Re: Ip address and concurrency

Thomas Kernen ( )
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 12:38:44 +0200

Dale Reed wrote:
> > Also, using concurrency control to allow multiple connections with the
> > same user ID I noticed that only MP and MPP connections will allow
> > adding channel ie: 2 seperate users using the same ID cannot login at
> > the same time even if the account allows multiple logins.
> Make sure you have variable login limits enabled. Otherwise, RadiusNT
> ignores the Login Limit field and uses one for all users.


yes I do have variable login limits enabled. As I mentioned, if a user
has a login limit of 2, he will be able to do channel bundling. On the
other hand if he wants to login twice from 2 separate computers he
wouldn't be able to login with the second connection.
