Re: [Emerald] SQL Licensing

Eric Reeves ( )
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:06:55 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Dale E. Reed Jr. wrote:

> You want to do a per-seat licensing. The licencing is not a
> per-connection,
> but a per-user/machine. For example, if you have RadiusNT/Mailsite on
> the same machine, then thats one seat. Otherwise if they are on two
> different machines, thats two seats. Each machine connecting to SQL
> Server
> requires a license/seat, in per-seat licensing.

Say you have an application on the local machine (machine SQL is running
on) connecting to the DB. Does this take up a seat ?

| Eric Reeves |
| GHG Corporation |

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