display order of service custom data should where possible mirror order of fields displayed when editing service * Added address normalizer improved to offer four different styles of visual separators and allow visual separators to be applied to mobile numbers * Added reduce time required for controlled shutdown of session manager * Added improve performance of all account menu search forms * Added vAddresses view to simplify access to customer and site addresses * Added aging report improved with billing cycle and pay method filtering, selectable statement or full invoice reporting, increased performance, company and 0-29 day fields * Fixed notification system Email/SMS contact list by operator, customer and service should impose only minimal constraints when 'mailto' used to override destination address * Fixed Print 0 balance or credit invoices setting should be based upon invoice paid status rather than invoice amount * Fixed incident custom data fields configured with customer access disabled are not visible for edit within the client interface * Fixed transaction counters should be removed from batch processor selection listing due to excessive delay on large systems * Fixed disabling infobar settings should prevent evaluation of related queries and refresh interval increased from 90 to 120 seconds * Fixed adding new MBR from client interface initial start date shown in the MBR display should reflect start date entered by operator * Fixed access to manually set invoice and statement email and print dates should be granted to MBR invoices object group by default * Fixed missing required parameter checking for sort emerweb function * Fixed error displayed when selecting a batch processor from billing / bank trans menu * Fixed API action online_disconnect does not forward Error-Cause attribute (errorcause) received in response to RADIUS disconnect request * Fixed filter crlf characters from addresses of outgoing email messages * Fixed missing optimistic predicate when manually voiding, confirming or retrying CC/EFT transactions * Fixed externally authenticated operators having blank Emerald operator passwords should not be able to change their operator password from the Emerald client UI * Fixed bank trans menu option 'create + show transactions awaiting export' creates transactions but does not also automatically show pending transactions * Fixed scheduler should only update service manager when shutting down if shutdown has been requested by service manager * Fixed manual assignment role assignment strategy for non-scheduled roles does not properly assign role to new incidents * Fixed daily error summary should account for address level notification purpose when warning of accounts /w email send methods having no deliverable email addresses * Fixed improve windows service manager communication when stopping Emerald web server to provide remaining worst case shutdown delay * Fixed rating step cost matching type does not work as expected failing to properly apply first and second colors to each interval of the range Emerald 6.0.45 - 10/15/2020 -- * Added move services menu for moving services to other MBRs and making bulk changes to pay period and sales persons of an MBRs services. This menu option is not shown by default. Field visibility location MBR / menu items / show MBR * Added notice variables from float and date fields within notice queries should be formatted per Emerald convention and settings rather than database default * Added batch manager support for voiding invoice batches * Added statement aging based past due customer notice * Added payment type filter to new invoice and new statement notifications * Added CreateEmail variable to all incident related operator notifications Emerald 6.0.44 - 9/10/2020 -- * Added improve reliability and minimize resource usage when insufficient resources available * Added reduce failover delay switching to secondary databases on startup when all primary databases unavailable * Added service level quantity multiplier for invoicing recurring service. This field is not shown by default. Field visibility location service / edit forms / service quantity * Added market tag service counting option "this service" restricting counting to current service * Added API action quick_report to programmatically run Emerald quick reports * Added MBR and service custom data field matching conditions to account filters * Added billing group level name, tel, address and URL variables to expiration, invoice and statement notice types * Added search filtering to notices and notice type admin messaging menu * Added auto fill next available user defined ID when creating object groups, external system types, billing imports, exports, report fields, address data types and account data fields * Added AddressNormalizePhone procedure updated to rewrite mobile numbers in international form and option to apply visual separators * Added Emerald software and schema version to database usage display in database area of Emerald admin * Added reduced overhead associated with rating RADIUS accounting data especially during substantial backlog * Added emerquery deduplicate new columns and replace assertions with call sequence checking * Added replace group emerweb function to improve reliability * Added exec emerweb function should use standard status reporting and exception handling function * Added reduce time required to load large reverse proxy database into memory * Added query emerweb function support for result sets with date datatype * Added buffer scaling prediction improved for variable processing, ews report rendering and scheduler run ews tasks * Added radclient should only apply internally defined attributes if external source of attributes unavailable or unrequested * Added SMPP format symbols should be filtered from outgoing destination address * Added national telephone number length to countries dataset for countries having uniform length telephone numbers * Fixed spooler should be initialized in stage 8 rather than stage 11 to provide early access to log ring and connection testing * Fixed column binding related error messages do not provide information on failure cause * Fixed operator session state should not attempt to be synchronized persistently when operating from secondary database * Fixed unable to run reports during failover to read only database * Fixed when attempting to delete a market tag invoice assignments should be eligible for automatic removal * Fixed quantity field of revenue by service type report should be set 1 for recurring line items covering days rather than months * Fixed SMPP outgoing request sequence number should reset to 1 after reaching 2^31-1 * Fixed SMPP incoming PDUs may not be properly recorded if fragmented on length field * Fixed output size may be calculated to be larger than actual output length when URL encoding fields * Fixed added missing default exception handler for tablist and select emerweb functions * Fixed client field validation not performed when editing MBR level market tag times * Fixed reported cases of missing RADIUS dynamic address state subsequently preventing inventory from being automatically unassigned * Fixed scheduler should check for fetch failures if no matching servers found prior to adding server entry for itself * Fixed fresnel emerweb function message "propagation model unknown" may be displayed when sampling interval and distance out of range * Fixed static discounts should not reduce recurring service or charge adjustment cost below 0 * Fixed transaction state not set when running statements, changing or opening service using an external query without an open transaction * Fixed transaction type validation failure message when applying cc payments may incorrectly be replaced with final amount message * Fixed acquire market engine reader lock at higher level preventing updated configuration from being applied during invoice or actives processing Emerald 6.0.43 - 7/30/2020 -- * Added advanced search options Free MBRs and Services /w active ETF * Added notice alerting customers when in the future active service market tags become inactive due to having reached invoiced days or service months limit * Added notices alerting customers to availability of new invoices and statements * Added reverse proxy configuration option to manage client certificate identity forwarding headers * Added write protect ewp package data loaded into memory * Added customer center active market tag display should calculate active thru date for service months limit and improve accuracy of thru date calculation * Fixed explicitly set create user field when creating adjustments for rating charges and GBE balance sync * Fixed day of week headings of rating time sets have poor contrast making them hard to read * Fixed assertion error during http cc export processing on Linux platform for batch processors without passwords * Fixed web listener should transmit failure response for unknown request methods before closing connection and strict parsing of supported methods Emerald 6.0.42 - 7/10/2020 -- * Added SMS poller support for secure TCP-TLS SMPP connections to SMSC * Added MBR level invoice, statement and payment receipt emailing UI now allows for customizing default message body when sent using a format transmitted as email attachments * Added SMTP client support for SMTPS (port 465 only) and new option to require certificate validation of outgoing SMTP sessions * Added service and tower link margins displayed in path profile when sufficient information is available. Elevation from tower also added yet not visible by default * Added antenna height service level custom data field to document and default service antenna height when viewing path profile * Added BCC field to email emerweb function, when configuring notices and emailing individual invoices and statements within an MBR * Added product, warehouse and state can now be overridden while receiving new inventory using 'CSV /w Column Header' upload file format * Added service RF parameters can be configured by linking attributes from assigned inventory via new 'provides' field within inventory attribute configuration * Added address level custom data fields can now be edited from Emerald client and customer center when customer access is enabled * Added renamed service level types to service tags and added service tag selections when managing service types from services menu of admin * Added market engine support for matching by service tag and by service pay period within MBR level tags * Added invoice and statement ews reports improved to increase density per page, apply maximum size limits to logos and reduce possibility of pages unexpectedly overflowing to the next on some clients * Added apply quarter inch margins to default invoice and statement reports and while converting HTML reports to PDF * Added minor default theme styling improvements to normalize element and font size across desktop platforms and browsers * Added operator localization and UI preferences are now immediately applied no longer requiring operator to logout in order to take effect * Added replaced barcode and mag card listener to improve detection reliability * Added field visibility settings for MBR level email invoice, statement and payment receipt displays * Added improved strings coverage throughout Emerald client for interface customization and language translations * Added send recurring transaction indicator for Converge credit card batch transactions and improve display of error responses * Added account data filter support for like expression matching of address data field * Added export system 'if not empty' export column include option to conditionally transmit attributes containing non-empty values * Added when allow renewal days or periods are configured at billing cycle level renewal decision is based upon service start date and expiration rather than expiration exclusively * Added differentiate between references to an existing tax group with no taxes assigned and invalid tax groups to prevent unnecessary invoicing failure while validating tax configuration * Added menu item visibility limits applied to inactive MBRs to reflect change in availability of billing functions when an MBR is inactive * Added config CLI parameter to emerwebsrv in order to bypass any existing restrictions on configuration server access * Added elevation angle from destination to source to fresnel emerweb function output * Added improve network related error messages logged by web server * Added update Emerald cacerts folder with a dozen additional trusted CA certificates and removal of expired certs * Added remove unreachable cached emerweb query tables from session after copied for modification * Added filter submission of update emerweb function identity variables as form input * Added strip emerweb function to remove characters unaddressable as variables from column labels of query tables * Added csvinput emerweb function support for detecting UTF-8 and UTF-16 byte order mark in source parameter data * Added input field for receiver sensitivity when configuring tower antennas * Added http client improve failure responses, add session reset, stream TLS upgrade option, abstract transport interface and switch to common encoding library * Added minimum path prediction distance reduced from 1000 to 100 meters and added too close warning in path profile when tower is within 100 meters * Added improved messages for network and encryption related failures during SMTP sessions * Added multiple condition parameters now supported in filter emerweb function * Added timeout parameter to httpget emerweb function * Added support for WiFi-Alliance VSA dictionary * Added show unallocated database size in database usage menu * Added reduce resource usage during section and elevation tile lookup * Added RADIUS client should share global emerald naming cache instead of local instance * Fixed strings dataset should be loaded during staged init rather than demand loaded and reload operation should simulate a reload without applying changes * Fixed use secure function on windows platform to clear encryption keys from memory when shutting down encryption manager * Fixed remaining non-reentrant time formatting functions should be replaced * Fixed SMTP read timeout may not function properly after upgrading to TLS * Fixed stored ETF charge type not preselected when editing market tag and ETF fields should be required when an ETF type is chosen * Fixed encryption manager access not required by scheduler and should be removed * Fixed SMTP replaced line normalize with streaming version and lines starting with period not properly processed * Fixed all strings data should be protected against permanent or temporary change * Fixed cache_themes emerweb exec function to reload themes should provide status * Fixed error when attempting to change an existing products product category and one or more product level attributes assigned to product * Fixed immediately after changing the active status of MBR or service some elements are displayed with pre-change status until next page load * Fixed void operations for Converge EFT transactions fail due to missing transaction identifier * Fixed changes to menu system shortcut keys should be applied during maintenance updates * Fixed MBR custom data fields displayed in the show MBR menu does not take service group membership into consideration * Fixed locally enforce single row output constraint while retrieving notice configuration * Fixed csvinput and lineinput emerweb functions do not report missing yet required input parameters * Fixed barcode emerweb function does not evaluate variables present in the code input parameter causing barcodes printed in invoice and statement reports to be invalid * Fixed when matching service level conditions for MBR level market tags all conditions have to apply to the same service(s) rather than each condition being allowed to match any of the MBRs services separately Emerald 6.0.41 - 6/10/2020 -- * Added file upload formats enabling item level attributes to be recorded when receiving new stock into inventory * Added status type option 'not inactive' for simple, service and MBR account searches * Added domain field to account simple and service search forms * Added field visibility options for service tower selector * Added service antenna height entry field to service tower selector * Added display 60% of 1st and 1st fresnel zone rather than 1st four in service tower selector * Added tilt, LOS, earth radius correction and path loss calculations to service tower selector and fresnel emerweb function * Added double terrain sampling interval in fresnel graph of service tower selector * Added total time and data usage summary in customer center usage menu now based on maximum accumulation from usage charting data rather than stop records * Added client and customer center usage charts should always start at zero regardless of active sessions crossing reporting period boundaries * Added start parameter to accumulate emerweb function applies offset between first row and starting value to output table * Added substring matching of serial number field from invoice search menu of client * Added csvinput emerweb function to process CSV formatted data into query table * Added srcagl and dstagl parameters to fresnel emerweb function for configuring antenna height above ground level * Added zones parameter of fresnel emerweb function changed to indicate a comma separated list of (non)integer zones * Added fresnel emerweb function should use elevation data when determining ground level altitude if altitude not set explicitly * Added setting 'Reinvoice Invoice Void Limit' -1 prevents reinvoice process from voiding any invoices requiring operator intervention to resolve timeline inconstancies * Added PV binding for all emerweb functions updated to use lookup table and allow values to start with '#' * Added color and hover parameters to graph emerweb function to manually determine line colors and apply custom mouseover callback * Added 'Default account search status' under Emerald Admin / Web Interface / Operator Settings to manage default status filter while searching from accounts menu of Emerald client * Added location dataset for North America updated with subset of Canadian postal codes * Added session stop field to session history listing of client service usage history * Added API action file_upload to programmatically apply file attachments to MBRs * Added restrict service extensions to maximum of 32767 days while upgrading database from Emerald v5 to v6 * Added x-value in chart mouseovers now also included for non-time based datasets * Fixed stock invoice and statement reports barcode and summary below tear off not properly centered when oversized customer billing address displayed * Fixed cookie valued stored from selection lists should reference value of selected option rather than selection index * Fixed products do not appear for selection when searching inventory from client inventory menu and inventory admin object group is assigned to operator * Fixed added missing default exception handler for group emerweb function * Fixed when log trim settings for interim accounting and start/stop records are set 0 then trimming should be disabled * Fixed secondary interim accounting removal step missing from calls trim * Fixed sort order is not set to default value when adding a new MBR custom data field and no sort order configured * Fixed market tag selection filter in MBR account search form was not restored to previous value when page is reloaded * Fixed tower detail display should not be prevented when base altitude of tower has not been configured * Fixed selection of service domains assigned to services should be limited to services common to the MBR and disallowed when configuring signup servers, service monitors and card batch types Emerald 6.0.40 - 5/12/2020 -- * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added charting now display current values while hovering mouse over bar and line data points * Added width parameter to graph emerweb function to define x-axis extent of bars * Added disable downscaling of environment and request indexes between http requests * Added strictly enforce token labeling restrictions of request headers from http clients * Added assign random 128-bit boundaries to outgoing multi-part MIME messages * Added accounting menu setting 'Prorate of less than (Days) adds following month' to manage cutoff for inclusion of next month when prorated invoice includes only a few days of service * Added check for presence of any future scheduled openings prior to applying ETF fees * Added discounts displayed in invoice preview now includes a line item total for each discount * Added dynamic address allocation should not occur when a service is manually assigned an address having the same inventory source as the dynamic assignment * Added dynamic address state should be removed if inventory is manually unassigned or reassigned to a different service * Added filter deleted services from RADIUS authentication lookup procedure * Added combined download and upload usage total when viewing service level usage history * Added during call trim when filling in missing accounting data add stop data directly bypassing calls trigger * Added use ISAPI SSF interface for flush hinting when Emerald UI is hosted from Emerald web server * Added should additional interim data be recorded after stop record is recorded then stop record should be amended with any additional duration and data usage * Added suppress queries in debug output from 'update' emerweb function larger than 8k * Added reduced overhead trimming call records * Fixed bars displayed within invoice, payment and incident dashboard graphs should render bar widths corresponding to day/month grouping * Fixed service level market tag invoiced days counter was based on actual days active rather than 30 day month * Fixed missing resource allocation exception check applying environment to incoming http requests * Fixed changing an MBRs billing group should trigger corresponding change to group level field visibility within MBR edit form prior to saving * Fixed address type defaults for Email and SMS notification are not saved when creating a new MBR via signup server * Fixed when creating a new service default values associated with service custom data is not saved if no changes are made to any custom data field * Fixed XML query execution failure response message while using Emerald API does not include containing 'response' tag * Fixed service open should be executed in addition to MBR open during signup to allow any setup fees to be charged * Fixed starting and ending periods of reseller invoices not as expected for periods transitioning to daylight time * Fixed ETF types 'ratio of time remaining to fixed fee' and 'amount times remaining months' should account for fractional month prorate * Fixed when removing active sessions from web interface / active sessions menu where database encryption is enabled stored session state is not removed from database * Fixed normalize CRLF usage in all MIME messages and HTTP response headers * Fixed synchronize socket access while clearing slow connections in backlog mode * Fixed global security header should be included when deleting operators, modifying object groups, menu items, menu sets and rating classifiers * Fixed AV possible after increasing size of server request buffer Emerald 6.0.39 - 4/10/2020 -- * Added support for country, state, city and postal code parameters to revenue by service type report * Added active field to late fee configuration enabling existing late fees to be disabled * Added market tag, late fee and MBR custom data applicability settings to service group configuration * Added encryption manager updated to show current encryption status * Added encryption manager option 'scan for unencrypted data' to encrypt externally imported secure data fields * Added field visibility setting to display session ending date in customer center usage history menu * Added correlated PrevTransID for void transactions in export system for real time credit cards * Added normalize common function library usage within web server * Added lookup numeric identifiers and convert integer datetime fields when viewing change history report * Added reduce contention checking billing group global options on read committed databases * Added bank trans area of billing menu should have same 'create + show transaction awaiting export' options as credit cards * Added send method admin configuration improved to limit display of inapplicable fields * Added market tag customer display setting enabling active market tags to be visible from manage account area of customer center * Added include version number in application name field of database connections from session manager, SMS poller, scheduler, emernet and syslog server * Added HSTS can now be enabled from within web interface / client settings menu of admin in addition to security menu of configuration server * Added client authentication supported under IIS using CERT_SUBJECT and X-SSL-Client-CN or X-SSL-Client-DN from designated reverse proxies * Fixed address type level required field listing not enforced within client interface * Fixed security header should be included prior to processing invoice and statement previews from billing menu * Fixed make payment MBR menu option if no bank account on file and bank transfer is selected then a different payment type subsequently chosen an error message is displayed * Fixed service group meta validation rules missing assignments to applicable MBR and service fields * Fixed service group filters throughout client interface may not display expected results * Fixed invoice email distribution list should exclude voided invoices * Fixed domains should show domain specific billing group rather than group associated with assigned MBR * Fixed service group list not properly limited by applicability for admin options service categories, incident types and market tags * Fixed billing credit cards menu option 'create + show transaction awaiting export' only displays existing transactions and does not create new ones * Fixed apply secondary filter to access server acct status report to prevent out of sequence sessions appearing in delay chart outside starting and ending range of report * Fixed billing groups with negative sort orders should not be available for selection when adding or editing MBRs where hidden group is not already assigned * Fixed geography sync for MBR service address may not occur if address is unreferenced by any services and not shared with billing or shipping address roles * Fixed MBR level service address should be used when matching MBR level market tags using service address in matching criteria * Fixed when calculating tax for line items unassociated with a specific service and tax configured to use service address for taxation prefer MBR level service address over MBR level billing address * Fixed AV while previewing POS estimates on Windows platform using SQL Server native client * Fixed AV in 'update' emerweb function while attempting to update a field not in metadata * Fixed AV checking web server socket status on Linux platform when TLS socket has not been configured Emerald 6.0.38 - 3/18/2020 -- * Added reset expiry option to billing cycle configuration menu to recalculate associated recurring service expirations based on current billing cycle settings * Added tax sources configuration menu now include last date and operator to have imported a tax rate file * Added service custom data fields can now be applied to services based upon service category and billing group in addition to service type * Added http to https redirect option to security menu of Emerald configuration server * Added message appearing on default statement "Your account is on automatic payment" to remind customers currently setup for CC/EFT auto bill * Added search by batch id added to invoice and statement search forms within accounts menu. Options not displayed by default and must be enabled via field visibility settings * Added billing preview and online disconnect popup auto close behavior can now be managed via Emerald Admin / Reports & Logs / Settings / Auto close reports when not in focus * Added revenue by service type report updated to support service type, charge type and service category parameters * Added notice type alerting operators of scheduled task completion * Added discounting, base and taxable amount fields to invoice preview display * Added base and taxable amount fields to MBR invoice detail display * Added additional file upload formats to inventory receiving interface * Added supplier cost field to inventory item and product management * Added improve startup failure path of work scheduler thread pool * Added separate query plans for global and MBR specific geo sync * Added country and state parameters now supported for GL Invoiced and GL Payments reporting * Added GL invoiced by billing group and GL payments by billing group by pay type reports. These reports are inactive by default and not displayed in the reporting menu * Added billing group column to GL payment detail report procedure * Added SupplierCost and GLCode fields to vInvProducts and vInvItems views * Added field visibility options for invoice preview * Added normalize sort order handling of RADIUS filter groups, domains and sales persons * Added after adding or changing an address if scheduling geocoder is not necessary an MBR level geo sync should still be executed * Fixed default robots.txt response should persist after configuration server is disabled * Fixed current market tag should be excluded from tag condition matching UI to prevent operators from accidentally creating unsolvable conditions * Fixed geocoder failure warnings should be suppressed once coordinates are manually entered * Fixed when processing service changes to invoice paid status after switching from renewal to balance forward billing cycle service expiration may not always clear * Fixed ISAPI version not properly displayed in process callback listing of status server * Fixed service monitor if ping tx rate exceeds system capability enforce minimum rx polling schedule * Fixed service monitor ping initialization may not report specific failure cause during initialization Emerald 6.0.37 - 2/10/2020 -- * Added mbr_tag_modify, mbr_tag_delete, service_tag_modify, service_tag_delete actions to Emerald API * Added conflicting timeline entries now displayed within MBR and service timelines even when effective date is earlier than "Max months of timeline changes to display" * Added current database activity updated to limit sessions to Emerald database, show program information and represent blocking hierarchy for graphs without circular references * Added five additional custom payment types have been allocated for use by operators * Added X-Frame-Options and Access-Control-Allow-Origin response headers can now be customized from Emerald Admin / web interface / client settings * Added promote 32-bit integers as needed for fields of query tables managed via emerquery API * Added database usage display updated to include isolation level, recovery model and FTS status information * Added piggyback support for price inclusive taxation * Added limit referring URL field from hyperlinks globally to same origin * Added improve performance of gauge alert processing by limiting lookback to worse case lookback configuration * Added procedure to remove processed invoices if unassigned to statements * Added MBR balance check when manually issuing credits against autopay MBRs should also consider MBR level CC/EFT hold until date * Added rename of service logins associated with inactive or deleted services should be limited to services with service types supporting RADIUS authentication * Added certificate database updated to support changes to converge CC/EFT batch processor * Added reinvoice void limit accounting menu setting preventing reinvoicing from occurring if more than configured limit of invoices would be voided as a result of reinvoicing * Fixed domain constraint error upgrading version 5 database when one or more MBRs contain packages having no assigned services * Fixed uppercase and lowercase filtering should not depend on operating system locale * Fixed single element overflow in emerweb query function when executing queries returning more than maximum allowed number of columns * Fixed prevent unnecessary wakeups within work scheduler thread pool * Fixed improve handling of insufficient resources when processing user table and fresnel, elevation, snmpget, snmpwalk, summary, xmlinput, time and radlogin emerweb functions * Fixed summary emerweb function calculates a rolling average instead of average * Fixed emerweb functions 'change' and 'default' should constrain changes to current row and limit automatic column creation when executed on a floop* table * Fixed join emerweb function should not execute if output table has no rows * Fixed range should be interpreted system wide as fully covering IPv4 address space * Fixed shutdown of configuration web servers without TLS support can be delayed due to failure to apply socket blocking options * Fixed attributes of tag string having tag values above 31 should be assumed to be non-tagged attributes when displaying RADIUS reply attributes within Emerald UI * Fixed payments not redistributed and current balance not updated when reinvoicing where one or more invoices are voided and no replacement invoices are generated * Fixed resolve outstanding global vs group conflict for non-global configs having groupid of 1 Emerald 6.0.36 - 12/16/2019 -- * Added call_search, online_search and online_disconnect actions to Emerald API * Added replace advanced search option 'MBRs temp canceled over 1 year' with 'MBRs canceled over 1 year' * Added notice type to alert operators within an assigned role when a new open unassigned incident is created * Added operator incident assignment notice type updated to include mobile phone and resolve ambiguity preferring contact over billing address * Added field visibility options for menu items of MBR invoice display * Added global phone number normalization procedure AddressNormalizePhone removes decorations from all stored telephone numbers * Added procedure SANormalizeSendBill to migrate billing notification email from service send bill to MBR and service level address records * Added override 1/30 day cost with 1/31 in specific case a recurring service is prorated across multiple contiguous line items having exact total count of 31 days * Added HTML rendered reports including invoices and statements may now be converted to PDF when displayed within client interface * Added security / group rights overrides of web interface / client settings for minimum password length and complexity * Added quick reports parameter summary for fields inventory state, inventory state type, promo code, incident type and incident state * Added invoice number display to default statement report. This field is not shown by default. Field visibility location Statement report / Show Data / Line Item Invoice ID * Added display operators having no password with suspect background style and accept keyword 'none' in password field to remove existing password * Added manual assignment as an operator role assignment strategy for all role types * Added summary emerweb function support for using a single base column to output multiple aggregates * Added site and tower level file attachments * Added move all remaining request processing out of primary event loop of Emerald web server * Added time parameter to timefilter emerweb function providing static value override of timecolumn * Added remove initial refresh when loading incident edit form * Added record audit entries to database when voiding invoices from operator and customer interfaces * Added emerweb function 'join' to apply columns from related lookup tables to input table * Added vAuditTrans view to simplify querying operator change history * Added appointment assignment manager to Emerald client support menu for bulk editing of assignment changes within global calendars * Added per-payment external transaction history updated to include operator * Added modify browser history when running batch and MBR level invoicing to prevent operators from trigger invoicing for next period via history navigation * Added default exception handler to assignincident emerweb function * Added statement and invoice item level late fee display signaling whether late fee was charged. This field is not shown by default. Field visibility locations MBR invoices and MBR statements * Added preview current to MBR invoicing menu. This field is not shown by default. Field visibility location MBR invoices / Menu Items / Preview Current * Added improve accuracy of vertical positioning when loading changes to dynamic forms throughout operator interfaces * Added service type availability changes as a result of service category selection within support / bulk mail interface * Added copy current service login when adding service specific line item to POS invoice * Added show unassigned incidents option and role assignment search filter to incident search form of support menu * Fixed incident type report parameter selection list not properly localized * Fixed typo in referral manager synchronization prevented state tracking of assigned referal credits * Fixed database error when exporting RBC Standard 152 batch file for bank processing * Fixed explicitly set stack size creating threads on Windows platform to avoid stack exhaustion when hosted under IIS * Fixed geodistance emerweb function should not add destination coordinate columns to input table when destination is a variable containing static value rather than column label * Fixed unapplied charges displayed in customer center billing history do not fallback to showing charge type description if charge specific description is unavailable * Fixed navigating backwards and forwards thru browser history does not work as intended when using Firefox browser. Metadata code generator for 'loader' ews templates also updated * Fixed RADIUS attributes having data type signed integer not properly converted from string when transmitted via radlogin emerweb function Emerald 6.0.35 - 10/10/2019 -- * Added inline preview and view in browser options of MBRs attachment list for files having mime types marked as displayable within browser * Added distribution of payment to invoice line items can now be reassigned to unpaid or partially unpaid invoices by following hyperlink within a payments 'Apply Amount' column of invoice distribution list * Added CC/EFT exception related advanced search options * Added external system and geocoding exception related advanced search options * Added field visibility options for customer center billing history and usage statistics * Added include RADIUS interim contributions of currently active sessions in operator and customer center usage history displays * Added SafeAll procedure to enable safing of nonproduction instances outside of Emerald UI * Added section evaluation to 'filter' emerweb function * Added email filter of mail log search report now performs substring search by default * Fixed constraint error displayed when attempting to delete previously geocoded addresses from an MBR * Fixed warning of CC/EFT related problems should be included within daily summary for MBRs having a future cancellation date scheduled * Fixed ensure effective release time is consistent across update and state removal actions when managing RADIUS dynamic addresses * Fixed remove reference to nonexistent menu group when clicking apply * Fixed account status filtering missing for most advanced search options * Fixed keys obtained from windows keychain should not be used by encryption manager should key authentication fail * Fixed improved constraints and authentication of pa2 encrypted keys to address unknown pa2 authentication failure during decryption * Fixed dotted lines appear in date picker under week day when using Firefox browser * Fixed temporary table reference in 'filter' emerweb function not correctly scoped * Fixed missing close anchor for edit credit card on file hyperlink * Fixed correct misclassified CSS class references throughout Emerald client interface Emerald 6.0.34 - 8/20/2019 -- * Added warehouse group level inventory reorder notice type * Added recurring payment indication when processing credit cards via Beanstream transaction gateway * Added contact and service address email fields to vSubAccounts view * Added CC/EFT auto payment options for POS invoices to Emerald Admin / Accounting / Settings * Added advanced menu object group editor support for viewing and modifying active status of access labels and columns * Added RADIUS managed dynamic address assignments from inventory via Emerald Admin / RADIUS / Dynamic Addressing * Added send method options overriding billing group level defaults related to emailing and printing invoices and statements * Added service template to set new services added from operator interface as both nonrecurring and nonexpiring * Added display of active fields within MBR and Service edit forms now managable via field visibility * Added Emerald schema creation now possible on default database as configured within SQL Server ODBC datasource for Azure compatibility * Added piggyback taxes now allowed to be processed across tax groups within same invoice * Added IP address management (IPAM) with inventory integration * Added IPAM and inventory allocation alerts to daily error summary report * Added improve performance of web server startup and shutdown when a large thread pool is configured * Added improve work scheduling and backlog mode within primary event loop of web server * Added include search length of postal code as tie breaker when determining most specific applicable tax within tax group * Fixed off by one enforcing limit on count of 'with' parameters of emerweb 'check' function * Fixed passwords for local operator authentication as well as those passed to radlogin emerweb function should be trimmed prior to use * Fixed query tables created by GBE, emerweb functions range, assignincident and sessions missing specific type information * Fixed quality of ipv4 and ipv6 range parsers should be improved to reduce complexity and better detect input error * Fixed receive side timeouts sending SMTP mail not set properly on Linux platform. In rare cases this leads to blocking further processing of the notice within scheduler * Fixed when editing service form containing an expanded address entry section address level Email field conflicts with service level Email field * Fixed error indicating nonrecurring accounts cannot be opened returned when adding services with recurring field disabled via Emerald API * Fixed services added from operator interface cannot be set nonrecurring during initial service creation * Fixed when editing address forms via operator interface and customer center secure data fields displayed with encrypted values rather than decrypted and optionally masked values * Fixed current value of date separator is not displayed or saved properly within operator editor * Fixed query based merge operations not available for selection when managing RADIUS attribute filters * Fixed region lookup by name fails when executing Emerald API action account_add * Fixed service type external systems, timerates, scheduler tasks and IP security admin options missing default error handler while saving changes Emerald 6.0.33 - 5/14/2019 -- * Added support for Furukawa VSA dictionary * Added simplified database view vInvProducts for access to inventory products * Added quick reports support for record limit parameter * Added XML parser allow CDATA to be used as element value * Added inventory reorder operator notice type * Added gauge detail reporting * Added product stock summary report output can now be filtered by optional parameters inventory state and inventory state type * Added report parameters inventory state and state types should be affected by changes to dependent fields * Fixed emerweb and GBE dll modules on Windows platform report module version 5 rather than version 6 to operating system * Fixed line item days field not set when creating recurring line items with a quantity multiplier representing days rather than months * Fixed add line item merge filter to billing engine preventing unnecessary splitting of compatible sequential recurring line items * Fixed RADIUS attributes using vendor management UI having type Tag 32-bit integer or 32-bit signed integer should have option of defining lookup values * Fixed tokenization failed message displayed using world pay tokenized batch processor * Fixed remove installationId attribute from world pay tokenized and non-tokenized interfaces * Fixed cumulative monthly taxes with non-percentage static costs are not included for line items having a fractional month prorate * Fixed switch to sampling method to improve accuracy of product stock summary reports historical chart * Fixed when using tokenized world pay batch processor allow billing city to be collected when making one time payments from operator UI * Fixed accumulate emerweb function does not produce expected result when a sequence identifier not provided Emerald 6.0.32 - 3/5/2019 -- * Added HTML rendered reports including invoices and statements may now be converted to PDF when emailed * Added TLS version 1.3 support for all incoming and outgoing TLS sessions * Added formatting of time fields now customizable via operator preferences * Added localization for bulk email and tower selector * Added allocate string IDs to all non-administrative menu items having not previously assigned strings * Added disable availability of SSLv3 when negotiating outgoing https requests from Emerald * Added update private key generator, emerweb hash functions, locking and SRP context for compatibility with upgraded TLS libraries * Added reporting engine configuration now updated when clicking apply no longer requiring service restart * Added delineate group selections from settings when managing "configs" interfaces throughout Emerald admin * Added procedure for detail version of GL payment export * Added updated Linux platform database access drivers, SNMP and LDAP support libraries * Added filter unknown out of range NAS-Port-Type attributes when recording RADIUS accounting data * Fixed snap invalid dates within standard to daylight time transition forward on Windows platform * Fixed friendly DRI error message not displayed when record deletion fails and changes not executed within transaction * Fixed operator entered dates having 12 hour time formats may not be recorded properly * Fixed execute TLS clearing when shutting down multi-threaded work scheduler * Fixed move temporary folder for custom report post processing from Emerald/web/reports/tmp to Emerald/tmp * Fixed report post processing interface does not work as expected on Linux platform * Fixed session manager should not set rating attributes having null values when rating to detect authorization change * Fixed MBR history report should display incident actions with background representing current incident state rather than state at time action was recorded Emerald 6.0.31 - 1/28/2019 -- * Added rating summary in service reports menu now shows data for all consumption types however cost display limited to rates having consumption unit of MBR balance * Added detailed and summary versions of service gauge alert dashboard widgets * Added assign appropriate priority levels for all messages transmitted via syslog from emerweb * Added replaced IIS specific processing queue with multi-threaded work scheduler * Added httpget emerweb function support for jsonflat response format * Added hosting Emerald under IIS is now autodetected no longer requiring manual registry settings to enable * Added Windows style username realm stripping of external HTTP or TLS authenticated login * Added tx flush hinting when hosting Emerald as an ISAPI module under IIS * Added cardtype emerweb function now automatically clears previous card type values prior to processing new cards * Added accumulate emerweb function support for table inputs having non-contiguous sequence grouping * Added replace custom list and memory management for operator group access, theme scoring, rating system AVPs, BST guess and GBE config * Added row level label security database can now be queried concurrently by multiple clients * Added reduce contention during concurrent write to logging ring * Added use termination extension to shutdown Emerald hosted as an ISAPI module under IIS * Added WorldPay tokenized credit card batch processor * Added move cPanel export API from XML to JSON due to vendor removing support for XML interface * Added login and logout client interface enhancements to assist operators manage external HTTP and TLS authenticated sessions * Fixed sawtooth pattern appears while charting monthly service usage where interim accounting is enabled and multiple concurrent sessions are active for the same service * Fixed towers having negative sort should be hidden from service tower selector * Fixed export system custom filter JSON Flat does not produce expected results parsing JSON formatted responses * Fixed dynamic rating variables in data dimension for greater than less than rule comparisons without specifying data rate having rule set linked to time set have their values incorrectly multiplied by number of elements comprising the time set * Fixed data rates conditioned on time sets should only increment historical time and data usage counters over subset of range currently costed * Fixed hosting Emerald as an ISAPI module under IIS blocks due to processing queue having not started * Fixed staged startup should fail to complete when database encryption is enabled and no decryption key is available * Fixed failure to create one or more threads while initializing multi-threaded work scheduler should result in initialization failure * Fixed prevent web requests from processing should request parameter parsing not be completely successful * Fixed session cookies should not be logged when debug logging is enabled * Fixed configuring warehouse stock locations target quantity should be allowed to equal reorder quantity * Fixed inventory assigned to MBR but not a specific service should be hidden from MBR level inventory summary display * Fixed bulk email should exclude active MBRs canceled with a permanent cancel reason * Fixed scheduler should not cancel reservation after scheduling work since reservations are consumed when scheduled * Fixed logging ring queue overflow warnings should not themselves be dependent on logging ring and must always occur at predictable intervals * Fixed large requests are not processed when hosting Emerald as an ISAPI module under IIS * Fixed memory leak possible failing to add or change a record via update emerweb function when row level label access is denied Emerald 6.0.30 - 12/20/2018 -- * Added RADIUS vendor database updated supporting many new attributes and vendors * Added report service alert support for gauge and gauge alert parameters * Added custom report field for gauge alert selection * Added service type, charge type and GL code search filters to invoice search. Field not visible by default enabled from field visibility / location Invoice search * Added service templates to create new MBRs from signup server with initial 1 or 2 week CC/EFT hold * Added improve empty field detection throughout emerweb * Added gauge alert parameter field support for quick reports * Added emerald version 5 upgrade process improved to automatically account for additional version 6 constraints: AllowedHosts, SalesPersons, IncidentValues, TaxGroupTaxes, AccountTypes, RadProxyAttributeGroups, RateSourceAttributes, MasterAccountDataTypes, Incidents, Payments and ExternalTrans * Fixed recalculate service billed thru automatically when invoicing within closed portion of timeline and a future open occurs within invoice bill days of current day * Fixed statement future invoice activity filter should disregard nonrecurring services and self-limit to 30 day period * Fixed new statement active MBR filter applied to join rather than where clause * Fixed menu group labels should use dbpool for query parameterization * Fixed statements created as a result of new invoices should filter unprocessed and voided invoices * Fixed invoice cross check procedure should ignore unprocessed invoices * Fixed enforcement of chronological invoice void constraints should exclude unprocessed invoices * Fixed service level historical market tag processing should ignore unprocessed invoices * Fixed unprocessed invoices should be ignored when calculating new expiration date as a result of payments distributed to line items * Fixed Reports aging, batch email and print summary, churn, commission and deferred revenue should ignore unprocessed invoices Emerald 6.0.29 - 11/10/2018 -- * Added MBR level field for standing purchase order number. Field not visible by default enabled from field visibility / location MBR * Added monthly payment history report charting payments by type and GL on a monthly basis * Added credit card tokenization interface with bulk token management and remote storage of card account number by supported transaction gateways * Added IP Pay tokenized credit card batch processor * Added database procedures should have more control over ordering of payment and credit distribution to invoice line items * Added data masking transform option to hash emerweb function * Added batch processor lookup operation no longer transmits card account number to database * Added attachment file name can now be set via 'attach file label' within a notice when sending a notice that renders a report in non-HTML form as an email attachment * Added default emerweb function allows input columns containing empty values to be stored as a default value * Added graph emerweb function operating in column mode now supports row filtering using groupcolumn and group parameters * Added months, days and years parameters to time emerweb function allowing configuration of offsets relative to 'today' * Added when data masking is enabled and secure data input value contains masked data allow storage of masked value if current value is empty or does not exist to support externally stored secure data * Added reset item level attribute defaults as a result of product change when receiving new inventory via item entry form * Added allow item state selection within inventory search so long as applicable state group is unambiguous * Added line chart and field visibility settings for churn reports * Added customer center default theme minor style update * Added weekly online index defragmentation of RADIUS accounting data * Added admin accounting setting 'Time and Data Left nonrecurring purchases' to manage how new blocks of time and data are merged into an expired account * Added field visibility options and line item counts to GL invoiced and GL payments reports. Counts are not visible by default enabled from field visibility / Location GL ... report * Added field visibility options for billing menu failed transaction display * Fixed single byte overwrite possible should block limit of ews templates loaded from in-memory ewp database be exceeded * Fixed write protect inputs of buffered template processor in order to prevent failure while concurrently processing templates executed from a cached query * Fixed replace configs and RDBMS label parsers within buffered template processor with read-only implementation * Fixed select emerweb function writes an empty class for options having no class assigned to them * Fixed cash or check receipt and approved batch transactions notice types always use default receipt report ignoring billing group level overrides * Fixed added missing default exception handler for ungroup emerweb function * Fixed missing final balance check when creating EFT autopay transactions * Fixed incident action update notice for operators should apply to inactive accounts * Fixed incident overdue, incident warn days, new incident email, incident escalation, new incident operator assignment, operator and customer incident action update notices should apply to incidents not assigned to any specific service within MBR * Fixed prevent time and data left update from being reapplied should task be executed more than once within same day * Fixed batch processor selection when creating CC/EFT transactions should always prefer processors in order of card type group, card type organization, card type global, group, organization and global * Fixed listing of unpaid and overcommitted invoices should not be restricted when assigning payment to a specific invoice to ensure all secondary changes are applied * Fixed Business checking EFT transactions via IP Pay should send account type as businessck rather than businesschecking * Fixed group statement report should no longer filter invoices by positive charge amount * Fixed destination attribute filters using 'Delete matching' merge operation should have all relevant matching options available rather than only 'Equal' * Fixed non role based operator assignments to incidents not preserved by default when incident edited by an operator other than assigned operator * Fixed when adding new service from operator and customer interfaces time and data last renewal timestamps should reflect service starting date * Fixed 19-digit credit card numbers assigned to MBRs for CC auto pay are not saved properly when database encryption is enabled * Fixed variables source table was transmitted as request header variables by httpget emerweb function when a custom request body is used and source table not specified * Fixed summary emerweb function should explicitly check for presence of grouping columns within source table prior to execution * Fixed summary emerweb function must preserve internal type information of all grouping columns and data fields when generating output table * Fixed when field masking for secure data is enabled a credit card is initially saved to MBR then a manual payment is created before any other transactions are processed CVV number if not changed is transmitted as a masked value * Fixed credit card swipe from home menu does not properly search accounts having matching card on file * Fixed should requirements check fail when dishonoring payment number rather than error message is displayed as failure reason Emerald 6.0.28 - 9/14/2018 -- * Added IPv4/IPv6 CIDR range search type to RADIUS attribute filtering * Added when assigning item level attributes via inventory system allow default value to be chosen while receiving items from inventory * Added service type level "No Bytes Left Action" setting managing whether service running out of data allocation should result in authentication failure * Added credit card surcharge may now be calculated as percentage of transaction instead of or in addition to existing per-transaction static fee * Added switch to secure default URLs for Texas A&M, Geocoder.ca and Bing geocoder services * Added export template area of exports configured as JSON filters are now processed using JSON specific string encoding rules * Added allow packages to be disabled without error when package folder is not configured and report more details about cause of any failures occurring while loading packages * Added switch to pthreads for rw locking on Linux platform * Added concurrent evaluation of access controls, configs lookup and theme selection to reduce thread contention * Added POST_STRING to access raw POST data similar to QUERY_STRING and removal of unused server environment variables from Variables table * Added transaction begin and commit failure messages within Emerald UI should include details of underlying cause * Added reduce overhead of emerweb table and column lookup operations * Added improve type marshalling while matching source RADIUS attribute filters * Added variable qualifier to output as escaped JSON string * Added variable qualifier for unconditional decryption of encrypted data * Added hash emerweb function to apply a cryptographic hash or HMAC keyed hash to given plaintext * Added improve formatting of browser title description when viewing MBRs * Added allow configuration of negative percentage and static discounts * Added increase line length limit processing ews templates * Added subcategory filter when receiving new items into inventory * Added reduce overhead of emerweb exec plugin function lookup by name * Added reduce isolation level of search within emerald client / accounts menu * Added prevent hash table downscale for query cache, DNS cache, active operators and authentication lockout * Added improve safety and reliability of failure rollback procedures associated with modifying local configuration files on Linux platform * Added remove per-batch size limitations when executing SQL scripts from emerald/sql folder * Fixed size limit of data field in RADIUS attribute filtering should be changed from 255 to 4000 to match database restriction and allow for large expression filters and container attributes with values exceeding 255 bytes * Fixed elements of comma separated emerweb function parameters should be trimmed prior to processing * Fixed improved exception handling when binding all columns via emerquery * Fixed anchor does not position to attributes when modifying product attributes from inventory admin menu * Fixed regular expression based validation rules with no validation expressions defined cause no inputs to be accepted on Firefox browser * Fixed service counts displayed with service type listing of admin menu are not accurate when a service type has no services assigned * Fixed inventory reorder report should exclude items having 0 or empty reorder quantity * Fixed when no themes can be matched default theme should be assigned rather than last theme matched within operator's session * Fixed transactions attempting to be committed without having previously started should result in error * Fixed global section group unassigned when executing ews templates from scheduler or rendering ews based reports * Fixed regular expression search type in RADIUS attribute filters is always matched for string values regardless of whether value matches expression * Fixed controlled shutdown timeout caused by non-MT safe packaged file reference counter * Fixed stage 12 and 13 plugin and package init failures should prevent init progression and be reliably retried Emerald 6.0.27 - 7/10/2018 -- * Added allow items in inventory to be deleted from inventory search results. Requires both inventory delete object access and "inventory search" / "results lists" / "delete item" field visibility * Added clear stale session based on interim data scheduled task now returns summary of changes made during execution * Added amounts of cash, check and custom payment types having not yet rolled into a statement can now be modified within the same day of creation while leaving final amount open for future changes * Added years of timeline history to display now customizable from Emerald admin / web interface / operator settings * Added automatically disable all trusted access features whenever severe misconfiguration is detected * Added explicitly prevent administrative features unsafe for access by admins without global access privileges from being delegated * Added warehouse grouping for stock reporting on a regional basis * Added operator level inventory carts to improve management efficiency * Added incident actions may now be modified if allowed per incident action group rights settings in security menu of Emerald administrator * Added appointments can now be synchronized via URL or downloaded in iCalender format for use by external calendaring software * Added variable output format qualifier support for RFC5546 / RFC6868 data * Added condition filter parameter added to emerweb select function * Added UTC parameter to time emerweb function and NowXX series of fields to form custom datetime formats * Added replace hard asserts in GBE split processor * Added improved Emerald UI performance on Linux platform * Added current status and expired fields to vSubAccounts view * Added improve quoted data stripping algorithm used by export system * Fixed inventory reorder report does not display reorder data for products currently having no items in inventory * Fixed allow stored files containing a comma to be downloaded using chrome web browser * Fixed memory leak of tag condition ruleset values when reloading market engine * Fixed when market processor is run to completion no comparison to previous states should be attempted * Fixed market engine duplicate transition filter must consider elimination of MBR and service level transitions independently * Fixed market engine secondary ordering of ambiguous transitions to enable deterministic outcomes * Fixed cached metadata queries are transmitted to the database when emerweb update function is not executed within an external transaction * Fixed multi-threaded work scheduler used by task scheduler and RadiusNT/X leaks synchronization objects when shutdown * Fixed AV possible in emerweb update function while eliminating auditable fields * Fixed AV possible when an exception occurs validating configuration in Emerald configuration server * Fixed table column sorting in Emerald UI is not available for columns containing a form button Emerald 6.0.26 - 6/10/2018 -- * Added billing and shipping email fields added to vMasterAccounts view and 'mbr_search' action of Emerald API * Added market tag parameter support for MBR contacts and user call summary reports * Added service category parameter support for expired accounts, future expired accounts and user call summary reports * Added VoIP services created as child services of broadband access services will now use parents broadband technology map for FCC477 fixed voice reporting when VoIP service type is configured with voice tech of 'VoIP' and voice transport of 'N/A or Over-the-top' * Added expired service /w auth attempt report updated to display service type and include expired nonrecurring services. RADIUS log lookback has been decreased from 14 to 7 days * Added formatting of receipt report when printed improved to maximize compatibility with receipt printers. On-screen format displayed in browser is unchanged * Added discounting report summarizing effect of discounting on invoicing by service type and charge type * Added customer setting granting option for services having "Service" remote access privileges to manage immediate child services within customer account center * Added billing group listing in general menu of Emerald admin now sortable by column heading. Hidden or inactive groups also displayed with inactive background color and sorted last by default * Added account filter field to active event dashboard widget * Added restrict mixed content via content security policy when HSTS is enabled prior to login * Added move HSTS header to be visible to unauthenticated external scanning tools * Added GBE version should be reported in application name field transmitted to database server * Added support for Mimosa VSA dictionary * Added service category custom report field * Added advanced search option for active MBRs temporarily canceled for a year or more * Added service type availability now changes depending on selected service category if present when running a custom report * Added reduce overhead of periodic sensitive information trim on large systems * Fixed when reopening a temporarily closed service from customer account center MBR should be invoiced current * Fixed include certificates required for Authorize.Net and IP-Pay due to recent service change * Fixed due to API changes open street map default URL has changed to https and supporting root certificates added to Emerald * Fixed organization level configured active MBR limits should count nonrecurring MBRs with same service based counting rules as those used for license enforcement * Fixed account filter selection lists not properly sorted where displayed throughout client and admin interfaces * Fixed applying payment to an account fails when distributing payment to cover a data only refill when detailed time and data tracking of consumption is enabled * Fixed prepaid voucher recharge does not credit new rating data or rating time left only components to service * Fixed Alcatel attribute VSA counter datatypes in default installed dictionary should be of type octets to reflect proprietary encoding * Fixed expired account report expiration filter updated to Emerald version 6 standard * Fixed inactivate canceled accounts task should check to make sure MBR is currently configured with a recurring billing cycle and service not marked as nonrecurring during service level inactivation * Fixed expiring credit card reports expiration filter updated to include cards having expired or due to expire within 60 days or less * Fixed CDR detail versions of invoice and statement reports updated to reflect current versions of stock invoice and statement reports * Fixed validation error saving account filter items when account data is not set with some web clients * Fixed services with period aligned anniversary billing cycle having multi-month pay periods and MBR billing day of 29 or more are sometimes invoiced for a month at a time rather than configured pay period * Fixed query timeout related error classes should be whitelisted to prevent reconnect and retry of queries where execution time limit was exceeded * Fixed line charting throughout Emerald client should autoscale by default without anchoring to zero * Fixed validation of password fields when modifying forms where password is unchanged should be supressed to prevent validation rule changes from forcing pre-existing passwords to be changed * Fixed improve reliability of dbpool, registry, keychain, sqlscript and memory backed output when insufficient resources exist to complete initialization Emerald 6.0.25 - 4/20/2018 -- * Added status of inventory assigned to deleted services can now be modified from inventory menu of Emerald client * Added tower filter option to service and simple searches. Options not displayed by default and must be enabled via field visibility settings * Added cancel reason filter option to MBR and service searches. Options not displayed by default and must be enabled via field visibility settings * Added RADIUS client support for concurrent async request processing and decreased lock contention * Added bypass balance checking for rates where balance based session limiting is enabled and consumption unit of rate is data or time left * Added increase per-process open file limits on Linux platform to at least 4096 across all services of Emerald suite * Added procedure based scheduled tasks should provide execution summary via scheduler task history * Added gauge rollup processing improvements to support large retroactive changes to rollup policy affecting billions of data points * Added MBR and service alerts to warn operators when a recurring account has not yet started * Added expand coverage of hotkeys and remove duplicate assignments navigating Emerald client interface /w printable shortcut reference * Fixed removal of data fields not allowed from an SNMP profile when data field specific configuration is stored within one or more service monitors * Fixed fallback option for manually clearing sessions from online report after dynamic auth disconnect failure does nothing when clicked * Fixed service monitor SNMP polling fails on Windows platform when more than 60 clients are polled concurrently * Fixed reduce number of concurrently open sockets during bulk SNMP processing to avoid reaching default platform process limits * Fixed market group based conditions depends on all, depends on any and conflicts with any are not properly matched * Fixed when no timeline data exists except for a MBR or service close and reopen and both items are subsequently removed from timeline then MBR and or service starting dates are not updated accordingly * Fixed improve reliability of service init scripts on Linux platform * Fixed telephone prefix geolocation in caller-id popup does not work for operator accounts having not configured a default country * Fixed inactive accounts should be excluded when initially loading account data into RadiusNT/X on startup to reduce memory usage * Fixed remove last statement procedure should not rely on MasterAccounts.LastStatementID to determine last statement * Fixed prevent RADIUS authentication protocols with inner identities from attempting to authenticate using blank username Emerald 6.0.24 - 3/10/2018 -- * Added include error cause when reporting name resolution failures * Added meta validation rule for SNMP OIDs to meta tables * Added xendcolumn parameter to graph emerweb function to explicitly declare x-axis extent of y-value * Added reload resolver configuration on name lookup failures on Linux platform limited to once per 10 minutes * Added improve scheduler startup to account for configuration changes while waiting for database, license and encryption manager availability * Added please wait message displayed when running custom reports * Added tower and region parameter to user call summary and tower parameter to revenue by service type reports * Fixed when editing a service level address from MBR addresses menu having a service level address type existing type may not be preserved * Fixed gauge display charts should indicate areas of missing data * Fixed date picker calendar widget removes time of day from datetime fields * Fixed group statement report should use standard logo selection method * Fixed scheduler should use dbpool for all query parameterization * Fixed remove unused scheduler support for text mode operation * Fixed improve service compatibility with Debian based systems * Fixed missing DigiCert G2 cert now required by Payeezy batch processor * Fixed when dynamic windows are used in gauge chart data should be applied to start of window rather than first data point within window * Fixed charge type required error displayed when creating rates having a consumption unit other than MBR Balance * Fixed migration assistant checking of child service category dependencies uses configuration of existing service category instead of destination * Fixed service monitor profile configuration should be removed when deleting corresponding data field from SNMP profile * Fixed when rendering a chart axis empty or null value in input data field should not be interpreted as 0 value * fixed quantization error when rating data over fraction of total session duration with very short data range causes rate to be ignored due to lack of apparent change in data dimension * Fixed import call data directly when upgrading from Emerald version 5 bypassing side effects resulting from normal processing of call records Emerald 6.0.23 - 2/15/2018 -- * Added service gauge alert summary now displayed within account status area of Show MBR * Added service category and service category service type level access conditions by operator group and account filter matching * Added service level type option within service category service type assignments to limit customer center upgrade and downgrade path * Added national region data to states within geo countries * Added address custom data field matching options to Emerald Admin / General / Account Filters * Added batch processor option to completely disable all further processing including any queued transactions for a given batch processor * Added inventory receive location to field visibility managing availability of input fields displayed within item entry form * Added quick report support for secondary grouping * Added quick report allow grouping without specifying any group columns * Added verify invoices should detect instances of duplicate charge adjustments assigned to same invoice line item * Added increase GBE query timeout from 30 seconds to 2 minutes * Fixed SNMP discover data may present table OIDs in a text form that is not reversible * Fixed AV when creating self-signed public certificates from TLS wizard * Fixed database driver problem on Linux platform leads to invalid rating summaries for per-session totals exceeding 2^31 * Fixed syslog source classifiers do not properly match IPv4 addresses * Fixed scheduler task status popup does not display missing scheduled task id error using proper error class * Fixed reduce unnecessary delay processing verify invoices * Fixed availability of CC/EFT payment options does not take into account batch processor active status * Fixed daily open incident assignment notice fails due to missing report * Fixed credit line items in POS invoice results in error when creating invoice * Fixed caller-id popup displays MBRs in search results more than once when lookup number is duplicated across multiple addresses within same MBR * Fixed contribution of stop record may be ignored for usage rating if final interim accounting record is transmitted within same second as stop record * Fixed service monitoring task does not process any ICMP or SNMP queries when Emerald ODBC datasource configured with ANSI nulls disabled * Fixed sending bulk mail from Emerald client using SMS transport fails * Fixed customer center retroactive to billed thru upgrade or downgrade constraint is reversed * Fixed suppress no change warning when upgrading or downgrading service and existing scheduled change occurring on the same day is removed and subsequent replacement if added to timeline would be redundant Emerald 6.0.22 - 1/10/2018 -- * Added avoid sending too much data to clients when displaying gauge charts * Added billing day may now be automatically reset to avoid unnecessary recurring service proration as a result of temporary MBR level closure when all change requirements are met * Added organization and billing group filtering options when downloading FCC form 477 fixed broadband and fixed voice data * Added gauges data label field to customize chart legends within service gauge reporting menu * Added advanced search option 'services /w send bill enabled' displaying services where send bill was enabled yet no email address was explicitly configured * Added rename 'Bulk Messaging' Messaging menu option within operator admin interface to 'Account Filters' * Added improve usability of operator client interface for narrow displays (mobile clients) by providing display format specific anchoring throughout Emerald * Added upgraded support libraries used to graph charts throughout operator client interface * Added reduce absolute service alert lookback for gauges from 7 days to 12 hours * Added support for Aruba VSA dictionary * Added report parameters country, state and account filter now available for selection when creating custom reports * Added applicability of events to MBRs and services may now be defined by account filters * Added renamed field 'Bulk Message Profile' to 'Account Filter' within bulk messaging feature of operator client interface * Added created before and created after search filters to invoice and statement search. Fields are not visible by default * Fixed when only item within MBR timeline is MBR close and close is subsequently removed from timeline resulting in an empty timeline MBR level cancel status display is not updated to indicate cancellation no longer in effect * Fixed rating data left field is visible in service form even when no rate class is explicitly assigned to service type * Fixed resolve ambiguity between precedence of anchors and autofocus form fields with some mobile browsers * Fixed charge adjustments with allow interim disabled may still result in invoices containing only charge adjustments when predicted recurring line items are invalidated by billing engine * Fixed charts plotted over time display time in UTC rather than browsers local time zone * Fixed remove procedure transaction requirement check to prevent failures with earlier versions of Microsoft ODBC drivers * Fixed initial gauge data collection fails when gauge is configured with the data conversion option counter to units per time * Fixed listing of assigned gauges when viewing service monitor list may include duplicate entries * Fixed domain lookup by name within Emerald API excluded domains assigned to global billing group Emerald 6.0.21 - 12/10/2017 -- * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added quick report header auto parameter display support for service categories, service types, towers and gauges * Added improve consistency of list menu bullet item linking throughout Emerald admin menu * Added invoice preview option for estimates created via POS interface * Added field visibility options for service level inventory management * Added service monitoring filter support for service level domain and assigned product * Added service alert operator notice to transmit notification whenever a service gauge threshold alert is active * Added service alerts report listing services having one or more currently active gauge threshold alerts * Added access server listing to Emerald admin tower menu * Added class support for notice selection lists * Added gauge report parameter field * Added events may now be made tower specific * Added item level inventory attribute settings enabling operators to modify some item level data fields while assigning inventory to services * Added geocode failures to daily error summary report * Added use higher resolution timer to report response time for RADIUS requests within Emerald UI on Windows platform * Added invoice type added to invoice emerweb function when calling preview callback template to safely allow preview during an open transaction * Fixed packaged javascript library files should be transmitted with mime type text/javascript rather than text/html * Fixed forward method of calculating market actives should include earliest of all line items within common invoice rather than only line items ending after current date * Fixed market engine scans a day in the future more than necessary when evaluating date dependent rules * Fixed single line items broken into three or more line items by market engine may not be assigned correct quantity and quantity type * Fixed inactive duration of time limited market tags contiguously exceeding remaining invoiced days may incorrectly delay tag from activating * Fixed change associated with last transition period ignored when calculating currently active market tags * Fixed call search report should default to exact match for server, IP and called/calling station fields rather than starts with Emerald 6.0.20 - 11/15/2017 -- * Added process actives menu within market tags configuration allowing operators to recalculate active tag status for all MBRs and services * Added field visibility options for primary edit MBR and edit service menus * Added notice type to alert operators when active licensed MBR count exceeds configured limit * Added Access Server Acct Status report charting NAS queue delay, rate of new session starts and estimated missing record counts from RADIUS accounting data over time * Added per-transaction payment processing fees for check, credit card and EFT payment types * Added scheduled task to apply late fees without waiting for payment once late fee max unpaid days setting is reached * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added tax rate matching by most specific location now supports concurrent matching of a second address data field * Added send method filter added to bulk messaging feature * Added Nomadix VSA dictionary update * Added reduce lines per page by one to reduce possibility of page overflow within stock ews statement report template * Added gauge data conversion options for representing counter data as rate * Added selection lists in configs menus now include item status class * Added capture expressions now supported within SNMP profiles to extract numeric data from string values * Added stock invoice and statement crystal reports updated to improve database compatibility and allow partial address information to be displayed * Added snmp emerweb function should deduplicate requests in the event same OID is requested to be transmitted to the same peer two or more times * Fixed restrict display of currency codes in GL invoice and payments reports in the event search criteria is not restricted to a single organization * Fixed change password option when viewing service category customer access rights should be displayed independent of whether customer access is denied * Fixed minimum balance configuration within late fee day configuration of a late fee should not be presented when configuring percentage based late charge * Fixed open event dashboard widget was using cached event data rather than current information * Fixed listing of actions within an incident should be ordered by ActionID * Fixed string localization missing for bulk email filter options: payment types, billing cycles, regions, service categories, market tags * Fixed invoice display should be sorted by invoice number rather than creation date * Fixed new services created via operator interface with a RADIUS only license should not have expiration dates * Fixed availability of dashboard widgets should depend on licensed feature set * Fixed service init scripts should try pkill in the event killall is missing on Linux platform * Fixed discounts assigned to packaged services should be ignored while converting version 5 database to version 6 * Fixed billing related fields should be hidden throughout client interface when not licensed for billing * Fixed online session report fails with division by zero error in the event overlapping interim records for the same time period are received * Fixed virtual market tags should always give user managed tags precedence when determining base service cost * Fixed default report groups included with Emerald should be restricted by licensed feature availability * Fixed SNMP discovery tool should list IPv4 addresses as non-numeric values * Fixed billing cycle level default extension setting is ignored when creating new services from customer center and operator interfaces * Fixed accounting setting 'Allow Payment to Trigger new Statements' when disabled does not prevent statements triggered by new payment activity * Fixed billing engine should prevent full month prorate processing for recurring line items having day rather than month based pay periods * Fixed incomplete rollback of counters and tag status changes in response to unsuccessful scans to eliminate tag status changes not resulting in different invoicing outcomes * Fixed invoice days limited market tags configured as multiple of 30 days should more reliably map to billing month boundaries * Fixed address data field related matching when processing taxes fails if address data field has not been included for matching in one or more market tags * Fixed calculating current market actives by reversing time has been replaced with forward only replay using line item history to more accurately reproduce status as it existed during invoicing process * Fixed workaround heuristic XSS failures in Opera browser when managing ODBC datasources within Emerald configuration server * Fixed replace billing engine range counter algorithm to prevent instances of unnecessary partial month line item split * Fixed before performing manual dependency checks within emerweb update function confirm metadata for dependent table and column are present * Fixed marking columns add only in Emerald metadata causes update error when a non-changeable field is updated and no changeable fields are modified * Fixed feature parameter within select emerweb function was not enforced for global administrators Emerald 6.0.19 - 10/10/2017 -- * Added tax sources with a tax type of 'TaxRates Table' now support upload of tax rate data via web browser * Added service templates to allow creation of new accounts via signup server with MBR and or service initially inactive * Added operator dashboard widget displaying currently open events * Added billing import format management UI to Emerald admin / advanced menu for customized data imports * Added customer center support for billing group level field visibility options * Added RADIUS server access improved to grant access to unspecified systems when global secret is used and filter any redundant access server level default rules * Fixed improved synchronization of MBR and service start date in response to timeline changes * Fixed service level market tags may be filtered out when an invoiced period ends with service close * Fixed remove continue button from TLS certificate wizard when choosing between self-signed and CSR request * Fixed deadlock running SNMP service monitor task from Emerald scheduler on Linux platform * Fixed items added to TaxRates table having duplicate keys should not result in creation of more than one tax per key & source during synchronization * Fixed when multiple service templates are assigned to a service type only the first template is able to modify signup contact, validation and save forms * Fixed login field autofill within contact form during new user signup does not set default login * Fixed operator group level field visibility options have no effect * Fixed client side field validation missing when modifying billing address from customer account center Emerald 6.0.18 - 9/12/2017 -- * Added service level support for linking customer referrals from other active customers when adding or editing services * Added escape quotes contained within quoted fields during CSV output * Added header only output option to csvquery emerweb function * Added quickbooks iif specific formatting and type conversion to csvquery emerweb function * Added export system support for optionally retransmitting requests in event of http layer failure * Added when client currency code display is enabled currency code now shown within payment & statement searches and MBR level current, statement, realtime and credit limit balance fields * Added shortcut key 'P' for make payment option within Emerald Client / Billing / Post Payments interface now activated only while there is a single match to payment search criteria * Added form 477 broadband coverage file generator should remove any duplicate census blocks from user provided block list * Added while adding a new geocoder all batch level processing failures are reset to give new geocoders an opportunity to process previously failed addresses * Added search filter when managing service categories from Emerald Admin / Services / Service Categories menu * Added improved PO box detection when geocoding MBR and service addresses * Added customer referrals displayed within sales information area of Show MBR display now provides service level rather than MBR level data * Added Data Science Toolkit and Geocode.Farm geocoder services are now supported * Added RADIUS - offline services advanced search option allowing operators to view active RADIUS capable recurring services not currently online * Added automatic retry on HTTP layer failure for US Census and OSM geocoders * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Fixed service type specific matching restriction for service level auto market tags was ignored * Fixed point-in-time service counting should ignore rather can include services canceled during sample period * Fixed operator default currency code displayed in amount column heading of invoice search rather than organization specific currency on a per-invoice basis * Fixed after entering a Statement ID within post payments interface Invoice ID input field is not completely hidden * Fixed MBR search operation when assigning domains to MBRs and setting Reseller charge MBR at organization level displays operator home page rather than MBR search form when CSRF countermeasures are enabled * Fixed operators should be able to process geocoding batches globally across all geocoders rather than on an individual basis * Fixed during postal code lookup to determine city and state addresses having no state configured should be filtered out and results ranked by highest number of matches when possible * Fixed service address level geo query of service specific addresses not shared by MBR service level address are not processed * Fixed form 477 data exports, exception and summary reports count individual services multiple times when more than one address data field is present * Fixed formatting of fixed broadband and fixed voice form 477 exports should assume TRACTCE rather than NAME field when exporting census tract column * Fixed service category specific service type pricing to override default service type cost were not properly enforced * Fixed US census geocoder rate limit increase from 500 ms to 2000 ms and OSM from 1100 ms to 1800 ms * Fixed when using Bing location services to geocode addresses message "Method Not Allowed" is returned and geocoding fails * Fixed VeriSign root certificate required by US Census geocoder was missing Emerald 6.0.17 - 8/10/2017 -- * Added service monitoring updated to provide support for SNMP collection with SNMP profile management and OID discover feature * Added support for IceWarp mail via database level account synchronization * Added billing cycle parameter to service expiration notice type * Added improved defaults for managing altitude within service tower selector * Added operator preferences updated to let operators know when a change requires operator to logoff to take effect * Added code field now displayed with description when selecting a promo code from market tag configuration * Added custom report field for promo code selection * Added search by promo code added to MBR and simple account searches. Promo code search field not displayed by default. Configure via 'MBR search' or 'Simple search' / Search Form / Promo Code field visibility options * Added last time/data renewal and next time/data renewal dates and quantities for recurring monthly usage renewal to service status display within "show service". Fields not Shown by default. Configure via Service / Show Data (Last/Next Time/Data Renewal) field visibility options * Added test option for service monitor interface to provide exception reporting of all outgoing ICMP and SNMP requests without data collection * Added snmp emerweb function to support scalable bulk data collection from SNMP servers * Added changed behavior of snmpwalk emerweb function to provide partial output rather than fail completely when a loop is detected while walking server MIB tree * Fixed tax exemption list is empty after upgrading from a Emerald version 5 database * Fixed package migration assistant does not reassign invoice void compensation data during migration * Fixed data left field in service status display rounds to whole MB rather than two decimal places * Fixed nightly account change maintenance task should not automatically adjust MBR billing day in order to allow for intentional operator adjustment of MBR anniversary day * Fixed datepicker calendar popup sets invalid date when operator date format not configured MDY * Fixed when setting an initial monthly cost based on invoicing history during Emerald version 5 database conversion zero cost line items should be allowed to influence cost * Fixed instances of unnecessary intermittent network latency of up to 1000 ms within Emerald web server on Windows platform * Fixed TLS session preparation should not be performed within web server primary async request handler * Fixed when privacy protocol is not specified for SNMPv3 sessions the "no privacy" protocol should be assigned to session Emerald 6.0.16 - 7/12/2017 -- * Added when automatically removing sensitive data from deleted accounts login field is renamed with suffix _old to reduce ambiguity during authentication failure if login is reused by another account * Added most specific matching criteria for tax rates improved by considering length of matched data in case of a tie * Added support for duplicate tax entries with the same key and rate to allow for tax with multiple matching criteria when synchronizing tax rates from table based sources * Added changed behavior of vSubAccounts view to show Active field as 1 only when both MBR and service are set active * Added tax payments report now includes display of taxable amount data when available * Added shapes imported using geoimport tool may now be reviewed incrementally from layers UI during import * Added operator information now displayed within MBR and service timelines * Added nicEdit and TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML editors to compose HTML formatted email notices and send bulk mail * Added service monitoring feature enables collection of quality metrics as service level gauge data * Added promo codes can now be managed by operators from Promo Codes menu of MBR. Option hidden by default (Emerald Admin / General / Global Default Fields / Location: MBR / Menu Items / Promo Codes: Show) * Added service category may now be changed for existing services when compatible alternatives meeting all dependency requirements exist * Added increase size of web server read buffer for static content from disk * Added web server mime type support for font/eot, application/json, video/x-matroska, font/otf, image/svg+xml, font/ttf and font/woff * Added message format options enabling email notifications and bulk mail to be sent as text or HTML * Added accounting menu option to manage whether taxable items of an invoice should be affected by credit line items applied to the same invoice * Added billing engine now records taxable amount when creating tax line items to improve tax reporting * Added trspace2 emerweb function alias * Added AVS status indicator displayed if available following decline message of Authorize.Net batch processors * Fixed statement line item display within MBR Statements menu should color line items of invoices applied to previous statements yet voided within current statement differently to avoid operator confusion * Fixed notice transport type field was not synchronized from model causing Bulk SMS notice to be created with a default transport of Email * Fixed session manager should enforce disconnect due to current balance over nonzero credit limit as part of limit enforcement * Fixed incident dashboard displays billing or contact first name twice rather than first + last name * Fixed bulk mail search filtered by market tag only matches on MBR level tags rather than either MBR or service level * Fixed negative sort service types as shown in Emerald Admin / Services / Service Types menu not displayed with inactive background coloring * Fixed global administrator access should be required to configure RADIUS filter groups having destination merge operations of add or log attributes from query * Fixed QKS variable parser is now inherently secure * Fixed management of notices should be moved from Admin Messaging object group to global administrators * Fixed improperly assigned string ids affecting rendering of payments and service summary reports * Fixed client field validation when adding or editing addresses from operator interface was not performed * Fixed theme inheritance redirection for static web content does not preserve subfolder path * Fixed when discounting line items of a POS invoice using charge type auto assigned market tags discounted subtotals should be recorded to 4 decimal places rather than 2 to prevent rounding error * Fixed invalid license checks were previously removed for outgoing messages sent via GSM interface yet did not address outgoing SMPP * Fixed report post processors implemented as batch files or run via command interpreter may not properly send documented parameters on Windows platform Emerald 6.0.15 - 6/1/2017 -- * Added package migration assistant for mass replacement of imported Emerald 5 package services with primary service as parent service * Added export system support for delaying next request in sequence by configured count of milliseconds * Added tower currently assigned to service now displayed within MBR show service menu * Added customer center support for one-time EFT payments and update bank account on file for EFT auto pay * Added operator web link options to control whether links are to be automatically opened in new windows * Added MIB folder updated to improve relevance by removing unused MIBs and adding MIBs from commonly used vendors * Added support for Fortinet VSA dictionary * Added improved geocoder address filter to better detect addresses which do not correspond to a physical location * Added expand native type support requiring less type conversion rating external datasources * Fixed during keychain fallback to configuration store while encrypting database first key was written instead of TPI merged version * Fixed all MIBs contained within Emerald folder should loaded on first use of emerweb snmpget and snmpwalk functions * Fixed snmpwalk emerweb function fails due to loop detection algorithm not accounting for end of view variable types * Fixed prevent RADIUS usage charting display artifacts caused by out of order reception of accounting data in operator and customer interfaces * Fixed service level rating summary display is missing source, rate and rule set column headings * Fixed display current balance instead of realtime balance in customer center service status menu * Fixed improve text of customer center change send method displays * Fixed when updating address on file within customer center notification options presented to user unaffected by customer access and customer description settings * Fixed when saving changes to nonrecurring services from operator interface time of day must not be removed from expiration date field * Fixed PCI check should include idle session configuration of custom configured operator groups * Fixed PCI check should exclude idle session and 2FA checking for operator groups dedicated to API access * Fixed some geocoding services require rate limiting of outgoing requests * Fixed geocoding should never be retried on failure after all geocoders have executed unless address information changes * Fixed client side field validation when managing notification purposes from Emerald Admin / Messaging / Notify Purposes not properly enforced * Fixed unapplied zero cost rating usage should be hidden from daily error summary report * Fixed rating update fails when rating call records with session references * Fixed OpenStreetMap geocoding fails due to place type API changes * Fixed operator settings configured from Emerald Admin / Web Interface menu should also be configurable on an operator group basis * Fixed maximum length of common name for client certificate authentication should match server imposed length limit * Fixed geocoder configuration password fields should be exempt from configured minimum complexity requirements * Fixed web forwarder IP address field should be validated as IPv4/IPv6 addresses or valid DNS name * Fixed database upgrade from Emerald 5 should add an initial status row to RateStatusCalls even while no call records are copied * Fixed database upgrade fails if create user or last change date missing from a service package record during import * Fixed restrict packaged service status to at best package status while importing packaged services from Emerald 5 * Fixed database upgrade fails while importing packages configured with introductory offers * Fixed MBR and service timelines should be created during Emerald 5 database upgrade regardless of current active status * Fixed missing reference constraint on signup servers for send methods on initial schema * Fixed integer values should be formatted as integers when retrieving numeric AVPs from rating system with an output format of string * Fixed rating history upload process does not completely compensate for upload failures leading to possibility of same usage being uploaded more than once * Fixed values associated with previous row may not be cleared with certain data types when rating external datasources containing null field values * Fixed increase precision of stored geocoded address coordinates Emerald 6.0.14 - 5/10/2017 -- * Added account status by service type summary report showing total count of services per account state per service type * Added geocoded or configured coordinates may now be displayed with address information with optional URL linking via web links admin menu * Added host ping monitor dashboard widget to show realtime status and latency for list of administrator configured hosts from web links admin menu * Added additional field visibility options to manage data displayed within Show MBR and Show Service menus within Emerald client * Added ping emerweb function to support scalable collection of jitter, packet loss and network latency data * Added snmpget and snmpwalk emerweb function support for SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 * Fixed data stored as float without scale on Linux platform displayed as integers within Emerald UI * Fixed character columns were logged with change audit transactions in some cases when columns value has not changed * Fixed statistics generated from lock emerweb function may not be stable for all floating point data types leading to detection of false change conflicts * Fixed operator responsible for service creation is not displayed in show service after create date * Fixed weblink dashboard widgets may not be displayed properly when duplicate weblink dashboards are assigned to same operators dashboard * Fixed referral information should be blocked when following customer center web links * Fixed change conflict resolution UI not rendered properly when an MBR level conflict occurs * Fixed conflict detection does not occur for service and address level changes * Fixed service extension field should not be displayed for nonrecurring services * Fixed javascript error occurs when editing a recurring service with no effect on operation of service form * Fixed normalize cancel overlap and service expiration rules throughout all reports, displays and external interfaces to fully account for recurring, extensions and cancellation status * Fixed rating rule set standard rating configuration uses attribute configuration data of first rate source attributes matching attribute name without considering the rules rating source * Fixed missing default admin change error handler when removing server access settings from RADIUS access servers menu * Fixed security header missing from FCC477 fbs, fbd, fvs exports, admin mbr search and group level configs reset * Fixed improve scaling of input and text area boxes on narrow displays to prevent unnecessary horizontal scrolling within Emerald operator interface * Fixed market engine timeline deduplication filter does not properly account for MBR vs service level cancellation state changes causing MBR open transitions to be incorrectly filtered as duplicate by an immediately preceding service open * Fixed billing engine line item split processing on cancel with prorate month or prorate none does not fully validate whether next item is related to itself possibly leading to calculating wrong closing date * Fixed missing validation constraints during market engine invoice line items processing to detect processing errors * Fixed market engine progress reporting shows an overall completion percentage exceeding 100% * Fixed invalid license feature check within SMS poller prevents transmission of outgoing messages with Emerald professional edition license * Fixed auth name break for customer specific EFT export should use the same method as batch level export * Fixed include transactions currently in states exported or transaction started in customer center pending amount and transaction count warnings * Fixed service expiration update during payment distribution affecting no cost child services may not complete * Fixed nonrecurring services within recurring MBRs should be excluded for consideration by MBR auto close feature * Fixed checking for invoices to void when closing an MBR should only include invoices having one or more relevant line items of type recurring * Fixed MBR and service level custom data fields with empty but non-null values should be hidden from display in Show MBR and Show service menus * Fixed transaction started missing from list of states which should prevent credit transactions from being issued * Fixed revenue forecast reporting should not include nonrecurring services within recurring MBRs * Fixed source number when sending outgoing SMS messages via SMPP should use source address field within poller configuration * Fixed when detailed time and data tracking is enabled removal of usage buckets once bucket has been consumed should not exclude bucket for removal just because no value has been set within Rating data left field * Fixed missing last refill timestamps due to upgrade from previous Emerald versions for daily and monthly auto refill of time/data left should not prevent refill from occurring Emerald 6.0.13 - 4/10/2017 -- * Added daily new users report updated with support for configurable starting and ending periods * Added batch manager support for deleting open print batches to allow replacement batches after send method configuration change * Added daily error summary report should include warnings about MBRs with unsatisfied inventory assignment and file attachment requirements * Added dashboard widgets: web links, invoice, payment and new incident charting, incident summary and detail views, open appointments, RADIUS active session summary, recent RADIUS auth failures and active MBR counts * Added once and noonce emerweb function memory should be indexed to efficiently support bulk deduplication * Added Emerald Admin / Web Interface / Customer Settings / Customer Website Payment on Credit Balance and Customer Website Payment on CC/EFT Auto * Added field visibility option to include display of RADIUS queue delay information when viewing online sessions or using call search report * Added email or SMS distribution lists can now be downloaded based on bulk mail selection criteria * Added show unauthorized sessions appearing in the online list with the suspect background color * Added file attachment storage utilization and file expiration summary report * Added buttons_infobar.ews theme file for improved user customization opportunity of infobar within operator interface * Fixed realtime CC/EFT transactions where response transaction ID is invalid should additionally result in batch level failure * Fixed void compensation to abort processing of CC/EFT transactions which subsequently cannot be committed locally should be inhibited during manual void transactions * Fixed when admin configured bulk messaging profile is selected by an operator resulting distribution list should still be limited to billing groups the operator has access * Fixed pending rating usage summary pricing should not be shown in operator and customer status and history displays if rating cost type is not units of currency * Fixed hide CC/EFT transaction status warnings from the daily error summary associated with inactive MBRs * Fixed daily error summary report detail messages may not be displayed if associated MBR does not have a billing contact name * Fixed filter unknown user authentication failures from daily error summary report to reduce low value information * Fixed auto pay transactions associated with MBRs configured for EFT auto were not automatically being created * Fixed service type RADIUS attribute copy option during creation of new service type does not copy sort order data from source service type * Fixed initial rating history data may not be created for rates using consumption units of rating data or time left instead of cost * Fixed send bill field displayed within service information area of show service menu always displays No regardless of send bill setting * Fixed service monthly cost should be hidden from view when a recurring MBR or service is subsequently made non-recurring * Fixed session manager state tracking oscillation incorrectly disconnects users with multiple concurrent sessions when Enforce Authorization Change is enabled * Fixed theme scoring for billing group related conditions should use a static score value instead of unused group level score configuration field * Fixed database error message referencing unknown table RadIPAddresses is displayed in scheduler task history for log trimming task * Fixed voiding a recent unsettled Authorize.Net CC/EFT transaction within Emerald can cause void to be successfully processed within gateway yet corresponding compensation not applied to Emerald * Fixed data left warning notices should not attempt to account for current interim usage of active sessions since interim usage is already debited from services data remaining * Fixed time left warning notices should attempt to account for current interim usage of active sessions since interim usage is not debited from service time remaining * Fixed scheduled task managing collection of invoice sequence gaps for gapless invoicing feature fails with unknown procedure database error * Fixed API action service_modify fails with invalid expiration date error when modifying an existing service using http API * Fixed missing index on Payments.CreateDate field to reduce overhead rendering some payment reports * Fixed remove non user affecting javascript errors from bulk mail when SMS transport is selected and when managing infobar preferences * Fixed minimize empty spaces and include missing top level response attribute for XML responses transmitted via http API * Fixed reduce clock drift check tolerance to detect single hour offsets * Fixed creating a new batch processor initial default processor type does not display related configuration fields and should be empty by default * Fixed remove page break control attribute from HTML invoice and statement reports to workaround rendering problem while printing from Outlook * Fixed margin and spacing adjustments to invoice and statement reports to reduce chance for unintended page breaks when printing * Fixed during database upgrade only RADIUS call records of type stop should be copied, prevent intra-day overlap when copying calls and reduce copy completion time * Fixed service type normal RADIUS attributes are copied as failure attributes instead of failure service type attributes during database upgrade * Fixed self-expiring file attachments configured using file category inactive and active expire days settings were not removed upon expiration * Fixed querytrans scheduled task type does not execute queries within an explicit transaction * Fixed service expiration should not be affected by non-recurring line item types when distributing payments to line items Emerald 6.0.12 - 3/10/2017 -- * Added API action gauge_add updated to allow service lookup by serial number or any item level data attribute of an inventory item currently assigned to a service * Added API action inventory_search updated to allow search by EAN, SKU and SupplierSKU * Added API action inventory_modify to change assignment and status of items under inventory * Added RADIUS auth failure log trim settings for user not found authentication failures of MAC addresses to better support MAC preauth * Added allow CC/EFT new payment void admin accounting setting controlling number of hours remain to void a CC transaction after initial creation * Added gapless invoicing feature enabling gaps in invoice number sequences to be retroactively filled by future invoices * Added Detailed Account Sync web service external system offering MBR and Service level information for external provisioning * Added limit MBR and service level timeline displays to activity occurring over the last five years * Added quickreport automatic parameter displays for starting date, ending date, payment types and scheduling resources * Added global and operator appointment calendar reports to Custom Reports / General * Added access server usage report to Custom Reports / Systems & RADIUS * Added crystal reports version of stock invoice and statement reports * Added accounts advanced search options: CC auto MBRs /w expired cards, Free RADIUS capable services, Free services, RADIUS - online services, RADIUS - recent auth fail services and Services /w RADIUS attributes * Added advanced admin interface to facilitate configuring custom search queries from accounts advanced search menu * Added output 'format' configuration parameter for API actions returning tabular data * Added custom report parameter fields for pay methods, payment types, scheduling resources and previous week starting date * Added address custom data fields where data types address summary view setting is set 'show' now display in Show MBR and Show Service menus * Added inventory items sold via POS can now have default sale inventory state set from Admin / Inventory / Product States / Default POS State * Added POS invoices should block item quantity selection when item from inventory is applied and block pricing change if item level price is defined * Added inventory receiving interface enhanced to support scanner based bulk entry and CSV file upload * Added limit worst case invoice split window processing and diagnostic output to avoid infinite loop in the event of an unhandled transition * Added filter and nofilter emerweb functions to filter rows of input table based on operator security, access labels, features and condition expressions * Added empty check option to emerweb check function to provide simplified means of checking for empty values * Added normalize copy-on-write across all emerweb functions * Added check validity of billing engine generated line items before committing new invoices to database * Added process geography immediately after geocoding to minimize delays using address data synchronized from a geographic layer * Added addresses assigned to disabled or deleted services display with inactive style from MBR addresses menu * Added adjustment entry form improved to reduce instances of operators accidentally creating charge when they intended to apply credit * Fixed MBR temporary extension field was not able to be viewed or changed * Fixed billing cycle dependent fields when initially adding a new MBR may not be displayed prior to reloading MBR form * Fixed upgrading from version 5 database location datasets should be synchronized after version 5 database completes to avoid upgrade failing with constraint errors * Fixed AV sending notices when destination email address field is malformed * Fixed file missing error displayed when updating operator dashboard preferences * Fixed crystal report rendering from Emerald fails with configuration error if pathname to crystal print program contains spaces or no report formula is provided * Fixed invoice and market tag processing hangs attempting to process accounts where service close is scheduled and service type has a prorate close setting of no credit * Fixed MBR billing day should be constrained to values between 1st and 31st day inclusive when processing invoices * Fixed when geodistance emerweb function is called against an input table with no rows an empty row should not be added to input table * Fixed single byte memory leak using expression based lineinput filter where matched name capture has an empty value * Fixed not all recordable numeric column values during add transactions were recorded to change history * Fixed report post-processing on Windows platform does not pass correct parameters to external processor when pathname to Emerald contains one or more spaces * Fixed MBR level change error display in Emerald client may cause a duplicate menu to be rendered and mask MBR specific errors when adding a new MBR * Fixed when priority field is disabled within an incident by incident type configuration an error message is displayed indicating priority is required when incident is added or changed * Fixed inventory and operator menu changes via client UI should use client specific rather than MBR change error handler * Fixed selecting print receipt checkbox at time payment is applied displays main menu rather than payment receipt * Fixed when searching inventory to assign items to a service any products assigned to a billing group different from MBR should not be available for selection * Fixed report parameter values should not be reset to default value when changing report fields that cause page reload such as change of organization * Fixed gecoding scheduling should be triggered when updating address information * Fixed missing client side required field enforcement when adding or modifying an incident * Fixed geocoder scheduling should be suppressed when compatible geocoders have been configured or MBR contains no addresses suitable for geocoding * Fixed tabular data outputs from API actions should be filtered for group access security against API label when a GroupID reference is transmitted in API output * Fixed MBR level cancellation should not be offered for non-recurring MBRs from customer center if MBR cancellation is allowed * Fixed service type configuration fields for temporary and permanent prorate close options should display 'no credit' instead of 'no charge' * Fixed default admin data error handler updated with current knowledge base search link to account for recent website changes * Fixed missing unit descriptions in UI when configuring transmit power and gain for tower antennas * Fixed when managing assignment of attributes to inventory categories, subcategories and products if you click Attribute column of attribute list to modify attribute a blank screen is displayed when saved and assignment becomes global * Fixed POS line item descriptions associated with sold items from inventory are not displayed by default when description is left blank within invoice or statement reports * Fixed database upgrade does not properly reset EnableATConfigs for services with custom RADIUS attributes to enable Emerald 5 compatible behavior * Fixed database upgrade should import additional addresses with all Email and SMS purposes disabled by default to match version 5 behavior * Fixed database upgrade of MBR custom data should check to make sure referenced custom data type exists to workaround missing version 5 reference constraint * Fixed suppress reinvoice warnings for account timeline entries created during database upgrade to match version 5 behavior * Fixed when scheduling service type change a historical change record of existing service type must be created if there is no prior change history to prevent changes from influencing prior history and suppressing change proration * Fixed clicking on incident id link from MBR history report results in file access error * Fixed updated expression libraries on all platforms and fixed a problem preventing regular expressions from working on the Linux platform * Fixed addresses assigned to inactive services should not be used for MBR level email or SMS notices * Fixed IP Pay CC error data update should also be applied to IP Pay ACH * Fixed missing object group security configuration prevents non administrator operators from creating payments within the Emerald client * Fixed remove reinvoice hyperlink in displayed alert messages as a result of account close or service type to reduce operator confusion * Fixed during maintenance update operator summary and detail display preferences for address data types included with Emerald should not be reset Emerald 6.0.11 - 2/10/2017 -- * Added remove confirm prompt when voiding failed transactions within MBR payments menu * Added group, region, market and balance filters to aging reporting and prevent total row from being sorted * Added support for Mobius Payments realtime credit card and ACH processing gateway * Added upgraded TLS support libraries used to provide HTTPS access to Emerald UI and export system * Added unknown variable can be represented as empty value when using '.' variable qualifier in notice and export systems * Added schema bypass options creating new database from Emerald configuration server * Added new service templates 'Create new service from client interface as inactive' and 'Create new service from non-recurring MBR as non-expiring' * Added customer center option to allow reopen of previously closed recurring service for temporary reason when service add access is granted at the service category level * Added custom report parameter fields for server groups, servers, product categories, subcategories, sources, towers and warehouses * Added MasterAccounts and SubAccounts crystal report filters when printing MBR and service level reports * Added allow pay method selection to be skipped within signup server when only a single pay method is available * Added default signup server country when a country not chosen in signup configuration to signup billing group's country followed by first country * Added quick report header updated to display report logos, style updates and auto parameter display support for inventory sources, product categories, subcategories, server groups and servers * Added inventory report group, security object group and following new reports 'reorder inventory', 'inventory assigned to closed services', 'unfulfilled service requirements', 'product stock summary', 'warehouse stock detail' and 'warehouse stock summary' * Added server group and server parameters to monthly session summary and user session summary reports * Added MBR level statement of account report * Added update styles associated with all custom reports * Added locally aggregate results from database in revenue by service type report * Fixed MBR and service level open account, close account and timelines should not be available to non-recurring MBRs * Fixed missing optional currency labels in bad transaction, churn, churn service and commission detail reports * Fixed database error displayed when managing gauges prevents alert triggers from being managed * Fixed close button for billing preview, statement preview and online clearing confirmation does not contrast with background * Fixed customer center pay method and send method change options in manage account area should not be available for non-recurring MBRs * Fixed manually clearing a session from online session report results in CSRF redirect with some browsers instead of completing successfully * Fixed adding new service from Emerald client and customer center fails when MBR billing cycle is non-recurring * Fixed standard functions not thread safe on Linux platform * Fixed IP Pay batch processor error data if present should appear within failed transaction response * Fixed when child service is authenticating as parent minimum of child and parent expirary should be used in addition to concurrent login limit of parent rather than child service * Fixed inventory items assigned date and assigned user fields should be updated when selling items from inventory via POS invoice * Fixed service types having a customer maximum limit are unable to be added from within customer account customer * Fixed consider report source during report access label checking * Fixed total up/down MB not displayed in user session summary report * Fixed CC/EFT transaction result messages should not be truncated after 50 characters * Fixed AV possible when shutting down reporting system where a post processing program is not configured * Fixed preexisting version 6 databases detected as version 5 within Emerald configuration server * Fixed monthly cost column of customer center manage account service view should not be displayed when MBR is non-recurring * Fixed only first service type assigned service template executed was being executed while editing and creating service * Fixed short duration caching should not be applied to service eligibility checking when adding new services from customer account center * Fixed service category selection field is displayed outside edit form when adding a new service from customer account center where more than one service category is available for selection * Fixed billing history should not be displayed within customer center when no history is available Emerald 6.0.10 - 1/19/2017 -- * Added http based API, profile manager and documentation for external management of Emerald client * Added check emerweb function updated with condition evaluation type * Added optional billing group level table/file/label access checking while outputting data as XML via xmlquery emerweb function * Added RADIUS authentication support for automatically aliasing a variety of MAC address formats to normalized (MAC without separators) format recorded at service level and procedure SALoginNormalizeMAC to optionally normalize all service login fields containing MAC * Added search action to formcheck emerweb function to override client required field validation * Added changed web server default TLS protocol version to 1.2 and move 3DES ciphers from high and medium to low security * Added simplified database views vMasterAccounts, vSubAccounts, vIncidents, vActions, vInvoices, vInvoiceItems, vPayments, vInvItems, vMasterAccountData and vSubAccountData to make it easier to externally query Emerald account information * Added RadClearInterim procedure to provide speculative port clearing based on number of missed interim updates or total time elapsed with no interim updates * Added cutoff after which MBR and service level custom data are displayed in separate show boxes * Added support for custom post-processing of rendered reports as configured via ReportPostCMD and ReportPostMask registry keys * Added increased maximum size of web server transmit buffer * Added field visibility settings allowing recurring service list to be displayed at service level * Added recurring task and interval search fields to scheduler task history search * Added ID column to manage notification purposes configuration options under admin messaging menu * Added default theme improvements to better support small displays * Added Calling Station and Called Station columns and field visibility options to call search report * Added failed batch transaction list in client billing menu should be user sortable * Added availability of MBR and service level menu options may now be controlled via field visibility settings * Added upload and download data rate in Mbit/s now displayed in online session report when interim accounting available * Added store current line item totals at invoice level for unprocessed POS invoices created as estimates * Fixed calling update emerweb function via add alias does not perform required field validation before adding new data or output row sequence number * Fixed move sort of calls search and RADIUS logs to database to avoid misleading results once search limit has been reached * Fixed restrict evaluation of GETDATE() special value to time related data types in update emerweb function * Fixed zero cost charge and point of sale line items should be allowed to be processed as if they had been paid * Fixed improve safe number filter to require negative sign to always precede numeric values * Fixed missing meta tables billing group dependency chain information for Incidents, Actions, SubAccountData, MasterAccountData, CreditCards, MasterAccountTags, SubAccountTags and SubAccounts * Fixed billing cycle options for direct use prepaid batch types should only display nonrecurring cycle types for selection * Fixed service category configured with a direct use prepaid batch type was not being applied to the card batch during batch creation * Fixed still unable to save incident type configuration when no scheduling resource selected with some browsers * Fixed when adding MBRs and services do not try to process market actives if not licensed for billing features * Fixed migration of signup servers from Emerald version 5 fails when prepaid transfer settings for the signup server have not been previously configured * Fixed three hour delay exception for auto pay export of MBR limited CC/EFT batches was not properly lifted * Fixed direct use prepaid cards where accounts are provisioned during RADIUS authentication fails to create MBR and service records * Fixed migrating of packages with no extension information during Emerald version 5 database upgrade fails * Fixed service type service template assignments not automatically migrated from Emerald version 5 * Fixed zero cost charge adjustment line items should be allowed for informational purposes * Fixed deleting an unapplied adjustment resulting from voiding an invoice containing the adjustment fails with a dependency error * Fixed services without any billing address information on file are unable to login to customer account center * Fixed when voiding invoices migrated from Emerald version 5 billed thru date may not be automatically rolled back due to missing calculation (InvoiceSubAccounts) during upgrade * Fixed ignore disabled fields when performing client side field validation during fallback from HTML5 form validation * Fixed corrected instances of notice types parameter inconsistency and missing enhancements previously unapplied from version 5 * Fixed inventory search should not require operators to fill in blank fields before search is permitted Emerald 6.0.9 - 11/29/2016 -- * Added configuration server listen IP settings to control whether client certificate authentication is available per listen address * Added prevent message-authenticator from being transmitted for CoA and Disconnect dynamic authorization messages to workaround third party DAS implementation bugs * Added emerweb function error handler templates can now be suppressed by setting handler to keyword "none" * Added 3-tier clock drift cross check when viewing operator home after operator login and related driftcheck emerweb function * Fixed correct error "CID:n not found in account set when processing market tags" during invoice batch processing * Fixed duplicate default scheduled tasks may be created when installing an Emerald maintenance update * Fixed when an error occurs updating service information the main menu is displayed twice before error message is presented * Fixed invalid security check prevented customers from updating their card on file from customer center when change pay method access is restricted * Fixed test and process menu options in rating datasources display operator home menu on some browsers * Fixed bad data entered previously entered into version 5 service type RADIUS attributes can cause database upgrade errors * Fixed market actives should be recalculated after successfully applying a new promotional code within customer center * Fixed reduce cache lifetime of callerid search application results to 30 seconds and improve efficiency of account number searches to prevent display of stale data * Fixed deletion of promotional codes should automatically attempt to remove their application to existing MBRs * Fixed address search field within accounts simple search, MBR search and service search did not properly filter search results * Fixed when adding a service and a service category where no applicable service types are available then default settings may not be applied if the service form is not refreshed again after selecting a valid service type * Fixed improve error handling, add default error handler and removed inoperative bulk messaging code from email emerweb function * Fixed virtual market tag information should not be stored with the invoice * Fixed trivial memory leak can occur in the event operator section reload fails * Fixed minor improvements to heightmap accuracy Emerald 6.0.8 - 11/17/2016 -- * Added time based incident escalation may now be defined as number of minutes in addition to days * Added improve styling of callerid lookup, add themes support and correct errors displayed when call lookup service options are shown * Added constrain worst case web server shutdown time to 30 seconds then abandon controlled shutdown * Fixed support menu incident show escalated option does not include time based escalations in search results * Fixed incident type configuration changes unable to be saved when no scheduling resource selected * Fixed per-operator field visibility configuration changes did not take effect right away requiring an admin operator to click Apply * Fixed incident escalation operator notice type fails with a query error * Fixed improve safety of web server idle session disconnect under high load when no worker processes are available * Fixed AV occurs after shutdown completes on Linux platform Emerald 6.0.7 - 11/14/2016 -- * Added customer center manage account option for users to change their accounts send method * Added customer center setting controlling months of invoicing history to show in billing & payments menu * Added require customer to change password when accessing customer center and SubAccounts.PasswordChange is set 1 * Added native support for 64-bit operating systems on Linux platform * Fixed file not found error displayed when scheduling database backup from Emerald Admin / Database menu * Fixed dbpool improve error message on failure to allocate statement handle after query execution and treat no data as successful execution * Fixed AV when running credit card batch export with CC/EFT transactions disabled from upgrade & testing menu Emerald 6.0.6 - 10/30/2016 -- * Fixed scheduling service type change from customer center fails with services does not exist error message * Fixed simple and MBR account searches fail with a query error when company name included as search term * Fixed required field error saving addresses when selected address type is configured not to display email and SMS purpose options * Fixed when adding address from MBR addresses menu a blank screen is displayed after address creation instead of returning to MBR address list * Fixed better scaling of content within show boxes of show MBR and show service menus * Fixed missing visual feedback when making changes to settings menus * Fixed file not found error displayed when scheduling notices, external systems and rating datasources * Fixed market engine service category matching may not always succeed when a suitable service is available * Fixed when using prepaid recharge feature within customer center some failure conditions are improperly reported as unknown type * Fixed hidden MBR level market tags are not hidden within the service level tag view * Fixed during Emerald version 5 upgrade detect orphaned billing level country records as DRI not previously enforced * Fixed copying service level RADIUS attributes fails during Emerald version 5 upgrade * Fixed detect MBR level orphaned country and state references during Emerald version 5 upgrade as DRI not previously enforced Emerald 6.0.5 - 10/28/2016 -- * Added tower selector terrain graphing now uses heightmaps data folder rather than contours loaded into geography database * Added elevation emerweb function and updated fresnel function to query elevations * Added service level field enabling individual services to be marked as non-recurring within a recurring MBR billing cycle * Added line item total field now displayed during new invoice preview * Added customer center manage account menu option enabling customers to enter promotional codes * Added remove data point indicator from service level usage graph to better accommodate interim detail * Added service category migration assistant for mass changing service category assignments of existing services * Added reduce delay when managing service types of large databases within Emerald Administrator * Added improve performance of database upgrade from Emerald version 5 when upgrading large databases * Fixed market tag editor field availability filter should not include ETF settings and allow charge type of All when tag type is charge type auto * Fixed attribute value should not default to first on list when adding list based service type attributes * Fixed global and MBR level verify invoice features should ignore invoices marked as not having been processed * Fixed added missing default exception handler for fresnel emerweb function * Fixed when upgrading database from version 5 service type defaults and user attributes having values configured from value list may import without a value * Fixed direct reference access should not be allowed for default emerweb function exception handler templates * Fixed improve contrast of warning messages * Fixed description field displayed with new statement preview should show service type description rather than service type and include product + serial for inventory related charges * Fixed charge type auto assignment market tags were not able to apply discounting to charge adjustments or modify item cost of POS invoices * Fixed when no port is defined for radlogin emerweb function allow RADIUS client to determine default port from service database rather than default to 1645 * Fixed section database may not be freed when shutting down after partial startup to stage 15 * Fixed remove unused status selection field from edit service form * Fixed when calculating currently active market tags MBR level tags should always be finally processed relative to current target date rather than final block calculated from last service Emerald 6.0.4 - 10/20/2016 -- * Added filter unknown message types when importing RADIUS authentication failure log from Emerald version 5 * Added invoice and statement reports updated with style changes, line item discounting and field visibility support * Added when adding new service type changes for same service on the same day to the service timeline inactivate previous changes when applying new change * Added customer description field at service category service type level to provide customer information when upgrading or downgrading service * Added allow service type to be modified directly when editing services for nonrecurring MBRs * Added process transactions menu option in MBR payments menu to instantly process auto pay transactions using card on file * Added service call history usage graph now includes interim accounting data * Added signup server and customer account center now available * Added output field showing line item total in invoiceitems table callback when executing exec.invoice template function in preview mode * Added invoice type of Customer POS to specifically mark and manage POS invoices created by customers * Added improve error messages normally caused by mismatches in current vs running configuration * Added support for sequence identifiers within accumulate emerweb function to count deltas within named sequence * Added allow Gx billing group references when attaching section groups for section processing to be replacable within a request * Added PeriodEndDay column to time emerweb function when billday parameter is used to indicate last full day of billing period * Added noonce emerweb function which evaluates opposite to once * Added default function now creates a table and row if specified table does not exist * Added change emerweb function to modify current row of query table * Fixed descriptions of recurring line items not appearing in invoice preview * Fixed prevent monthly time and data renewal from sometimes occurring a day or two earlier than expected * Fixed MBR billing day was using starting day rather than billing cycle bill day for period aligned monthly cycle type * Fixed nonrecurring invoice service update was failing with change conflict due to mismatch when billed thru date contains nonzero milliseconds * Fixed three hour restriction for auto pay export to automatically replace recently voided transactions should not apply to MBR restricted batch exports * Fixed service level start date is not properly rolled back after opening service in the future then clearing open from timeline and finally reopening as of earlier date * Fixed operator group level section management should not exclude built in operator groups * Fixed disabling customer access at the service category service type level should not mask the allow change password field * Fixed time charge customer access field should not default to a value * Fixed improve configuration dependent hiding of fields when editing service types * Fixed limit maximum width of information boxes when viewing MBRs and services * Fixed improve display of billing engine errors when processing POS invoices * Fixed update task watcher to not use meta refresh to poll for updates as this feature may be disabled by configuration in some browsers * Fixed completed removal of all session cookie references within body of http responses * Fixed batch printed invoices and statements do not render properly for printing in many current browsers * Fixed service level file attachment downloads fail * Fixed increase payinfo comment field character limit accepted by billing engine * Fixed prevent billing engine from accepting negative payment amounts prior to payment processing * Fixed market engine should not execute service level market tags for one time charge line items * Fixed per session section groups not properly initialized when ews templates are run from non-web sources * Fixed Sybase specific native errors should not be suppressed when executing SQL scripts using SQL Server * Fixed suppress duplicate output of barcode style sheets on subsequent calls to barcode template function within the same request * Fixed template parsing problem immediately after some string translation variables can cause invalid character output Emerald 6.0.3 (beta 2) - 9/16/2016 -- * Added when creating POS invoices to credit time & data charges the applicable time charge if any is now displayed in Misc / Product field of POS line item to provide operator feedback on time charge matching * Added previously entry of sort order was mandatory throughout much of admin UI. Now sort order is still highlighted as mandatory however if a form is saved without then default sort order '0' is entered automatically * Added ID fields to states, tax sources and gauge display * Added improved encryption manager on screen instructions * Added hide rating time/data left fields from time charges assigned to service types without a rate class * Added Uncategorized items menu under Emerald Admin / Accounting / GL Codes to enable central initial configuration of GL Codes across Service Types, Charge Types, Taxes, Tax Sources and Payment Types * Added GL invoiced and payments reports now include GL category for uncategorized items * Added object group to specifically control access to change history report * Added restrict concurrent execution of query and querytrans scheduled tasks to limit background database load * Added existing Emerald 5 databases can now be copied when creating new Emerald 6 database * Fixed allowed pay method settings missing from signup server configuration * Fixed service timelines where service type changes occur prior to permanent or temporary cancellation were not being updated with cancel date until after service type change occurred * Fixed file category display and edit forms should show invoice and payment status rather than incidents and products * Fixed missing client side amount and quantity validation when creating POS invoices * Fixed missing sort for Emerald Admin / Security / IP Security display * Fixed allow AddressRangeInterpolation results from A&M geocoder * Fixed wrong service category may be displayed when viewing a service within MBR * Fixed remove unused crystal report server configuration from Emerald Admin / Reports & Logs / Settings * Fixed missing syslog trimming based on global, source and type specific expiration * Fixed service type and parent service type monthly cost tiers under service categories input fields not properly validated * Fixed direct reference disallowed because security header was missing when saving global, billing group and operator group level configs * Fixed inactivate canceled account procedure did not consider temporary status of MBR cancel reason or support service level inactivation * Fixed unquoted hyperlink references listing RADIUS auth fail attributes * Fixed several scheduled daily system and account maintenance tasks were missing * Fixed state level national reference numbers were not properly synchronizing from model database * Fixed missing configuration option to control auto closing of reports when not in focus * Fixed FCC form 477 reporting should filter out all non-subscription based accounts * Fixed required file category for MBR and service alerts may include categories that are not required * Fixed bulk email profile option payment type should be labeled pay method * Fixed scheduled task update account market tag status fails with database error * Fixed filter non-report ews template access to /reports folder and remove unused crystal server viewer filters * Fixed object group security labels were incorrectly synchronized as files from the model database * Fixed direct reference not allowed when editing RADIUS attribute filters and sections * Fixed when incident type is used for appointment scheduling time unit and scheduling days fields should be required * Fixed remove defaults for category and type from market tag configuration * Fixed geographic layer should be required when a tax source with source type of geographic data is selected * Fixed remove default address forwarding header type from reverse proxy configuration * Fixed explicit time charge settings missing from nonrecurring signup options configuration and options display * Fixed query error may be displayed in some situations without an html header preventing output from being properly formatted per style sheet * Fixed improve error handling when loading IP access controls into security database and use standard functions for IP/Subnet address checking * Fixed when not running under IIS don't parse web server path information * Fixed reassigned conflicting configuration id 325 (org currency) to 329 for audit log search. This prevents the audit log search setting from incorrectly being displayed as a currency indication in reports and operator interface Emerald 6.0.2 (beta 1) - 7/20/2016 -- * Added RADIUS authorization change disconnect feature and configuration settings to session manager * Added time range syntax validation improvements to better detect formatting mistakes and reduce ambiguity * Added negative quantity error checking to MBR level verify invoices menu option * Added reduce address geocoder failure limit from 10 to 4 * Fixed templates executed from Emerald scheduler using ews task type fail with file not found message * Fixed reporting system should explicitly bypass packaged file checking when rendering ews templates * Fixed forward and backslash should have equal weight determining template filename * Fixed remove unconstrained string handling functions from dbpool * Fixed missing check for negative quantity and required field highlights when adding an adjustment or POS charge * Fixed prevent global admin operators (where all access checking is bypassed) from referencing templates where direct reference has been restricted by any object group * Fixed missing direct reference restriction for sa_custom-save.ews * Fixed printing of single invoices, statements and payment receipts with some browsers displays a duplicate HTTP header in body of report and does not correctly render when using crystal to output pdf * Fixed GL code selection in service type and charge type configuration missing GL labels * Fixed service group selections of standard admin menu configuration search filter not displayed Emerald 6.0.1 (beta 1) - 6/30/2016 -- * Added allow geodistance emerweb function to use column labels or static variable for source and destination coordinates * Added admin / web interface / 'upgrade and testing' safing options * Added tower detail options interface to customize antenna location and altitude from detail menu of service tower selector * Added account PIN field to MBR * Added set time default to zero if incidents or actions are saved without a duration estimate * Added renamed SSL options to TLS in emerald configuration server and certificate wizard * Fixed unit conversion in fresnel emerweb function does not work as expected * Fixed incident search fails with check error when FTS services are disabled within SQL Server * Fixed error occurs when manually adding a column to meta columns using advanced menu * Fixed remove remaining package settings from service groups admin interface * Fixed database errors displayed when viewing and managing items in commissions manager * Fixed billing group labels not displayed when managing payment plans * Fixed required field highlighting does not work within search forms * Fixed tower detail graph within service tower selector is not displayed with Firefox browsers * Fixed database install scripts not always cleared from memory once database created * Fixed database install fails when databases are created from Emerald configuration server Emerald 6.0.0 (beta 1) - 6/22/2016 -- * Added Initial beta release