Re: Terminate Cause

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 07 Jul 1998 12:41:24 -0700

David Kerr wrote:
> I would like to get my terminate cause field working in emerald.
> I am getting accounting info into the DB "calls" but the
> AcctTerminateCause is still showing all null's.
> What do i need to start getting that info? I have an ascend MAX 4002

First, send a nasty-gram to Ascend and tell them to use the
RFC attributes, rather than pulling their own out of thier....

Ascend uses a non-RFC attribute called Ascend-Disconnect-Cause. Now
the good news is thats its just an int like the RFC
You can trick RadiusNT into saving the Ascend one into the Calls Table
by renaming the Ascend-Disconnect-Cause to the RFC name.

> I have tried to add AcctTerminateCause to a radius profile but nothing shows up in the calls table.

Thats not going to accomplish anything.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |