Re: [Emerald] SQL errors when changing an MBR to Purchase Order from

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 09:48:09 -0700

Josh Hillman wrote:
> I'm taking an existing account and changing the Pay Method from "Renewal" to
> "Purchase Order" but when I enter in the PO number and Save the MBR, I get
> the following errors (while running Emerald 2.5.278 in debug mode):
> SQL Server Error: 547 UPDATE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY
> constraint 'FK__MasterAcc__PayMe__623A9EC6'. The conflict occurred in
> database 'Emerald', table 'PayMethods', column 'PayMethod' State=2,
> Severity=16
> SQL Server Error: 3621 Command has been aborted. State=0, Severity=0
> DBLibrary Error: 10007 General SQL Server Error: Check messages from the
> SQL Server.
> My PayMethods table contains the following:
> PayMethod GroupID SortOrder
> --------------- ----------- ---------
> Cash (null) (null)
> Check (null) (null)
> Purchase Order (null) (null)
> Credit Card (null) 1
> Invoice (null) 1
> Other (null) 1
> I'm guessing the problem has something to do with the space in front of
> "Purchase Order" in PayMethods.PayMethod. Should the spaces be preceding
> any of the PayMethod names?

Not anymore. Emerald 2.2 and lower used that notation. The Upgrade to
2.5 should have changed them.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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