Re: [Emerald] Invoicing?

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 07:49:46 -0700

David Routh wrote:
> If we have an MBR with three services (all dialup login accounts) and check
> "Send Bill" under each service, will that create a separate Invoice for
> each service...

No. That will send a copy of the invoice (with all three accounts)
to each of the services.

> What we want is to have one MBR and be able to create a separate invoice
> for each service under that MBR.

You can't. The definiton of an MBR is ONE billable entity with multiple
services. Our licensing is per-billable entity, not per service.

> I figure that's how it is suppose to work but I just want to be sure.

No, its not suppose to work that way. You would need to split each
into its own MBR if you want each service to be seperately billed.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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