[Emerald] Help

Qing Yu ( (no email) )
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 21:05:07 +1100

HI All:
After I install emerald in client machine, when I loading emerald
administrator, it cann't access to server, below is what I log debug
Select count(sc.name) from sysobjects so, syscolumns sc where
so.id=sc.id and so.name.......
Select DISTINCT LiscenseID, Company From Liscenses
Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server Server operation with results
Unexpected EOF from SQL Server, General network error. Check your
DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled
Error loading Liscenses
But the emerald which I install in the server can work, I further test
that I use sql quires tool in the client , it can access server emerald
database and can get the result of
Select count(sc.name) from sysobjects so, syscolumns sc where
so.id=sc.id and so.name.......
Select DISTINCT LiscenseID, Company From Liscenses
Can anyone tell me how to solve the problem?

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