Re: Emerald failing to refresh later ports on Portmaster

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 5 Jun 1997 16:52:34 -0700 ()

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Phil Blancett wrote:

> Hello All, I was wondering if anyone has seen this before. We installed
> Service Pak 2 for SQL 6.5 and now our Portmaster is failing to update ports
> S17-24? On the other ports it is able to refresh OK. I now have "Ghost
> Logins" with more minutes online than our current uptime. Thx

re-port the server might help. The only other time I have
seen this was when a SQL Server was just hosed. Re-creating
the database fixed the problem. I start with re-porting
the server and running this from isql_w:

dbcc checkdb(Emerald)
