Re: Random passwords for 2.0.75

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 23:24:51 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, RHS Linux User wrote:
> 1. Encrypt Passwords - Store the passwords encrypted in the database??? Read
> DES encrypted passwords?

Not currently supported. You would use this in conjunction with the
encrypted password option of RadiusNT to store all passwords in the
database in one-way MD5 (just like UNIX does).

> 2. Restrict Account Deleting - To whome? Everyone? If this is checked, does
> it mean that NO one can delete accountes?

Not currently supported. This will be replaced by the operator
access and remote mode configs.

> 3. Restrict Account Changing - Same as above....

Same as 2.

> 4. Random Passwords - Alright.. I've got a length, how to I tell the software
> to GENERATE a password for me?

If you missed my earlier note, there is a bug in the admin.
CHange both random length and min length, then save (make
sure you delete the number, and re-type it) and the
random password will work.
