Re: Ascend and ISDN
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 22:09:29 -0600

Hmmm well I saw the NAS-Port Attribute, but from your message I assume
that won't do any good at the moment we are using the latest public
release of both radius and emerald.

I also looked at the the data schema in the radiusNT docs on exactly would I accomplish this with emerald
and using MAX4000s.

i.e. I have a service type PPP so it cannot use ISDN ports on the max
which all start with a 1 and ISDN service type which can't use a modem
port which starts with a 2 and a service type that can use either???

Any ideas or has anyone else done this?

Brian Adams

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 16:13:00 -0800, you wrote:

> wrote:
>> Couple more questions before we go live with Emerald and RadiusNT
>> Is there a way to limit a certain login to ISDN or to modem calls only
>> or both the NAS is a MAX4000
>> When we were using a unix radiusd we had to add a field that looked at
>> the port they logged in on.....on the max the ports for ISDN start
>> with a 1 and modem a 2 so we coded that in.
>> Is there an easier way with radius and emerald?
>You can use ServerPortAccess to limit what accounttypes in
>Emerald can access which ports on the MAX. This isn't supported
>in the Emerald 2.1 admin, so you would have to do it at the
>database level. The latest 2.2 admin migh support it though.
>RadiusNT 2.5 will support check attributes in the database which
>would simplify just checking the NAS-Port-Type attribute for the
>allowed call.