Re: [Emerald] radius loging

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 15:38:08 -0800

Griswold Wayne wrote:
> I upgraded to RadiusNT2.5.261 along with the Emerald2.5.261 and the logfile
> stopped generating when in debug mode (radius -x15). I still have the
> logfile entered in the Authentication logfile space on RAdiusNT Admin. But
> now I'm getting all the debug to the screen instead of the file.

The changes.txt for RadiusNT (in the
file) cover this. You might want to download that as well. You need
to run it as a service to get the logs. Running it in -x15 debug
mode will always print to the screen now.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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