Re: [Emerald] Hourly Charges

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 11:35:55 -0700

Annabel Mwansa wrote:
> I ran Invoices for the first time and the hours don't add up.
> This is what I have configured for the rates in EmerAdmin.
> Name: 15 Hours
> Standard Time: 15
> Standard Interval: 3600
> Standard Charge: $0.00
> Overtime Interval: 3600
> Over Charge: $3.50
> Our clients get 15 Hours when they subscribe to this service and the
> cost is included in the monthly charge. Every additional hour spent
> online is charged at $3.50.
> After running the invoices, the hours didn't add up at all. Here are a
> few examples,
> AcctSessionTime Hours online Minutes Billed Billed Expected
> 137,964 38.32 1509 25.15 23.32
> 150,389 41.77 0 0 26.77
> 165,530 45.98 1339 22.32 30.98
> 1,176,051 326.68 8061 134.35 311.68

Emerald rounds each call to your defined interval. Therefore, you
can't simply sum the AcctSessionTime values, or you will be under
what Emerald calculates (Most likely by the number of calls).
How did you derive the above numbers? Are they from the
Call History table, or a query you ran?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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