Re: Reverse DNS using Microsoft DNS

Lloyd Brunt ( )
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 11:00:17 +0000

At 13:44 17/03/98 -0500, you wrote:


<excerpt><smaller>So far, I have figured out Microsoft DNS, mostly. When
it comes to the reverse DNS look up though for A records I am hesitant to
add them. Currently I only have 2 A records that do not have an
associated PTR record in the file. In the properties of
these A records, it says to update the associated PTR file. Should I go
ahead and add these PTR files so reverse DNS can take place?


<smaller>Beverly L. Wise

Systems Operator

Falls City Net Services




Beverly, I'd strongly recommend that you have reverse lookup entries.
Many mail servers now verify that the email comes from where it says it
does by using a reverse lookup. If yours doesn't work, you run the risk
of your email being rejected.

-Regards, Lloyd


Lloyd Brunt NTMail/NTList on

Techincal Support NT Products on

Internet Shopper Sales Tel: +44 1275 340333, Fax: 340056
