Re: RadiusNt with Oracle

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 01:19:25 -0800

Flemming Eriksen wrote:
> I create a function in Oracle like:
> --------------------------------------------------
> Create function GetDate
> Cdate varchar2(9);
> CURSOR get_date is
> select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY')
> from sys.dual;
> Begin
> Open get_date;
> Fetch get_date into Cdate;
> Close get_date;
> RETURN(Cdate);
> End GetDate;
> --------------------------------------------------
> SQL> select getdate from sys.dual;
> Result is:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> 04-FEB-98

Seems like a lot of work for such a basic function. :( Ok, I assume you can
change the formatting to include the time as well? Send me some email and
we'll keep working on this for the 2.5 release. I don't see a reason for
it to be in the list traffic.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |