Swaping client database

Dragan Dincic-Dine ( dine@swiftkenya.com )
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:25:00 +0300

>We are working with Portmaster 2e on 10 ports and our RadiusNT is working
on NT 4.0 Server.
>I woulkd like to set filters for our clients to have access ie:
>6am-12am = Full Internet access
>5pm-8am (+ weekends) = Full Internet access
>12am-12pm = e-mail only
>I haven't see in any manual how I can set filters which can be run on
specific time.

>>RADIUS does not have any support for time based limits at this time. Sorry.

Since Radius does not have any support for time based limits I got idea:
1. Create two cleients database
- One is allowing clients two have a full Inet.acces
- Other one does not allowing
2. Than I can use WIN'95 Schedule to swap this two clients database on
specific time.

My question is:
How this afects Radius software. What is happening with Radius if he got
another database
How fast can be that change and does it affect Radius software.

Best regards,

Dragan Dincic - Dine dine@swiftkenya.com
Tel: + 254 2 54 55 33
Swift Global (K) Fax: + 254 2 54 55 34