Re: Serv-U and emer_su.dll

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 22:26:54 -0700

Kelly Wright wrote:
> We have installed Serv-U successfully on our new server.
> The emer_su.dll loads fine. When we test the ftp for a users account we
> get an "550 Access denied" error. The dir info is not showing up in the
> wsftp window.

Is Serv-U running in foreground mode or as a service? Does the user
is running as have permissions to the UNC that you have specified for
the user?

Run Serv-U in foreground mode. If it still doesn't work, then open a
prompt and do a:

dir \\server\users\username

or whatever the directory for the user is. What happens on the dir?

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |