Re: Radius & ODBC & SQL

Tommy Cheng ( )
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 23:47:43 -0800

Philip Thomas wrote:
> SQL Statement: INSERT INTO Calls
> (CallDate,AcctSessionId,UserName,NASIdentifier,NASPort,NASPortType,AcctStatusType,AcctSessionTime,AcctInputOctets,AcctOutputOctets,NASPortDNIS,AcctTerminateCause,UserService,FramedProtocol,FramedAddress,AcctDelayTime)
> VALUES (GetDate(),'1A00001D','phil','208.203.75.
> 5',1,0,2,2790,176196,631292,'8260470',1,2,1,'',2880)
> ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY
> constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert duplicate key in object
> 'Calls'.

Apparently your radius server is trying to send duplicate infomation to
the SQL server.

> Response Time: 1094
> radrecv: Request from host d0cb4b05 code=4, id=70, length=113
> Acct-Session-Id = "1A00001D"
> User-Name = "phil"
> NAS-Identifier =
> NAS-Port = 1
> NAS-Port-Type = Async
> Acct-Status-Type = Start
> Acct-Authentic = Local
> NAS-Port-DNIS = "8260470"
> Caller-Id = "\200\2037029728923"
> User-Service = Framed-User
> Framed-Protocol = PPP
> Framed-Address =
> Acct-Delay-Time = 5670
> Allocating Statement...
> SQL Statement: INSERT INTO Calls
> (CallDate,AcctSessionId,UserName,NASIdentifier,NASPort,NASPortType,AcctStatusType,NASPortDNIS,UserService,FramedProtocol,FramedAddress,AcctDelayTime)
> (GetDate(),'1A00001D','phil','',1,0,1,'8260470',2,1,'',5670)
> ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY
> constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert duplicate key in object
> 'Calls'.
> Response Time: 875

Try to add -A to the radius server. If you already have -A then get rid
of it to see if the problem still exist.
