RE: Check Field

Jeremy Domingue ( )
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 16:50:48 -0800

It is extremely important for us to have this field also. We have many =
people that call with billing questions and it is necessary for us to =
have the check numbers. Without the check numbers, it would be really =
difficult to tell a person what the last check we received was. :)

Jeremy Domingue
Webmaster, Tehachapi Mountain Internet

-----Original Message-----
From: L Rhea []
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 1997 9:36 PM
Subject: Check Field

I know you are extremely busy, but I really need that field back to put =
the check #'s in. The only thing keeping us from shutting down our old =
program right now is that field.
If you could have this field appear after you click on pay (at the main =
invoice screen) when it comes up to ask you if you wish to show this =
invoice paid. Just a little 10 character or so field at that point would =
be perfect. This would enable check #'s, token #'s or whatever else to =
be put there.
Our bookeeper is screaming at myself and David right now :) so please, =
please get this done.

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