Re: Expires date

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 17:13:04 -0700

Duane Schaub wrote:
> Under closer scrutiny, I have found an irritating behavior. When creating
> an account, you have the paid thru date, followed by (example) 7 days for
> the expires date. I also put about 7 days in the extendsion field.
> Now, Whenever an invoice is generated, it is based on the expires date.
> When you pay the invoice, it adds one month to the expires, AND puts that
> date in the paid thru date. I don't want that to happen. What I want is
> for the customer to see the paidthru date as their expiration. The expires
> date is basically the 7 day grace period that customers don't really see.
> I want them to get the seven days grace, but I don't want them to know
> about it... ie its not on the invoices.

Then set thie LIMIT field to 7, not the extension, and make sure you are
using 1.16.90 of RadiusNT.

Extension is CLEARED after each payment
Limit is KEPT after each payment.

> Question: What the (*&* is the paidthru date for anyway? It appears to be
> excess or mal-coded baggage!

Its not used by RadiusNT, but is used in Emerald to show what the last
Thru date was. You could change the expire (comping an account, etc)
doesn't change the date they PAID thru.

> I have brought this up several times, asking for clarification, but have
> never seen a response. I believe that the paidthru and expires code needs
> an additional application of grey matter to atleast make it functional.

Other people on the list, as well as myself, have responded to this.
There was a thread a while back about it as well.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |