Re: [Emerald] Hourly Charges

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:41:34 -0700

Annabel Mwansa wrote:
> I got the acctsessiontime from the calls table into an excel
> spreadsheet.
> Hours Online = AcctSessionTime / 3600
> Minutes Billed = from the callhistory table

But are you using the same time frame as Emerald? I would guess that
your time periods don't match the ones from the Call History table,
which is where the discrepency comes in to play.

> The CallHistory contains the following entries for the records shown
> above. I have added the AcctSessionTime from the Calls table.
> AccountID StartDate Months Mins
> Calls ChargeID AcctSessionTime
> ----------- --------------------------- ----------- -----------
> --------- ----------- -----------------
> 992 Jul 22 1999 12:00AM 1 1509
> 159 1408 137,964
> 1664 Jul 14 1999 7:58PM 1
> 675 29 (null) 150,389
> 2634 Jul 14 1999 7:58PM 1 1339
> 55 1456 165,530
> 3383 Jul 18 1999 12:00AM 1 8061
> 342 1518 1,176,051
> Since Emerald rounds off each call to the defined interval, I suppose
> I'm losing &/or gaining some time in the process. A smaller interval
> will give more accurate figures?
> If the interval is 3600 seconds, how will it round off the figures
> listed below? I didn't quite understand how it works.

Actually, that was my mistake. 2.2 used to do that. 2.5 adds the
seconds and then rounds to the next interval.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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