Time filter

Dragan Dincic-Dine ( dine@swiftkenya.com )
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 10:19:34 +0300

We are working with Portmaster 2e on 10 ports
and our RadiusNT is working on NT 4.0 Server.

I woulkd like to set filters for our clients
to have access ie:

6am-12am = Full Internet access
5pm-8am (+ weekends) = Full Internet access
12am-12pm = e-mail only

I haven't see in any manual how I can set
filters which can be run on specific time.

Please, help

Best regards,

Dragan Dincic - Dine dine@swiftkenya.com
Tel: + 254 2 54 55 33
Swift Global (K) Fax: + 254 2 54 55 34