Re: Calls Online

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 12:04:45 -0500

I've got a pretty similar setup, though everything is working fine over
here. I've got our first DS1 (T1) going into Wan 1 and the second going
into Wan 2. All ports have been configured in the Max via the Max Console.

Is your Max configured for all 48 or just the original 24? An easy way to
tell is to log onto the Max console (directly or via telnet) and look at
the two top windows on the right side of the screen. They should look
nearly identical and will say something like: "L1/LA" and "L2/LA". If any
callers are online right now, you'll see a * below the the portnumber they
came in on (this is not representative of the actual digital modem being
used). Another way to tell, is by hitting ^d then select "Password" and
select the full-control pword. Then, hit ^d again, and this time, select E
(Termsrv). At the prompt, type in
show users
and see the ports that are in use.
Whenever you're done with Termsrv, just hit q.

On the Emerald end, go into Emerald Admin / Config Radius / Server ports
You should see ports 10101-10124, 20101-20124, 10201-10224, 20201-20224
Ports that start with 1, represent ports for digital calls, such as ISDN,
while your normal modem users will come in on ports starting with 2.

Josh Hillman

From: David Mulberry <>
To: 'Emerald Mailing List' <>
Subject: Calls Online
Date: Friday, April 04, 1997 11:16 AM

Hello again,

I have recently changed the configuration on my MAX 4000 from one T-1 t0 2
T-1's. I have 12 active channels on each T-1. Before I made this change
call online was working fine, now nothing is showing up. I did a report
for the MAX4000, still no luck. Can anyone tell me what port numbers
should I have in Emerald db so I can get this working? I have my first
T-1 going into WAN - 3 and second going into WAN-1. When I had the one T-1
line and calls online working, I had my port numbers starting at 20101
through 20124 and the T-1 going into WAN - 1.

Any ideas on what the port numbers should be for the above set up?

David Mulberry

Emerald Mailing List