Re: On-Line Tab

Mike Davis ( )
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 10:29:31 -0500

Using the Emerald Administrator Program(emeradmn.exe) Click on Config
Radius, then click the server ports tab. Go through the ports until you
find this user, uncheck the Online checkbox, save, exit.

Another way:

Using sql query analyzer or isql execute this query update callsonline set
acctstatustype = 2 where nasidenifier = ""

this will clear everyone on that terminal server offline.

At 07:35 AM 3/11/97 -0800, you wrote:
>In Emerald .75 I've got a user who's showing up as being on for 24064
minutes. But the user is not really connected. He can log on normally in
which case he shows up twice in the On-Line tab. He's in the MBR only once.
How do I get this bogus entry out?
>Also I've Emailed sales for info over a week ago and heard nothing yet.
>Cory Williams
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Mike Davis