Re: [Emerald] netmask problems help please...

Brian Dooley ( )
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 18:12:01 -0400

Kenneth Jaeger wrote:

> I received the following message from a client of mine.. I thought
> that when a customer dialed in we were suppose to give them a mask of
> so that they could not some how use other IP's on that
> class c network. Any help or advise would be appreciated...Ken To whom
> it may concern: I am running a Win2k machine, and connecting to you as
> my ISP. I am guessing you are running NT 4.0 boxes, or something
> similar, because I am receiving something strange. My subnet mask
> appears to be whenever I am connected to you. While
> this is normally impossible, it is happening, and it is interfering
> with some security software I am running. I would appreciate it if
> you could fix it. Included is the URL with the problem description
> and resolution as per
> Microsoft:

Note, he did not suggest what his subnet mask should be. :-)

And if you read the KB article it refers to establishing the static
route option from the DHCP server.
And unless the customer is RASing into your NT Server, I imagine your
NAS and RADIUS are the ones establishing the IP addresses and netmasks,
not the M$ DHCP Server.


--------------------------------------------------------Thank You,Brian DooleyClassic Service

`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` - Man cannot survive except by gaining knowledge, and reason is his only means to gain it.-

Ayn Rand

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