Re: Good Mail Server for NT?

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 28 May 1997 00:08:08 -0700 ()

On Wed, 28 May 1997 (Petar Nikolich) wrote:

> No matter what others may say I have stuck by Post.Office since the start
> while other have been and gone. I am comfortable with the scalibility of this
> product although it is not cheap

Until you grow, it starts corrupting your mail files, and Software.Com
says "I dunno, put it on UNIX. UNIX doesn't exhibit this behavior".
I bought an NT mail server, not a UNIX mail server! :(

I just finished testing NTMail with the Emerald Authentication DLL.
You can create a FARM of servers to scale with, all authenticating
off the Emerald/SQL Server database. Thats what I call "scalibility".
Post.Office has a very small, finite number of simultaneous connections
it can handle, which is very memory intensive at that.

Oh yeah, IS also fixed problems (can you say spam) in a reasonable
amount of time.
