Re: Postoffice 3.12 and SMTP routing

Mitchell B. Wagers ( (no email) )
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:48:22 -0800

At 03:36 PM 3/23/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Don't use the SMTP Mail Routing Table in Post.Office for this.
>I am assuming that your customer has their own domain (or at least
>subdomain like If so, first go to your DNS records.
>The first priority MX should be their mail server, the second should be
>your mail server.
>If you are restricting mail relaying (as you should be) you should have
>"restrict relay mail except as indication below" with "allow relay from
>these IP addresses" checked and your IP address block(s) typed in. Below
>that, Allow Delivery to "No Domain exept those listed below" checked and
>"Local Mail Domains" and "Additional Domains" checked. The customer's
>domain SHOULD NOT BE a local domain. Put their domain name ("")
>in the additional domains box.
>So far, Post.Office will hold their mail while they aren't on and every xxx
>seconds it will retry to send any queued mail and give it to them if there
>server is logged on.
>Next, check out You will want to
>configure their exchange server to connect at a regular interval and send
>the QSND command to Post.Office when it connects. The QSND command tells
>Post.Office to send their mail to their server right now, instead of
>waiting until the next queueing period. That way, their server doesn't have
>to wait on-line, and they get their mail as fast as if it were a POP
>(To answer another question....) The customer loses a lot of functionality
>by co-locating a mail server, rather than having it locally. They lose the
>ability to send mail within the office and do any schedule sharing that
>exchange might offer.

They do lose the scheduling, but they do not lose the ability to send mail.
Dial-on-demand, not dial-on-schedule here.

>Hope all this helps....
>>We have a customer with an ISDN LAN-LAN connection to
>>our internet POP. This means the customers ISDN router dials on
>>demand to our portmaster 3 when needed, but our portmaster 3 does
>>NOT call their router if their is traffic queued for servers on their side.
>>This customer has his own mailserver on his LAN which is not
>>permanently connected to the internet because
>>he uses ISDN dial-on demand on his side.
>>Is there a possibility to set up Postoffice 3.12 under NT
>>to collect all the mails for his domain while his server is not
>>connected to the internet, and that his mailserver collects
>>all these mails from our postoffice server when his ISDN
>>connection is up? The customers mailserver is MS Exchange.
>>Is the SMTP Mail Routing Table the place to set this up?
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