Re: [Emerald] errors ? while maintaining Dbase

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 11:11:11 -0700

"Michael Vincent K. Pozon - CompE" wrote:
> guys ,
> can you help me explain what these errors means ?
> AFTER execution of UPDATE DATABASE :
> Changed database context to 'Emerald'.
> Changed database context to 'Emerald'.

These two are normal.

> Unable to create constraint. See previous errors.

This means that a constraint wasn't created. If its not saying
which one, then turn on debug mode in the client or registry and
it should.

> AFTER execution of CHECK DATABASE :
> USED Pages: Changed from (41) to (47) pages
> RSVD Pages: Changed from (39) to (47) pages
> RSVD Pages: Changed from (119) to (127) pages
> USED Pages: Changed from (66) to (67) pages
> DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System
> Administrator.
> DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System
> Administrator.
> DBCC CheckIdent(Credits)

This is jsut page updates done by the consistency checker.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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