Lost Administration ability

Michael Whisenant ( mwhisen@airnet.net )
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 20:15:11 -0500

I have lost the ability to administrate my Emerald database with the
Emerald Admin. When I login and look for the Operators tab, it reports
'blank' where operators should be. When I go to the section to load the
servers it reports an 'out of range' error. I have tried Admin 2.1.19 and
the latest 2.2.31.

Under billing cycles I get the error SQL Server Error: 208 Inavlid object
name 'Billing Cycles State:1 Severity=16.

Under the ports tab it hangs forever then gives a DBLibrary Error10038
attemtpted to start new process with one pending. On occasions I get a
db32002 out of memory error and this machine has 512MB over 256MB devoted
to SQL.

Michael J. Whisenant
Vice-President, Operations
AIRnet Internet Services, Inc.
ph: (256) 704-4692 fax: (256) 704-2329