[Emerald] Regional settings problems

Mourad Dahoumane ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:01:08 +0200


I turned debug mode on and in the window SQL2 it gives me this at the
begining : "set
dateformat mdy"

If I then create a new account , I have this in SQL 1 :

INSERT MasterAccounts(ReferredBy, FirstName, LastName, Company, Address1,
Address2, City, State, Zip, PhoneHome, PhoneWork, PhoneFax, SalesPerson,
Region, CreateDate, StartDate, maExpireDate, Extension, Active, PayPeriod,
PayMethod, PayInfo, PaidThru, LastReceived, PONumber, PrePaid,
CreditCardNumber, CreditCardExpire, CreditCardAuth, CreditCardAutoBill,
Comments, LastModifyDate, LastModifyUser, Balance, OverDue, SendMethod,
GroupID, OverLimit, Taxable, BillingCycleID, BilledThru) VALUES('','Un',
'Test','', '','', '','', '','', '','', '','Luxembourg', '990916','990916',
NULL,5, 1,'Monthly', 'Invoice','', '990916','990916', '','', '','', '',0,
'', GetDate() , 'sa',0,00, 5, 1, 2,0, 1, 1, '990921')

and message error : " SQL Server Error: 110 There are fewer columns in the
INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of
values in the VALUES clause must be match the number of columns specified in
the insert statement. State 2 Severity= 15

it is just impossible to create an account or do anything else if the system
is set to other than "English US".

Both server and worksstation are set in French in the regional settings"
the dsn is set to use regional settings , it does not perform translation

I use Emerald 2.5.278 and Radius 2.5.175


----- Original Message -----
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <daler@iea-software.com>
To: <emerald@iea-software.com>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Emerald] TSGRAPH and Licence problem.

> Why can't you? Please turn on debug mode and see what the
> exact error is.
> --
> Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT
> __________________________________________
> IEA Software, Inc. www.iea-software.com
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> http://www.iea-software.com/support/maillists/liststart

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