[Emerald] Re: LDAP + Emerald

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 19 May 1999 17:11:14 -0700

Alexander Blauvelt wrote:
> We're using Mailsite 3.3.1 with Emerald 2.5 and mail is working like a
> champ so far. The question I have now is when I connect to mailsite's
> LDAP server I can search for users, however the username is all that
> appears in the Name field -- making the search functionality of LDAP
> useless. Can Mailsite pull personal information from the emerald
> database? How would this be setup? The queries seem to be terrible slow
> as well.

Currently there is no connection between the Mailsite LDAP server and
the Emerald database. The LDAP server is allowing those users that have
been auto-created (or manually) to be seen, but not those users in
Emerald that haven't been created in Mailsite yet. The current proc
doesn't send the fullname either.

> Also, when I do a query as "*", the LDAP server starts showing me every
> email address on the server. Call me crazy, but I don't a user to be able
> to query the server to get our entire userlist for spam or whatever else
> they think of.

I've got an RFE in with Mailsite to restrict which entries are LDAP
allowed. Maybe an additional one would be to limit the number of
users returned on one query?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc. www.iea-software.com