
Peter A. Sang ( (no email) )
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:03:48 +0100

DBCC checkallow (or newalloc) gave me lots of 'page allocation errors'
(Error 2540)

Found another undocumented one: in MSKB I fount a hint to DBCC FIX_AL
(), (http://www.microsoft.com/kb/articles/q132/4/48.htm) which tries to
correct such errors. Unfortunately my DB was FUBAR, so this didn't
helped. Seems I'll have to recreate Traffic (250MB) from the textfiles

cu, Peter

Peter A. Sang
SANG Computersysteme GmbH * Kruppstr. 82-100 * 45145 Essen * Germany
T: +49-201-82020-0 * F:-40 * http://sang.net * mailto:pesa@sang.net
* Microsoft Solution Provider * Intel Systems Integrator *

>Von: Dale E. Reed Jr.[SMTP:daler@iea.com]
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Februar 1997 19:53
>An: emerald@iea.com
>Betreff: Re: %$=A7!@!!! SQL-Server

>On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Peter A. Sang wrote:
>> Allocation Discrepancy: Page is allocated but not linked; check the
>> following pages and ids: allocation pg#=3D90368 extent id=3D90488 =
>> pg#=3D90489 object id on extent=3D1461580245 (object name =3D =
Traffic) indid
>> on extent=3D3
>> What does it mean, and how do I fix it?? DBCC CHECKDB gives me no =
>> at all, everything looks fine.
>Did you try DBCC CheckAlloc()? This should check the allocation
>pages (the errors are pointing to). I also found a usefull DBCC command
>undocumented yesterday called DBCC CheckIdent().
>> 2. This is from our error.log file:
>> 97/02/26 06:39:53.06 spid11 Fehler: 1105, Schweregrad: 17, Zustand: =
>> 97/02/26 06:39:53.06 spid11 Kann f=FCr Objekt 'MSProxyLog' in =
>> 'Emerald' keinen Speicher reservieren, da 'default' Segment voll ist. =
>> Syslogs kann durch Speichern des Protokolls Platz geschaffen werden.
>> Sonst ALTER DATABASE oder sp_extendsegment verwenden, um die
>> Segmentgr=F6=DFe zu erh=F6hen.
>Yeah, right. :)
>> For those not German-challenged: Cannot allocate space for Object =
>> in db 'yyyy' because the 'default' segment is full .....
>Do you have your logspace on another device? Sounds like you
>either ran out of room in the Emerald or master database.
>> The db has a size of 1GB, used space is around 500 MB. What does
>> 'default-segment' mean _exactly_? What am I missing???? How do I fix
>> it???
>Did you look at your master DB?
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