Can't figure this out

Greg Lowthian ( )
Thu, 29 May 1997 09:44:18 -0700

I have 3 PM3's that give me this and wont update calls online

Response Time: 200
radrecv: Request from host c76ba402 code=4, id=194, length=93
Acct-Session-Id = "0B0001E6"
User-Name = "CyClem5"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 28
NAS-Port-Type = Async
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Address =
Acct-Delay-Time = 0

SQL Statement: UPDATE CallsOnline Set AcctStatusType=2, CallDate=GetDate() WHER
E NASIdentifier=''

Sending Accounting Ack of id 194 to c76ba402 (

And one Computone PowerRack that updates calls online and gives me this.

Response Time: 230
radrecv: Request from host ceab730a code=4, id=8, length=83
Acct-Status-Type = Start
NAS-Identifier =
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Name = "kp1"
NAS-Port = 1
Acct-Session-Id = "266.01.0"
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Address =
LOG: Bad authenticator: from - ID: 8

SQL Statement: INSERT INTO Calls (CallDate,AcctStatusType,NASIdentifier,AcctDel
VALUES (GetDate(),1,'',0,'kp1',1,'266.01.0',2,1,'')

SQL Statement: UPDATE CallsOnline Set UserName='kp1', AcctStatusType=1, CallDat
e=GetDate(), FramedAddress='DIALUP4112.ISAT.COM' WHERE NASIdentifier='206.171.1
15.10' and NASPort=1

Sending Accounting Ack of id 8 to ceab730a (

Srarting radius with -x15

Administrator Settings
Authentication= none
Accounting= none
Mode= ODBC/Text Files
Debug= All
Options= Manual Calls Update
DSN= Radius