Bug in Manual Calls Update? Bug in Concurrency?

Postman Account ( postman@cp-tel.net )
Sun, 10 May 1998 20:48:56 -0500


We have configured "ServerPorts" on our P2-300..
128mb RAM machine-- running Access95 w/RadiusNT...
no sql... about 2% (or so) proc. usage. "Manual
Calls Update" is selected... running on
RadiusNT v2.2... with several Ascend MAX 40xx...
and Cisco.... multiple logins are being denied..
but, a problem is starting to be noticed.

Either 2 things are going on with concurrency
control enable... here is the situtation... and
what it might be...

A customer by the name of "john" said he should login
periodically throughout the day... I went up to
the office just now... but, currently, he couldn't login..
so I did some checking... and ServerPorts showed him as
being still being logged in (AccStatus=1).

I did some testing... he happen to call... and login while I
was testing... and either number one... or two... is happening
not sure which at this time...


1. If a user has given out their username/password...
and the second user tries to login... while the first
user is on... and the second user hits a different
NAS... Radius doesn't record that the second user
was thrown off in "ServerPorts" (due to their multiple
logins)... so, their account is "locked" until we
manually correct it.

It is a bit severe for users that use our service
at different locations... because, they'll have a
chance that their account will be locked... until
we unlock it.


2. The multiple login deny feature for RadiusNT is
somewhat broken when using Manual Calls Update.

Now, I have seen "john" have multiple logins in the past...
which weren't denied-- because we didn't have ServerPorts

When I tried to login.... when he was already on... I was
thrown off.... denied... but, the "ServerPorts" showed my second
login... to still be active... on the other NAS... even though
I was disconnected by Radius (since "john" was currently
logged in).

Has anyone else seen this problem? Suggestions?

I suspect it is the first guess... a bug with Manual Calls
Update... not sure... help!