Re: FTP Questions

Eric Fagan ( (no email) )
Fri, 9 May 1997 14:18:09 -0600

> From: Mark A. Knight <>
> Subject: FTP Questions

> How do you allow customers to maintain their own web sites?
> Do they have to be setup as a user in the NT Domain and be granted the
> correct rights to their directory? I hope this is not the case.

> Can/should you setup client WWW and FTP site in the same directory. Is
> that easier to maintain and less of a security issue?

If you are using IIS 3 FTP, then yes, you must have the users in the SAM
database to give them exclusive access & rights to enter their ftp
directory -- otherwise, the only other option is to give all users access.
Other FTP programs (Serv-U, War-FTP, etc) do not use the domain user base.
Since you've mentioned Emerald, I believe Dale will have some answers for
you in the way of how those other FTP programs integrate. As for FTP / Web
publishing in the same dir, that's usually no problem. As long as the
directory available to IIS & has IUSR_(machine) read rights, then people
can view those files on the web.

Eric Fagan