Re: [Emerald] ARGGH! Users are not being removed from calls online!

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 01:04:23 -0800

Franco Nogarin - Cascade Publishing wrote:
> I have just noticed that users are not being properly removed from the
> timeonline screen, this is causing them to get refused when they try to log
> on as it appears that the login limits are in effect and the user is not
> online!
> What do I check? How can I fix this, I cant keep up to the customer service
> calls!
> I am using Emerald 2.5 (229) and radius NT 2.5 (151),

The first think i would do is turn on concurrency control in RadiusNT
until you figure out whats going on.

This is typically caused by RadiusNT not correctly receiving the stop
record for the NAS. I know of a couple of NASes that have a problem
like that when the user disconnects without doing an LCP_DISCONNECT

See if the problem is centered around one specific NAS you have or
a specific type/vendor. Then also look at the OS versions of it to
see if there are different revs avaialble or in use.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |

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